[PC] My list of bugs since update 33

  • Impossible to harvest human ( with yog knife /axe / etc. )

  • Cannot place furniture or anything else inside the house but it work sometimes outside

  • Bow aim really bad in 1st person , aim too high

  • making the bow shoot an arrow automatically is really bad imo bow is supposed to be a hold/release to be able to time your shot correctly **If left click is auto-shot, right click should remain aimed shot and NOT fire until released.

  • some animals cannot be lock on target like Rhino , or you need to be really close

  • character make animal sounds when fighting

  • Physics on clothing still randomly stop working

  • When there is a sandstorm and I open house door all the thrall that are inside the house run outside

  • Thrall wont hold their weapon but not sure if its a bug or not , maybe they equip it automatically now ?

  • in the grasslands between the northern desert and the frozen lands, there now live only one bear and two cubs, no other animals, are to be found

  • when loging in, char has fallen through two layers of floor, and is stuck under the foundations

  • Annoying message saying " no room left in inventory "

  • Camera shaking in 1st person when walking around a house , I think its doing the falling animation for some reason

  • Can’t hit human NPCs who are underneath large tents or canvases until they are lured out from underneath said structures

  • Can’t currently throw gaseous orbs

*Updated from reading replys


male character make animal sounds when fighting

Females do it, too. My entire clan is females, and one of my clanmates has that bug.

I had this happen too. It was hilarious. I’m assuming they are chasing the sandstorm because it is damaging them

I had this happen too. It was hilarious. I’m assuming they are chasing the sandstorm because it is damaging them

So they’re aggroing the Sandstorm…that’s…unbelievably funny and I demand a video clip. Preferably to the “Benny Hill” theme.

I’ll try to get one when I get home. It’s pretty good. I didn’t open the door until the end of it. You can see them just running off toward where it was rolling through

Cant place any items either, on one official server, but on another i can :thinking: also cant harvest humans with religion tools, also in the grasslands between the northern desert and the frozen lands, there now live only one bear and two cubs, no other animals, are to be found for miles and miles (we had to relocate, due to food shortage), last bug ive noticed is, when i log in, my char has fallen through two layers of floor, and is stuck under the foundations, so i have to dig myself out :joy: hope it helps with, eliminating most bugs before launch (would be nice with a known bugs, sticky)

Yeah on my private server very few major problems occurred. Someone’s temple disappeared but other than that placing items is fine. A few thralls aren’t holding their weapons, and the annoyinging no room left in inventory. But other then that is is playing better than usual

110% agree here. If left click is auto-shot, right click should remain aimed shot and NOT fire until released. Works this way in pretty much any game that has a bow ever. Not sure why it needs to be this way here or if it’s even intended. Hopefully not intended.

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  • Can’t hit human NPCs who are underneath large tents or canvases until they are lured out from underneath said structures
  • Can’t currently throw gaseous orbs