Would it be possible to fix the sunday settings for raid hours. Every new update I test this and there doesn’t seem to be a solution. It prevents us from setting the starting time for raiding hours on sunday.
Is not a visual bug. I know you guys gotta fix a lot issues ingame but “texture issue” should not be a priority over bugs like this one or many other potential game breaking bugs that need your attention.
hello, can someone help me ? yesterday my game was normal and all, today when i turn on my pc and go to steam my game is uninstalled but still in the game files of steam, them i go and reinstall the game and after i open this error mensagem pops up h t t p://prntscr .com/xdjsyj
Dragon bone weapons are still nerfed by 10%.
Can you please restore original values?
For example dragon done axe is 49 damage now, it was 54 before.
So that means that the dragon bone weapon nerf was intentional, right? The way I’m reading this, they can be crafted with their pre-nerf stats using a T4 thrall.
Since Dragonbone weapons are superior to all but the top tier legendaries, without the worry of repair kits and accidental breakage, they have become a top choice.
With the Aggro Range and “following range” changes, you should reconsidering rework the Tight Dungeons aggro system. Admin modified Dungeons Mobs, aggro trough the walls and coming for you. No need to run at them. Also the Mobs do love to push my Thrall into the Walls and it get stuck there and not moving anymore.
This aggro range thing has it down points as you can see.
Keep that in Mind, if Funcom plan to design Dungeons content on Exiles or Siptah Map
clipping check for not NPC push other NPC into Walls or floors more often
check if Mobs can see trough walls or not. the solution right now has its downsides in tight places
I don’t know if this is a well known bug or what but i can’t get my corner stairs to snap in between the other stairs but they won’t at all. They used too but not anymore.