Pets 3.0 Are they worth it?

Hi guys, need some feedback here since the wiki is not very clear about these things, especially since 3.0.
Pets: are they worth it ? I mean, they can’t wear Armors or Weapons … can they still be good ?

What is the strongest pet you can get in Exile Lands ? Greater Sabretooth ?

Are demonic pets good ? The transformation is permanent ? I have a horse: do you suggest turning it demonic ?

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Quick answer. No.




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Greater Pets seem to do well, especially those named dogs in Siptah. Greater Sabertooth is still probably the best you can grab.

Zombies are stupidly good. If you can raise a Relic Hunter Treasure Seeker, T4 Fighter from Forgotten Tribe, Votarie of Skelos, or a tamable Relic Hunter named or Cimmerian Berserker.

Haven’t tried the Demons yet, though will soon. The demonic horse is kinda meh, and I believe the Undead Horse (Battlepass) is just a reskinned regular horse.

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I have been off of official for a couple days new ps4 update today will check out tomorrow last I played greater sabertooth was still pretty good keep animals away from poisonous NPC,S.

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Yep, it’s just a horse (not Just Horse, who is a different animal). It’s like the Black and White horse skins from one of the older DLCs, it just changes the horse’s appearance. Still chews on vines.


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Here just to leave a feedback.
Tried Greater Sabretooth and … hell, it’s strong. It hits like a truck.

It was just lv.5, but its attacks were stronger than mine (and I was using Ancient Lemurian Axe with Master Weapon Fitting and running 20 Str Build). Now it is lv.10 and it’s even stronger. Can’t wait to see what will be at lv.20 with good perks.

Of course it doesn’t make combos, so each attack is 1 single attack, while I hit 4 times, but I’m satisfied as it is.

It’s only downside is the fact that you can’t equip armors of it. If they could wear armors, Pets would be perfectly balanced and won’t require further adjustments.

I really hope devs would introduce Pet Armors sooner or later. That would be cool and Pets would be worth, being only slightly weaker than thralls.


If you mean the demon lord perk, dont bother. Its total junk. Not only are they very short-lived, hit no better than zombies, proc randomly so they wont appear when you need them, they also easily attack you and your other thralls. And demons make capturing thralls a total pain cause they appear and attack and kill said thrall…

I hate accidentally hitting my horse while mining iron and having 3 demons appear and attack me. I dont know who thought this was a good idea. They really need to change it to only proc off weapon attacks at least.

The best method seems to be to corrupt authority only 19 points (1 point short of 4th corrupted perk) and having well-trained instead. The only problem with well-trained is that when you order your zombies to follow, they take approx 30 minutes to reach full health from well-trained…ridiculously long time anyway.

well-trained with zombies is absolutely ridonkulous. Ive had a zombie with 17000 hit points and I havent even managed to zombify any named thralls…

ps. The undead horse from marketplace does indeed seem like reskin of a normal horse with no special abilities.

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They’re pretty good. They always have been btw, people just didn’t like them cuz you can’t equip them with armors so they were always glass cannons… And prior to this update you slapped a vitality armor on your thralls which gave them even more insane HP, that you yet again couldn’t do with pets.
They have very high damage, way lower survivability than human thralls.

It looks cool, but for now the shop has some issues. Basically all the battle pass / bazaar permissions are stored online on their server, which means any time you lose connection to Funcom live services you can’t use your stuff… So if that were to happen you simply wouldn’t be able to ride your horse that has a battlepass skin on it.
Something to keep in mind for now.

I just tried the summon demon last night, the one from the summoning circle, not the perk.

It wrecks face and can get over 9k hp. The problem I had with it is after about an hour or so it turned on me and then I had basically a boss to fight. That got spicy.

But it was a great pet until it did.

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Ah ok, I might try those. I hear the circle summons are good, particularly the armor. But they have a timer.

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Eh that sucks … but at least they look good for dungeons.

Always have food in a pets inventory to heal it. it’s better to have more than one full stack if a lot of fights are expected. While le pets is still leveling I feed it with the food giving +14% in the attribute I want to raise. Then after lvl 20 is reached I feed the pet with the giving the max healing per second.
The attribute I try to raise the most is usually vitality. Without armour I think it’s better for a pet to have as much HPs as possible. But I only use in dungeons greater sabertooth tiger in the Exiled Land and Brutus in the Isle of Siptah. Both raise strength without any help during their leveling and Brutus get 3 strength perks, always the same, that make him monstrous.

Ive had a summoned corpse with 17000 hp. Unfortunately these last only like 24 hours or something? I dont know exactly but they seem to disappear on their own eventually. But in any rate the corpses with well-trained perk are total bonkers. Unnamed city is a stroll in the park when you got three of these bad boys following you.

I only have 14,8k version here as an example, the old ones melted. If they dont have good perks, you can use the potion of rebirth to roll them better ones.

Oh and it would be GREAT if corpses didnt bug out and be invisible most of the time.

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