Game mode: Online
Problem: Bug/Performance
I have had quite a few pets and thralls die on me out of absolutely nowhere… Nothing attacking them, they just randomly stop following… so i retrace my steps only to find the carcass of said pet/thrall. This is very frustrating as most of the pets I bring with me are the “greater” version which I farmed shadebloom from the new dungeon and made shadespiced food for the higher chance… All this extra work ripped from your grasp within a second due to a bug in the game. This is really un-motivating and makes me upset that I paid for all 3 DLC trying to support you
Not to mention all of the other problems we have to put up with sometimes… like the body dissapearing after death, losing hours of work in gear and weapons/tools. So much I’ve lost to literally nothing I have any control over. The new pet system has been amazing, and I love it very much but did you not test it? Did you not put thralls/pets into follow mode at all during testing? None of these problems ever happen for your “test-livers” ? Because if so, there are MANY MANY bugs you devs are missing out on. Don’t even get me started on the backwards logic of the game as well lol.