Signed in ~7a ET, 15Dec2020, only to find 1 pet and 2 thralls gone. Stable with an animal I was using for dung production, gone also.
Event log says the stable somehow was abandoned, even though I went to the stable to collect the dung for my compost box on the 14th.
But what is really ■■■■■■■ me off is the log says my pet/thralls were all killed by a giant crocodile around midnight on the 15th. Yeah, there is one near my base. With a wall I built between us. One ramp with sharpened stakes on the croc’s side I can barely get through without bleed damage. No damage to stakes or wall but somehow, someone must have lured that croc to my base, on a PVE server, without any damage to the wall or ramps, so it could kill my thralls/pet. Oh, left one greater croc pet alive, how I’m not sure as I put all of the pets/thralls around my base so all pets/thralls should have reacted to the giant croc attacking.
This is the 2nd time this has happened with that croc coming down and wiping my pets/thralls out. How though, I do not know, as I have tried to lure that giant croc, but no success despite wasting a lot of arrows. And the event logs don’t say squat on how this was done. Done without any damage to the wall I built. And allowed on a PVE server.
I do not like wasting my time building up just so some A-Hole can play PVP games on a PVE server.
So, someone explain why I should continue with this flaky game. If not, I will go re-subscribe to WOW.
I understand that you are pretty new to the game and losing your stuff early on can be quite the set back. This is a sandbox game and yes, there are A-Holes who live to make others miserable.
I have no ways to know what happened but I can offer my thoughts on it:
Your “stable”, I assume you mean animal pen here, was probably not close enough to share the decay timer of your main base which means it is running on its own timer. You have probably placed it on the ground directly as well. As this building doesn’t have sufficient building score on its own to reach the max decay timer, its timer is much shorter. As soon as you leave the rendering distance, the timer will start going down. In the case of small structures, it is not always sufficient to get there quickly to fully refresh the building. I would suggest crafting a repair hammer and inspect your structures to see how long you have before they decay. If you are playing on PC, you can also hold TAB and inspect the structure.
The croc may not be able to climb but it has a tail swipe attack which may cause damage on the other side of the “wall” if that wall is thin. Generally, bosses should not damage the buildings on PvE which would explain why your have not noticed any damage. Even if you have not managed to lure the croc yourself, this doesn’t mean that an experienced player wouldn’t be able to either.
Regarding the spikes, you have to be careful with these, they damage the enemies but they will bleed your thralls as well if they get in contact with them. Sometimes they hurt more than they help.
In order to protect your thralls until they are strong enough to handle the croc boss on their own, you can place them inside of a protected building with enough distance to make sure that the croc tail swipe doesn’t reach them.
It may help setting them to stand their ground and not run around and attack everything which comes in range.
If none of the above sounds an option for you and you really can’t be bothered dealing with this stuff on officials, you can consider playing on a private server or in single-player. All modes have their pros and cons.
Early on Conan Exiles can be quite frustrating but eventually, you learn how to deal with its issues.
EDIT: If you have built close to another player, it could be also that their purge attacks your base instead, however, this is unlikely to be the case here as you would have building damage as well.
I did not mention one item. The wall I set up is a distance from my base and was designed to keep the croc out. The spikes were on the croc’s side. So whoever did lead that croc down had to get through the spikes/wall well before the thralls would have been drawn in. You explained how no damage occurred.
I also noticed one item after my posting. That @#@# giant croc was not at its normal location, and almost got my toon as a result, so some one did get him to move as I have noticed creatures do not always return to where they came from.
And no, none of this sounds like an option on a PVE server. If there is no real difference between PVP and PVE in this game, again, I’ll go play games where there is a difference. I do not have the playing time to waste leveling combat thralls/pets every ~6 weeks.
Understand your frustration. PVE player vs environment crocodile boss is environment
Have noticed that crocodile hanging out beyond where he used to stay he was by river don’t think anyone else was on server. There’s a few private servers out there some are boosted you could try. Either way don’t give up.
My first base on an official PvE server was located right next to the white tiger spawn at the edge of the jungle. I can’t tell you how many low-level pets we lost due to other players kiting that blasted tiger to our base in order to escape the monster. It’s a frustrating situation to be sure.
All I can say here is that you time travel me 20 months back. My first beloved location to build was over the small lake that the croc boss lives, near the Sinners refuge cave. It was a fantastic location, and if you build wisely, you have anything you need to farm just outside your door. Because I spend a lot of time there I can assure you that this place is not so good after all. This croc will make your life miserable and the purge will always be only imps and crocodiles. You need human purges, all the others are just destruction and waste of time. So what I suggest to you is this. Farm as much as you can the Sinners refuge cave. In there you will find Assuras chosen crafters. Go and farm the hyenas armor recipe, farm Tugra and go north. Do not invest to much time in the beginners River. There is a great lake on the North, build to the East side of this lake and you’ll have plenty of human purges, plus you will be very close to Lians camp, he is a really good thrall, very strong actually. With Lian you can go to the undead lands and farm Cimmerian berserkers and fantastic armors and weapons. When you farm berserkers and equipment then head up to the bat caves. There you will farm the black blood tools and legendary weapons, like act of violence, holobone bow and arrows and ofcurce black blood. Before you even reach lvl 50 you ’ ll be totally legendary. Don’t forget…
To use shield and let your thrall to do the dirty work. If you can use a mace to sunder the enemy so your thrall will kill easier.
To place here and there bedrolls, North wolf’s, especially the corrupted one can one shot you.
Learn warming up cooking recipes and put berries in the fluid press to get berry pulp. Berry pulp removes the thirst without cooling you down.
I really hope I helped here, if you already know theese, then, nice to chat with you m8 .
That might not make you very popular on a official server. I have built multiple times above the cliff towards the tree to the west. Also on hillside close to Sinners refuge. Built by the big tree sw of Sinners refuge but seems to get buggy there running above stairs and such. This weekend I will see just how far I can kite that boss crocodile on my server.
Because, obviously, the best thing to do on a shared server is to completely nuke a spawn because you couldn’t be bothered to protect your thralls and pets…
Oh no they wouldn’t. I didn’t mean to say that it’s a nice move for a player to do. I think it’s part of the mechanics to clean up the server’s possibly. Had a kid playing on our server buy his telling 200 pets stacked at the river below crocodile lake. At that time thralls and pets didn’t disappear. When he went on to play something else not coming back. We had to clean up that mess and kiting crocodile boss was the main way to make room for others. This was before Sinners refuge was in the game to give you a reference. Stick with the game and maybe find a boosted private server. Good luck. Never meant anything disrespectful to you.
Lemme know how that works out when other people decide it’s okay to build their bases next to those two and pave over their spawns.
But it’s okay, because there are more skeleton keys and normal crocs on the map. Just like paving over the Shattered Springs is okay because there’s more brimstone on the map.
Or you could just place your thralls and pets where people can’t kite the croc. Like, inside a building or curtain walls or whatever.
At any rate, it doesn’t really matter. “Bad neighbor” people will always find a good rationalization for why their specific case is special and I don’t care enough to keep arguing.
My dear friend, you know how much i respect you. I know that you are a pure veteran of this game and an amazing soul. In this opinion however i will have to disagree with you. It is not correct in an official server to act like this. Some kids once create a 10 person clan and start build everywhere, especially in trihead boss spawn areas. So we end up to find the white tiger in sinkhole and the giant crock outside the Abysmal entrance. I know that i maybe sound crazy, but it was a reason to stop playing in this server for 2 months. The map is huge and it has a lot of places to build, without destroying any important spawn, we can always place our sandstone foundations somewhere else don’t you think?
This thing with the’ pet maniacs 'is a huge problem. The worst part is that the followers decay way later than the buildings. Ofcurse you are an admin on your server and you can spawn some arena champions to clear the area . Still the lags that all theese pets produce is a serius issue for all the kinds of servers. If it wasn’t pvp i believe that max 30 followers per person it would be a nice limit. You don’t need more.
This is really a good example what goes wrong. People build everywhere, blocking spawns, blocking paths and main ways and are just pissed off that “their” base or “their” pets are being hurt or attacked somehow. Funcom should program areas where building isn’t possible, near pathways, bosses, villages. The existent areas aren’t enough.
@copaysegundo@stelagel@CodeMage thanks for the support didn’t want to make anyone feel like they made a mistake for where they built. Blocking spawning of important areas I take care of on my server. Why I ask for clan names to get in touch with people. If someone ignorantly builds in the wrong spot I will give them materials to rebuild. Limit of a hundred thralls when Funcom said they were going to implement something 13 days and they are gone one has to manipulate server settings to make spawning the what I call goddesses in to play. Can cause problems fun in A ARENA though.