((PLEASE)) A new bench

Please, for the love of god, of Conan, of all things orderly!! Add a bench specifically for the construction of tier 2 and higher building parts. (Foundations, walls, roofs, etc.) It’s too cluttered now, with all the DLCs, it’s just too much in the character craft menu.


I’d rather have working filters (or my currwnt favorite idea, customizeable tabs) in the Crafting menu than another workbench. A lot of the time I craft individual building parts on the spot, so needing to run back to a workbench when I misclicked a ceiling piece on the outside of my house rather than inside would be annoying and tedious.


The problem is real but I fail to see how a new bench would solve it.

90% of the things in the handing craft menu are building pieces, and 99% of the time I use the handcraft menu is for craft build pieces, so you’ll just push the problem from your handcrafting menu to the bench cration menu.

Plus, benches like this will be awful because you’ll have or to pre-build your pieces before going in the place where you want to build or to place the bench in that place and returning to it to build each piece.

So all of this for what ? Having the very few things you can hand craft immediately at disposal in the menu ?

I think best solution could be just multiple creation menus (for example just ONE piece in the handcrafting main menu and when selected wich piece auto-opening a menu to select tier / style)


I would also dislike a separate crafting bench for building pieces.
What I would like is a better inventory system for all recipes.
Such as: top level similar to now - select type of object to see Construction, weapon/armor etc
Select: Construction and all other recipes disappear from menu, not just gray out the others but make them not visible at all
Now, they need to add a secondary row of filters for each top-level selection
For Construction it would be by tiers working left to right on the screen so there is space to add more as additional DLC buildings are added…something simple like:
1 = pieces that use tier one building materials
2 = pieces that use tier two building materials
3 = pieces of the base game that use tier three building materials
K = khitai DLC
A = Aquilonian DLC
P = Pict DLC
T = Turan DLC

And below this building type selection you have another row to select buildings components such as:

The game should remember our filter selection when we close our inventory so it’s the same when we reopen it at least until relogging. There should be a single click: clear all filters

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That’s a pretty good idea and an elegant solution to the Crafting inventory bloat. My idea was to have a number of tabs where you could drag & drop the pieces from the main hand-crafting menu - basically the same way item inventory works, only for recipes. And something like six to eight different, customizeable tabs, minimum. Even if these tabs weren’t customizeable, a separate tab for DLC content would be immensely helpful.

The current filters are pretty useless most of the time, since everything you “build” falls under the same filter, which is the vast majority of the stuff in the menu.

But yeah, having one icon for “Sandstone building blocks”, another for “Stonebrick building blocks”, etc. and clicking on one opening a sub-folder with all sandstone/stonebrick/whatever building blocks would help a lot and reduce the amount of scrolling up and down.

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Honestly I was thinking from the other perspective: having in the main menu foundation, ceil, etc. click on one and have a popup menu to select in wich style build it (sandstone, etc.), but I think you’re right, it would be best to have styles in main menu and single style-related pieces in the second one. :wink:

put me down in the “fix current filters/sorting” and not “new bench” camp.


You are both essentially speaking about the same issue, but from different plains of solving it. The bench idea is a bit rougher than your idea is, based on the comparison of their starting points, but I think your idea could also be assimilated to the already existing benches in a form of queueing to reflect the idea the poster suggested (to take the best of both ideas).

For example when a bench is merely aimed, it shows the resources it is linked with and current queue of items in production. To add more resources, we utilise the resource buttons shown to us and the respective resources are directly added, from our inventories or nearby containers within reach, to fill in the quota of automated production line.

This way there’s no need to open any inventory screens before the items are actually produced unless we produce items from our personal crafting list, which is reworked the way you suggested. This also cleans the screen from unnecessary clutter.

I am not fond of the current management and inventory navigation method we have in place. Politely said, it is inexcusably outdated. :confused:

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Personally I think just adding tabs to the top would divide up the hand crafting menu, have a tab for building, weapons/tools, Armor/clothing, consumables. This would organize the menu so your only looking through things that pertain to what your currently trying to do.

This would be the ideal premise. All that rest shown to us is an issue. I’m literally having a hard time just navigating the whole thing. If only we had a search function like PC users have, to keep our focus… :confused:

Excuse me @Fable but I fail to see how the bench you have in mind could solve the problem at all, you have my apologies for my english but I think you missed my point.

EDIT: And I think I could missed yours because I’m not sure I’ve understood how you have in mind your bench. Probably not with the interface they currently have.

The problem, for me at least, it’s not to separate buildings things from any other handcrafted things, because the other things are very few entries in the menu (10% ?)

The problem is there are too many building entries in the page to scroll.

There are 2 important things for me:

  • we need (or at least it wuold be usefull) to have a 2 steps way to build a specific piece of building to avoid scroll hundreds of entries in the page.

  • I dislike the bench for building because it’s not barbarian-friendly: it requires to fix in the space the spot where you produce building pieces.

Obvisouly it’s not realistic a new character with stone tools has to first farm resources to build a bench to place it on the ground to build his first shelter.

But it’s not user friendly if you’re building a new outpost to have to transport the bench in loco and place it on the ground near the place you want to build (and what if you’re building on top of a mountain and you need to place foundation before having a place to be able to place placeable ?)

You are correct. Current unbudging framework is rather outdated so an up to date dynamic model would be in order.

Correct. It’s a jungle.

I pictured this in my mind as well. This is probably the cornerstone of your vision.

In a way, I’m not fond of it either. However, your idea of “a 2 steps building” method (the framework) would clean up benches as well. What I meant is that we can also use the framework of your method to clean and clear the benches too, after we’ve cleared the interface clutter. In other words, it would be good if benches assimilated the steps from your idea as well, not just the interface (unless it’s all one and the same system, which then means that the benches are bound to change with the interface anyhow).

True. It would have been nice to be able to make a small tent from sticks, leaves, and stone.

This is how I feel as well. The benches can produce many things. However, the production of actual walls should not be confined to a bench. A bench could provide the planks, the nails and so on; the material that is. What is left to our character is how they utilise those materials, whether they are in their possession or stashed in a nearby container doesn’t matter. Benches would only provide the material, not the full product.

Did I understand you correctly?


Based on the actual materials at hand, our character wouldn’t show those that weren’t ready for them to make right then and there, but also from this layout we could dictate the direction like you suggested.

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Yes and now I understood you, thanks for your patience :slight_smile:

Likewise :+1:t2::grin:

The whole idea behind this (idk if I was clear) was to clear up the char/craft menu. That’s it! Now, to the next great idea!!

I only thought that if it were done so correctly, and as realistic as I can imagine. Then you would need work stations to craft the higher tiers. At first I imagined a carpenter’s bench, have all the higher tiers go in that craft menu. But pushed that idea away because it didn’t solve the real problem. THE CLUTTER!

Now, having already designated artisan benches for three of the four DLCs, obviously we would either need a new one added for the Pict DLC or just add it to the vanilla art. bench since there were no new items added…

so any of the selected designs to any particular “styled”, artisan table (bench) crafted in the carpenter’s bench, will give access to all related dlc “styled” items as well as all non dlc decorated items. Giving you access to !!BEDS!! (like how it use to be be), carpets, statues, jars, and other decorations you have unlocked.

  1. This clears the char/craft menu!
  2. By adding build pieces to (already existing) designated Artisan Benches, you are able to utilize thralls to REDUCE build materials needed, and increase build times. Which also paves the way to a “planned out”, which reduces the chances for wasted materials.
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No new benches please…last time we got one of thsoe, it was a real dupe of a issue.

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No one argues that your idea wouldn’t work. It does and to a point it’s a heaven’s sent. What we would miss though is the necessary freedom of realism. Your idea offers a good platform to start from. You got people thinking. Thank you. :+1:t2: :smile:

Clutter is our nemesis. Every single idea that joins the battle against it feels like Crom is one step closer to smiting the demon it is into abyss.:zap:

We just got a new work bench, from the Treasure pack

That’s a reskin of the original artisans table with culture specific items. I think @WhatMightHaveBeen was referring is the dismantling bench. FC listened to our pleas and added a mechanism to recycle armor, weapons, etc… To say it’s rolled out without some issues is an understatement.


I agree. This should stay in the self crafting and not a bench.