Please help! \ Mounted paks num(51) not equal to expected paks num(50). Please verify your installation !0x0000000000000000

When I try to start a game, I get an error
Fatal error: [File:C:\B\branch_ConanSandbox_live\code\UE4\Source\ConanSandbox\ConanSandbox.cpp] [Line: 332] Mounted paks num(51) not equal to expected paks num(50). Please verify your installation !0x0000000000000000
reinstalled the game and deleted the mods did not help

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Hey @Boroda

Welcome to our community.
Have you checked the integrity of the game files?
Also, do you have any antivirus program that could be interfering with any of the files?

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Yes, I checked all the files were successful, the antivirus specifically turned off

Hey @Boroda

Could you right click on the game in your Steam library, go to properties, then Betas tab, and make sure your option says “NONE - Opt out of all beta programs”?

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