Please increase follower numbers

I have whatever the server allows. Server owner decides that. Period.

You either agree to play their way or you find somewhere else to go. Your opinion only matters in singleplayer or the servers you own.

Why out of clans they can have they own bases and own thralls!!!

Joining a clan mean playing together sharing loot making fights together and in pvp no killing your friends in one fight players shall not be punished for entering in a clan.

Why punish a guy from entering in one clan blocking he from build he own room/base or owning one personal thrall if he can do it outside of the clan?

A player alone have 65 thralls but when he join a clan he already get punished by losing 45 thralls because a full clan can just have 200 thralls when the correct shall be 650.

Easy solved if they add the food system for thralls and a way to store thralls back.

Ark work in it way and theres no problems with dinos in the map.

This is a question of perspective though. You can view it as “punishment” and rage about it… or you can view it as a benefit of being able to share resources rather than having to go and hunt down individual ones.

While this is a videogame and not IRL, a similar IRL example would be you and your partner buying a house together “forming a clan”… You don’t need 2 separate dishwashers… 2 separate stoves… etc. and each of you don’t need their separate house. Now, the difference is that IRL this also has benefits → mainly that it’s cheaper so you’re saving money and also space.

If Funcom tomorrow introduced an upkeep system based on thralls… or even re-enabled the old mechanic of having to constantly feed them or they would die…
You would immediately shift your perspective and realize that being in a clan and being able to share thralls is actually a benefit… and not a punishment.


I’ve got a different idea for food that goes way beyond the scope of follower limits unfortunately.

As for storing thralls. Well we’re slowly going away from thralls in a box style play, so I don’t know if we’re going to see something like that realistically. Even if we have cages, carts, and other non-crafting ‘stations’ thralls can go to, they’re still in the world for those.

If I’m going to be honest, I think the biggest problem with thralls is leveling. The OP doesn’t want to take thralls he’s placed, leveled, and geared, and then just throw that away. Can you blame him?

The fact of the matter is if he wants to place a thrall down for crafting, he HAS to lose a Fighter, Archer, Bearer, or Entertainer. He has to lose one for each one he puts down. I feel it. I really do. He may have put those things down long before the crafting system was announced. He had no idea that feature was coming. And the prep for it is exactly the same thing as what he faces today.

We can argue that he has too many all day. Well the fact of the matter is, he was allowed to place them, he saw the limit and went to the limit. I’m playing devil’s advocate here a bit obviously. But when you have a hotbar of 8 slots, do you only fill it half way? Or do you fill it with everything you want to fill it with? Do you keep every chest slightly empty… just in case? Or do you fill it? They’re not 1 to 1 comparisons with the thrall limit of course, but what did he do ‘wrong’?

But back to what I said about leveling. If he didn’t have to level those thralls. And they were more expendable, then it would have lightened the sting a bit. I mean he still leveled them. That’s time not getting back. But if for example if he didn’t have to level thralls in the future, then going with less thralls hurts less. It means if you lose thralls because there isn’t as many as you had before, then you can simply place some new ones down. And the new ones don’t require the time being wasted.

The game has been pushing towards expendable resources for a while. It treats our thralls as expendable. But a level 20 thrall isn’t the same as losing 1,000 stone, or even 100,000 stone.

I remember when thralls didn’t have levels. They were expendable even without enhanced stats (so they came as they were in the wild). If you lost a few named thralls, you got a few more to replace them. Whether it be from purge or PVP. I’m not advocating for them to go back to being statless. I just think we should get them out of the wheel at level 20 strength.

That would match how easily they are lost. I think their individual ability and power is perfect. But their ease of losing them doesn’t match that. The effort for each thrall doesn’t match what you get from them. Change that, and we have an entirely different discussion based on the issues brought up by the OP.

Same for you dont thinking it isnt a punishiment

You dont need to buy a house TOGETHER to be part of a group/clan in IRL

You are talking a poor people because people with money can choose what they can have
Example you like to take bath in the bathtub and your friend like to take in shower you can have both in the house
Or you like to cook in airfrier and your friend in oven or you like to write in paper and you friend in computer.
Now let change for conan a example you and your friend playing together but you like to be a ninja or samurai so you build everything yamatai but your friend like to play was a dafari or picto guy he want a room/base most rustic and they want play together so why they cant own every one a single base in a clan if they can do it outside of a clan?

I play ark and we have food system since the begin and sharing thralls is a punishment in every game because it in ark and most game with a true follower system we dont need to share they.

Conan in the old time every clan was almost 1000+ thralls and pets and the servers performance was much best it very easy to optimize and make aleast clans have 300 thralls from the 650 they shall correct have.

Also i know you hate thralls i remember you asking the thralls nerfs and having a huge fight with @MarcosC many time ago.

That makes no sense in the context of my example… you still don’t need TWO air-fryers :slight_smile: But sure, if we’re talking about the very small minority of super rich people who can have 10 houses for no apparent reason, then technically you’re right… As for how representative that is of the average person… that’s another question.

They can still build their yamatai base and then set up a teleport to the main clan base to use the shared crafter thralls there… OR they could just have a yamatai room inside the main base… up to them. Though again, this is moving the goalpost and a cherry picked argument.

I’ll let others respond to this one with the 1000+ thralls for every clan and better performance. If that was the case though, I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t have a follower limit now…

Yes… I hate thralls… that’s why I bothered to write a 20 page guide on them :man_facepalming:
Also, you remember wrong… I never asked for thralls to be nerfed… I argued that buffing and balancing them shouldn’t be done as a band-aid for poor server performance, since Marcos at the time was asking for a very massive health buff on thralls to combat them dying during very heavy server lag.

But I think that’s enough forums for me for this year, have fun.

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I dont think the problem is leveling the problem is space and tyoe of thralls think about every thrall , we have crafters and and many professions we have pets , decorative pets , mounts and fighters , dancers , bearers , archers etc…

What we can do to solve the problem about thralls how a guy can buy pets from bazar or make events get new thralls and use it dont losing he old thrall?

Guarding and storing the thralls is the best way to make it and everyone will win because servers will have much less thralls out , people can stop reflesher and guard everything and the beloved thralls and take a time , funcom can sell more pets , mounts and maybe begin sell thralls in the bazar check OP problem now easy solve if he can store the thralls in the ground to put crafters out.

I have talked MANY times funcom shall learn with other games and copy what work best
In ark we can store dinos in cryofridges and we dont have any problem with thrall population or lag with dinos.

They can just add a cart or barrack or portal to let us store the thralls and all the problem will vanish.

There isn’t a single person, especially Funcom themselves who knows what official servers are for, since pretty much every update upends the table on that.

I have nothing more to say on this topic, as I already said it before:


My followers are useless they wont fight anymore they just sand there getting hit even though they are set to attack all enemies and when i tell them to attack they dont do anything

While I agree with that as a generalized statement, in this particular case it’s factually incorrect… There is a programmed and set limit - so it’s pretty obvious that they are not meant to have more thralls than what the limit is set to :stuck_out_tongue:

I wholeheartedly disagree. Just because there is a limit doesn’t somehow imply Funcom understands what they are doing with it.

For several updates now, Funcom has been heavily encouraging larger bases, and I would say Living Settlements in particular suddenly requiring you to fill half your follower limit with crafters goes completely contrary to the current follower limit - which is the whole reason these topics keep coming up.

Funcom should have been dedicating themselves to improving game performance long before diving face-first into Living Settlements before the servers were capable of handling it (which was my point in the other topic).


so why is performance worse today when more than 10 people are online, compared to the time when there were 30+ and thousands of thralls?
Levelling, perks, dyeing, Taverns, living settlements come to mind.
You can’t even get a purge to start with more then 9-10 people online on official

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That’s okay :man_shrugging:

And while we can say many things about Funcom and their recent conduct… and I’m sure we’re not the only ones confused by some of their actions…

I do not think even for a minute that setting a follower limit was somehow a bad thing… and personally I don’t think it’s too restrictive. As I said before, that doesn’t mean I think living settlements was a good idea or that it needed to be done now. These are separate things. And no, I do not think the official limit is too restrictive even if you factor in all the crafters.

You evaded the question :smirk:

You bothered to write the guide because you wanted the people to play your playstyle with the nerfed thralls and of course to show your mods like the “Follower Remote”

Does the game is working best now? Or the lag and bluescreen become worst now?
i think we all know the aswer here

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Dude… I’m sorry, but every time I come to these forums I’m getting this feeling that somebody with a smooth brain is trying to shave mine too with these endless attacks and bogus arguments trying to take things out of context. Right now it feels like that person is you. :man_shrugging: Normally I would just ignore it and move on, but maybe I shouldn’t…

I already explained all of that to you in my previous reply, I did not evade anything, it’s not my fault that you can’t understand what I typed.

No, official servers have been dying for years now because of the “no-wipe” policy and them being hosted on gportal.
Does the game have bugs? Yes… I pointed that out several times on these forums… I called out Funcom as well for adding content in all of these updates and never stopping to fix the newly introduced bugs so they keep piling on top of each-other.

Again… what does this have to do with the current topic?. This does not in any way mean that thralls are a “negligible” performance hit… quite the opposite, they’re literally the biggest hit on server performance… this is a fact, not an opinion.
The only reason things ran better in the past is because the servers weren’t as bogged down back then and the game had much fewer features that they were trying to cram into it.

What do my mods have to do with any of this discussion? :man_shrugging: Constructing a straw-man are we? :stuck_out_tongue:


This isn’t true at all.

Xevyr has proven this through his extensive testing methods and through the routines he used to gather information directly from the data source. There was no bias going into the tests and none in the presentation.

For you to make this claim would need to go through and thoroughly prove the exact steps and methods were done in a biased way. But this would require you to go through the data tables, go through the blueprints, compile the data, follow the logic in how the data is used in the Unreal Blueprints, and figure out where he deviated in the way you claim. You would also need to show why your method is objectively better.

I’ll save you the trouble, many of us have already analyzed his data, compared it with what we see in game and in the devkit, have been able to verify the analysis he’s made, and agree with his assessments.

For all intents and purposes, Xevyr’s guide on thralls has literally been peer reviewed (by modders, server owners, and players who have intimate knowledge on the subject) as if it were a thesis.

I would also point out that it doesn’t matter if someone uses his mods or not. Modders are not reimbursed for their mods in any shape or form based on the number of people who use them. If he brings up a mod he’s made its usually for the same reason I have. Its because we’ve either found a way to make something better, or found a way to fix something or mitigate the effect of something and Funcom can use that going forward. Or at the very least show its possible and put pressure on them.


Pretty much what I was going to try and explain, but then I got annoyed as I got the feeling yet again that they’re not actually interested in what I say, they just decided they don’t like me based on some old posts they may or may not have misunderstood so it doesn’t matter what I say, I’m still the bad guy :man_shrugging:

But yes, generally the only reason I advertise my mods is because I made most of them to improve some aspects of my own game and I genuinely think others might like the same features too and they’re simply unaware that such mod exists so I’m excited to let them know it’s a thing. That’s about it. However I’m pretty sure my thrall guide is not some giant mod advert :joy: if it is… then it’s doing a very awful job at that.

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Yet here you are griping about how we play Conan.

In which multiverse?

@Xevyr, dude you think I’m thick and stubborn. Meet my match.

That I have book marked.

The thing is those are for players in general. They are not there for you to have one of each on display on a PUBLIC SERVER.

I have never for the life of me understood this funcom sells it so it must be to display every item multiple times on the public servers thing.

No actually it wouldn’t. The server still has to keep track of that thrall in storage. It may not have to run the AI for it, but it is still taking up memory space.

Of course there is. They are a sales gimmick. Basically a test drive of the game till you realize they are crap and either get your own server; which I know you know there is a link for in the login. Or move to a private server.

They certainly aren’t what I think they should be; a shining example of what the game can be. What we have is a great example of how NOT to run a Conan server.

Because at that time people didn’t have 7 years of horded content?

I know I’m about thick’s a brick, but I read stuff on here and swear I can feel a grove go flat.


Wouldn’t that be straw person :thinking:

Damn, I am playing on sales gimmick since release :smiley: