This would be extremely fun if added to the game and would make capturing thralls less tedius and boring because there’s be more types of weapons to use. Good idea.
This would be extremely fun if added to the game and would make capturing thralls less tedius and boring because there’s be more types of weapons to use. Good idea.
No. it’s impossibile to fight with a 1 dmg weapon.
You’re not reasonable to want to change the current weapon being used as intended instead of adding something new.
Why? They are meant to be practice weapons in the first place.
Because the regen rate of having 30 vit is more faster than the dmg you can deal with the weapon.
I think that was his point Born2BAlive. Aria of Sorrow believes that they weren’t meant for combat in the first place, but rather as something you could practice on your friends with without worrying about accidentally killing them while mastering your timing and stamina management.
So don’t get that perk when sparring. Apparently respecing is easier than breathing according to everyone on these forums, so try that.
For sure they never been supposed to be truncheons.
They are already something you can use to practice without to be worried of killing your mate. Because one hit of them deals 2,5% of total health (of a supposed 60 lvl character who can find the recipe for them) and a combat could take 30 mins long and it’s amazing
Of course now you actually can use them to kill your mate if you don’t stop, but not accidentally, but only if you decide the match should be deathly.
Oh surely it’s not a problem, but being truncheons changed to deal stamina damage instead to players with the last patch it will not work anyway if you apply truncheons stats to this weapons.
So I repeat: why to change this weapons instead of asking for a new kind of truncheon with the moves set of swords ? And, to be clear, if you’ll do I’ll be the first to support that suggestion.
Because it makes sense, gives the weapons a real purpose while making thrall hunting more enjoyable, and it also still allows you to spare with your friends using them. If you decide to duel to the death with low damage weapons, iron weapons still exist to fill that gap as well.
Not for me
It doesn’t make sense to you that a large chunk of wood could knock someone unconscious?
I would love to hear the reasoning behind that.
Well kind of hard to learn how to manage your stamina if you and your partner practicing with these weapons end up loosing stamina with every hit you take from them… (Leaving us with the question of "Did I run out of stamina because I was bad at managing my stamina, or because I got hit?)
Answer: yes.
“a large chunk of wood” would be a club.
And if you hit on the head an opponent with it (and you don’t kill him applying too much force breaking his skull) you actually can make him unconscious.
Obviously if the material is not hard enough to broke the skull without breaking itself it helps in the task.
But if you shape the wood as a sword… the shape is just wrong for the task.
Take for example the first wooden blade you can buy on amazon. 66 x 16 x 2 cm of “cutting blade”.
If hit an opponent with the tip of the blade, well with enough force you can pierce it anyway, but probably you’ll just get him a bruise, unless you hit an eye, so you’ll cause a serious injury or Death.
If you hit him with the sword thread to the body… you’ll do nothing else than a bruise (just like if you use a branch to hit someone). Sure, if you continue for enough time you’ll be able to break bones eventually, cause internal injuries, cause… death.
But you have to hit the head of an opponent with enough force to make him unconscious like the sword you have in your hands would be a club.
But the thickness of what you have in your hands, being shaped as a cutting blade is too little, so you’ll breake the blade with more chances than making your opponent unconscious.
If the opponents wear an helmet of some kind, it will be impossible at all.
Incidentally, in a fight, you can broke even an iron blade if you use it as a club, because it’s not shaped to hit this way in the first place ! Because if you want to use a cutting weapon as a blunt weapon, usually you have to use the hilt of the blade.
So a wooden sword is not at all a “large chunk of wood” in first place and you already have one, called truncheon.
You can argue a two-handed sword has a thicker blade, but also longer, so more fragile being made of wood.
It makes sense for me having a sword you could use as a truncheon without using it as a club ?
Not at all. It makes the same sense of peoples saying 1 kg of feathers is lighter than a 1 kg of lead…
But it’s a game so… it will be funny because it will be unreal. Same reason Predatory blade used as truncheon is funny.
But this is a good reason to have a legendary sword working in the way Lovetap works as a warclub.
It’s not a reason to think wooden sword has to be changed just because it’s made of wood.
Do you want a club shaped as a sword (1 or 2 hands) and working ? Shape it like a kendo sword.
So basically, you’re saying if you use it like an idiot, you’ll get dumb results.
This is just wrong. Wooden swords aren’t nearly as fragile as you think they are. Also them having a concentrated point of impact means it would be easier to knock someone out with them. It’s not like they are sharpened to a point either. Their edges are actually hard and rounded off.
Having a bit more weight at the tip might make them better for the job, but a swordsman is still going to be more effective with the wooden sword because they will be more familar with the balance, and the fighting techniques they have learned with a real sword will transfer to the wooden sword better than a club.
I’m basically explained why in the way you want to use them they do not work at all.
And everything you said is factually wrong.
So if you want them to spar, add the damage kit (+6) and no armor. If you want them to thrall, then add the blunted fitting. They are relatively cheap to make. so have both stocked up.
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