Pls ... let the thralls beeing thralls and not gods anymore

It’s frustrating…every pvp fight is total imbalance and boring you just throw some axe to make your thrall angry and he start chasing your enemy …
Pls FunCom !
Reduce the dmg that thralls are making against players…
pvp is getting so boring :frowning:


Amen, welcome to the argument.

Get ready to get flamed by people telling you what a terrible person you are for wanting to add balance and fun!


Its a server setting, too, so you could request thrall dmg be reduced on your server.


a) I wasn’t talking about you, sporto

b) is the constant use of insulting gifs supposed to support your opinion or add to your credibility?

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Ffs fix one shoting thralls this is garbage. PvP sucks now. Everyone just hides behind 1-2 shorting thralls. Game is dead and PvP sucks because of this.

Actually its not! Thrall and pet damage and health multipliers are tied to the NPCs/Monster settings. This need to be decoupled! They need to let private server owners adjust thralls separate from the enemies.

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To simple …
We play on official and there’s every enemy hiding behind the thralls … :confused:

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Even SP becomes boring because you can’t separately set NPC, THrall and Dungeon NPC damagevalues…

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Spoken like a true firestarter. If your post isn’t a flamebait, I don’t know what is.

You know, some people who disagree with your opinions or the solutions you may have presented in these discussions actually want the game to be fun, too. Even balanced. Unfortunately, the concepts of “fun” and “balanced” tend to be subjective, so your idea of fun and balanced may not be shared by everyone playing the game.

I would request that all participants in these discussions remain civil and respectful towards people with whom they disagree, people with whom they agree, and the game developers too. You’re not going to convince anyone that you’re right by insulting them - even if you’re right, you’ll just make them even more entrenched in their opinion against you.


It’s both … we habe 0 problems to Winn all the daily pvp fights we have ! But it’s boring :anguished:

Guys pls … tell us your opinion about the threat and stop having a discussion about flaming ?:confused:

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There’s several threads about this already, you can always look in any of those for pages and pages of arguments if you’re interested. Here’s a link to one of the more recent/active ones:

That said, and to summarize my opinion, I’d welcome a reduction in thrall power with open arms if and only if being a solo player remains viable under official settings. Because currently that’s what thralls make possible.

Exactly how to make sure that remains possible, well, the most obvious one would be an increase in the player character’s combat prowess, though obviously that screws with PvP balance which (as I understand it) is already overwhelmingly favoring the attackers over static defenses.

The problem, as always with this game, is that it’s a schizophrenic mess of several gamemodes in one, and they rarely play nice with each other.


Thanks :slight_smile:

I’m not in a clan on PvP, so my thralls are necessary. I hate direct PvP. Any game that is mainly direct PvP is boring. Fun is questionable with direct PvP. I’m sure OP players have fun wiping players not in endgame mode. What makes PvE(C) fun includes being able to clean up decayed bases.

Maybe I’m getting old, but setting your thralls out like chess pieces is fun in PvP.

Maybe just disable building damage for players not doing endgame (and are working towards it).


23 years ago when both of us had less grey, we were doing this very thing in Age of Empires. Personally, I like combat, and I like getting down to skills with someone or a group of them. Now that this combat system is so diverse and actually engaging, fights are quickly acquitted on the side of the Better whenever an opponent resorts to animation canceling. It’s gotten so good that people need to cheat in the moment to beat actual skills. That gives me thrills.

But that’s just my playstyle. One of the greatest achievements of Conan Exiles is that it brings all these diverse playstyles together. We do not agree, but it helps inform us, and some of us actually listen.


I’m sorry if my attempt at light-hearted humor was taken badly. It was not intended as flame-bait, but as dry humor. I’ve certainly not insulted anyone with that post, far less than the responses with the snarky gifs, IMO.


I cannot disagree with anyone here. Everybody is right, so i can only say my opinion about the thralls and ofcurce my playstyle. My playstyle is full encumbrance. I am the farmer. My attributes is always focused in encumbrance, grit and vitality. I must have the first perk of agility, so i place one point to strength, waiting my armor to fill the bar for the first perk. That means that i am incapable for pvp fights. So my questions are?
1)How do i farm without my bodyguard?
2)What do i do when at the time i am farming dungeons, 3 persons wait for me outside to steal my loot, hitting my body unable to react, because thow it is spawned to the exit, i am still to the loading screen.
For some of us pvp is something different. For all of us the game is fun, but in different versions.
I thank the creators of the game and for the ‘little gods’ they create, because it is really unfair to achieve yogs touch by stealing it. I farm for days for this rare you want to steal.
But still, i agree that in pvp fights it is really lame to hide behind thralls, it’s better to wear pants and face your opponent solo.

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That’s all you had to say. And this is not limited to Conan Exiles. It’s a problem with all survival games.

The imbalance you mentioned isn’t even close to being the biggest problem with imbalance, because imbalance is literally part of the game, and why I have stopped playing PvP survival games. I WILL play a PvE-C type survival game.

You see, survival games are actually Multiplayer RPG games. And, RPG games have this structure to them that simply does not work for PvP. Yeah, we all started playing RPG games, like The Elder Scrolls, etc…and then thought, “Hey, you know what would make this even better? If the enemies were actual players.” Now mind you, we only thought that because AI wasn’t very smart, and so once you figured out how to beat something, it was always easy to beat. And enemies wouldn’t give you much challenge…just sitting out there waiting for you to head shot them with a bow.

But what are RPGs? You start off with nothing, and slowly work up to having something, and then move on to have something better, and you do this over and over. The creatures that gave you a challenge in the very beginning, are now easy to slaughter, and do little damage to you, because you have more powerful weapons and better armor, not to mention that you are now stronger and have more health points. And this is great in a single player, or Co-Op game. But PvP needs balance.

Ever play basketball, or soccer, with your friends, when you were a kid? Did you try to make the teams balanced? More than likely you did. Like what we did as kids. We would shoot baskets, and if you missed, you were out, and when there were only two people left, they were named as captains, and would choose teams. The second captain to choose, would choose twice, and then they alternated until everyone was on a team. So the first guy to pick is the best player because he never missed. He is #1. The other captain is #2. And assuming they know who is the best and who is the worst players, this is how the teams would look.

Team A

Team B

If you add up the numbers, team A is 28, and team B is 27. You can’t get more balanced than this. And what this does, is make it such that all 10 friends are going to have fun. Nobody is always going to be on the losing team. And the games should be fairly close and competitive. This now creates a fertile environment for fun and competition. From the best player, to the worst, they will all want to play every day.

But imagine if the top 5 guys were always insisting on being on the same team, and the bottom 5 now had to play against the better team. They will lose almost every game, if not every single game, and many of them will likely be blowouts. What will happen? The bottom 5 will decide they have better things to do. Nobody is going to stick around when they lose every game. This proves the importance of balance in competition. You don’t let one team have corked bats, while the other team does not. You don’t let one team use cleats, and make the other team where dress shoes when playing football. Balance is needed in order to make it fun and interesting.

This is my experience in Conan. Our Clan was the Alpha on one server. The Alpha at the time, had become complacent. Guys not logging in much, and little raiding going on. So this allowed our clan to build up. We had a disagreement with a guy and was working it out peacefully, but some of the Alpha clan were on, and one of the guys insulted our clan…told the guy to ignore us because we were trash. 2 hours later, they had not one structure left. This was their fault. They allowed that to happen. Why do I say that? Easy.

We too became complacent…most of the members got bored and moved on to another game. A new group came in and wiped us when nobody was on. But then several months later, our clan decided to give it another try. We chose a server, and went to work. We knew what to do, and how to do it. Had some guys to level 60 in two days. We started building, gathering resources, and getting thralls. We then moved away from our starting base, and started building a Tier 3 structure. But the Alpha on this server was VERY active. Just as we started to get somewhere, they hit us. Hit us while nobody was online, mind you. We spawned into a base full up the Alpha clan, and so of course, got killed instantly. There was no fixing that.

The point is, there is no balance to the game. Why start over, and spend all that time trying to get good stuff…good thralls, good weapons, good armor, etc…when the Alpha can take it from you very easily. And this is the point…the point we learned…if the Alpha is on top of things…you have no chance. No chance at all. It takes too long to build up to their level. It takes too long to find the good thralls, and break them, and get all the materials it takes to build a solid base, and get all the legendary weapons and armor…or even just high grade stuff. Not to mention that they are likely to hit you when you aren’t online. Even hiding the names isn’t going to help. Just the fact that they will make sure all of their guys are on for the raid, while you may have several guys not online, is going to sway things in their favor.

This is not unique to Conan. Every single RPG based survival game has this problem. The problem exists due to the very nature of the structure of these games. The slow build up. And the ability to hit the defender on your terms, without them knowing it is coming, which means the numbers are likely to be in your favor.

And this is something people recognize…such that the last time I played Atlas, one of the more respected Clans only allowed people in their clan that were going to put in a lot of hours. And this just makes things worse. Like the 5 best players grouping up against the 5 worst. Yeah, they are level 90, hitting guys who are level 45. Nothing the defenders could do except watch a small group of guys defeat them because they were so high level, they could not kill them.

It’s just a reality. You have to accept that the game is imbalanced. Recent changes are going to make this even more the case. It takes a long time to get a thrall to level 20. So imagine an Alpha wiping you. You had just gotten your thrall to level 10, and now you have to start over. Meanwhile, the Alpha has level 20 thralls, and are now working on leveling more of them up. How can you defeat them when they keep hitting you before you can get anywhere? It’s just the reality…your success depends entirely on whether the Alpha on the server, is allowing you to succeed. An active Alpha doing what they should do, would not allow you to build up. They would hit you every time you started to get anywhere. That’s just a fact of life in these games, and why I don’t play PvP anymore.

The problem is, he never said it was wrong for people to disagree…he was pointing out that many who do disagree, tend to flame and get insulting, instead of just having a mature debate. So what happens? Somebody flames…and oh look, that flame post has more likes. Kind of points to the fact that he has experience with the forum, and how people tend to act…no?

What do you do? You farm outside of combat hours. During combat hours, you reset your stats to combat stats. Not hard. Only takes a small amount of yellow lotus to do this.

Next is a question…why are you on PvP? It sounds like you are running solo. Stop it. Seriously. People like you are half the problem. You should be on PvE, or PvE-C. There is not a chance in hell that you will succeed on a PvP server. But, by populating the PvP servers, you help to make it appear everything is OK, and it is what people want. Our clan had 10 people being very active on the server that we were the Alpha on. Why would you subject yourself to that? You complain that people steal your hard work, but offer it up to them on a silver platter. You are only playing on PvP because something in your mind tells you that playing on the other modes won’t be as fun, but then you complain about the structure of the PvP servers. Get off the PvP servers. If you aren’t in a competitive clan, you have no business there. You can do what you want, but don’t complain about it. Even if they were to actually make PvP balanced, you wouldn’t have a chance. Numbers matter in PvP. You aren’t going to succeed as a solo, if people are being active about hunting and defeating people like you.

And please don’t insult our intelligence by claiming how successful you are. You just noted that people are stealing your lunch money. 3 people in fact, are stealing your lunch money. If you had a clan, You could have left guards outside, to battle the people laying in wait for you.

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