Who are the warriors of this land anyway?!

With the buffs to thralls why would they even follow us at their power level? The thrall would turn on us .


Not if you are a good leader. Perhaps you need corporate leadership training…


I’ve always felt this way, why on earth would a thrall EVER be stronger than a hero… it is pretty ludicrous. Basically the thralls play the game, players are just there to climb walls and watch the thrall health lol we are babysitting our thralls


I honestly don’t mind them being a little stronger. Just not, you know, Terminator level when you’re talking power differences. If I wanted thralls to do all the fighting for me while I go hide in a corner feeling pathetically weak, I’d go play ARK.


Ive said it before; Lancelot was a better fighter than Arthur, and he didnt let it get to his manhood… (well… not after he broke excalibur anyway…)

the wheel strengthens the body as it breaks the mind, conan himself was a thrall, until released.


Agree 100%. I think thralls across the board shoud be toned down considerably. I do not believe that the intention was for me to AFK for a few mins while my thrall fights the hardest things in the game, come back, shoot him in the face with a healing arrow, repeat ad nauseum.


Exactly. We may as well ask why a horse doesn’t just roll over on its rider, or why an elephant only needs to be tied to a relatively small peg to keep it from escaping. A small band of slaves could overthrow their owners, but it takes a rare legend like Spartacus or Toussaint Louverture to join them in unity to actually get it done.

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I often think of this when I adventure. Why would my thrall still follow me? Often times im in a gathering build, and they’re fully decked out. So why? Very simple, least for me to answer: Because, because, because - - I’ll destroy them, and their whole settlement.

But first, I’d have to cripple them, run away, cry in the river Handle it like a champ. and gear up and hunt them down. Yes. That’s what I’ll do. Or at least, what I’d tell myself.

But seriously though, when the thought occurred to me I had an answer: because I bested them before, trained them, and through that training - they became loyal followers, companions.

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Well I still think I am the hero and the best warrior in my game, so they follow me to be safer and I will kick their butt!!

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I wear that gold bikini thing from the Derketo DLC and stand behind my bar with food and beverages.

It’s mostly the Gold Bikini that keeps them with me. The Ale seals the deal.

In reality though they could kick my rump across the map.


We are a way for the thralls to know themselves.

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But that doesn’t make us Danny Devito to their Arnold Schwarzenegger for any reason.

Only issue here is that (if you read actual legends of king arthur) Arthur slew 900 men singlehanded in one engagement. The battle of badon. Lancelot never came close to that number. Also it’s a game about Barbarians not babysitters. And conan didn’t own thralls… so I guess really he was a thrall so my argument is poor at best. Now I wanna be a thrall lol

Yeah and we arent conan. He cant be damaged and has 3 skulls. We’re at best his chubby owner handing him nude women…

I prefer strong thralls. I can only imagine how much crying we’d hear if they were weaker than players after leveling them to 20. “All that effort and someone cheesed it in 10 seconds with a mace!”


Why would I hire a bodyguard who is weaker and less competent in a fight than myself?

Even in primitive cultures, it’s not always the strongest guy who leads the tribe - quite often, leadership is granted to the old, wise fellow who actually knows how the world works.

And anyway. That thrall remembers that we were the one who clubbed them unconscious and put them for a ride in the merry-go-round until all disagreements had disappeared. That’s the point of the Wheel of Pain - breaking the thralls’ will. That has been proven effective in real-world cultures with slavery (not necessarily a wheel of pain, but breaking a person’s will). Many times, slaves outnumbered their slavers several times over, but they had no will left to revolt. Individually, they must have been physically stronger than their owners.

Even in modern societies, we see broken people, people with no hope left. They might not be anyone’s slaves, but they still don’t have the mental strength to take care of themselves anymore.

The Wheel of Pain is an abstraction of the process that breaks a person’s will and initiative because, well, this is a game, and most players wouldn’t be willing to spend months or even years conducting psychological torture on an NPC.


“Why would I hire a bodyguard who is weaker and less competent in a fight than myself?”


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…and the ones who would kinda scare the crap outta me…


Tipp: If you are >=2 players, dont use them.

Thralls are great for us solo players while farming bosses/dungeons.
If I clear faction capitals, I am mostly faster killing everyone by myself, until my thrall even decides to attack someone.

But: If we get a PvE-content-only-dmg weapon, which has way more dmg and only against single targets, which cannot be used by thralls, then you can rebalance/nerf the dmg output.

Make an dmg-wise OP short-sword, which does 0 dmg on a thrall and against other human players (Only for PvE content, but you can still get it in PvP). Its only for boss killing.

And if you are in a group >=2 players and are using end-content thralls (volcano, rhts, cims) and you STILL complain, then you are not the sharpest tool in the shed…

Use weaker thralls are none at all. Dont destroy it for single-player.

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Did you see Conan need a slave to help fight his battles? There was 3 of them and they fought many without help but that is the movie. All I am asking for is player power on PAR with thralls power so the game content doesn’t get balanced around THRALL power levels and not around PLAYER power levels resulting in the NEED FOR A THRALL for fighting content.