The player is not the hero

the thrall is. Player vs thrall, need i say more…

I mean, i think i want to play as a T4 figther. :stuck_out_tongue:


So you wish to be cracked over the back of the head, hog tied then forced to push a wheel to mill grain? If you’re worried your thrall is overshadowing you, leave them at your base for purge defence. Think of it like GoT’s Cersei and the Mountain.

I think at least 95% of the GoT characters would be overshadowed by the Mountain. Even the Hound.

Probably a better comparison is Daenerys Targaryen and her Unsullied forces.

Would be interesting.

You would start as a common character and somebody comes at you ad beats you until you collapse unconciously then drags you and the first hours of your playtrough would be walking in circles pushing the arms of the wheel.
Then you would get the highest gear immediately, only 20 levels to level up without feats.
Combat? You have 5-8K HP, you couldn’t even use a shield and don’t even know what does “dodge” mean! Just run up to the face of the enemy and start slashing.
While your “companion” does the weapon swap, healing, dodging, blocking stuff.

I mean… I swear I would enjoy it!


Thralls have pretty *** AI.
You don’t want them to be weaker, chances of them dying will be pretty big.

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That’s why I prefer pets. They’re animals so a pitiful AI isn’t surprising and I don’t need to craft / farm weapon and armor for them.
And now you can have a dog with you. Who needs a human when Brutus / Tor / Apollia / SIgrid / Oskar / Koji / Aries fight along your side ?

point is, you go to a fight (anny fight) w a T4 fighter the you become a support. the T4 eliminates everything.

you now, the strongest is the leader…

I get the point and this has been said many times and I agree somewhat. Thralls have better stats than a player (health for example) but they are very dum.

As long the AI doesn’t get improved they must remain tanky.

However… thralls being dum don’t do as many damage as you do, the player. So let your thick skull thralls tank the damage and you do the damage.


@prologue1337 ,Totally true . The days that thralls hit harder than me are gone , finally . Thralls are tanks but not immortal gods anymore , so @vagnartheviking if you started the game the past months I can understand this post . If you started this post because you play PvP and other players put their Thralls to do their fights , I can still understand this post , yet I can assure you that it was way worst . If someone had a Spinas with Crom sword , no matter your hp or armor you were one shot . Sometimes you didn’t see him pull out his sword , you were dieing by sight .
If you wish more Thrall NERF I am in but …
I want justice too .
Purge Thralls from difficult races must be stronger .
Rare Thralls must be stronger but not as purge Thralls .
Relic hunters , Teimos and Berserkers must be the ones that will NERF the most because they are main spawns .
The starting River named thralls must be a bit better so new players stand a chance against old . Tugra for example has sentimental value , it reminds me my starting days he just cannot be that bad .

Still , now we hit harder than them and even if we stay this way it’s not bad at all . I know that thralls can use weapons with great damage and armor penetration because of their great hp pool but we can’t , still I can dodge and change my weapon and fight style through the battle , my thrall is just a dum tank that I have to take babysit on the fight , if I don’t it’s dead . If you don’t believe me go to warmakers and let your best thrall to fight alone the Arena champion :wink:


The OP hits a good point here, that was exactly my impression, too, when I got my first serious thrall.

But anyhow…

Heroes are the stuff of legends. Legends are based on the stories of those who survived. Imagine the movie: What if Subotai survives Conan? Whose god will be greater in Subotai’s retelling of events, hm?

And who are the survivors in Conan Exiles? The player characters. Thralls die by lava, bleed, falling through the floor and into oblivion. But the player characters survive (or respawn). And they tell the stories. And in their stories, they are the heroes.


Yes they are bettre than before, totaly agree.Maby the answer is bettre IA and lower OP?
I may be slightly of and my info slighty old.
I still belive the player, the leader shuld be the strongest :slight_smile:

In my minde youtubers fight bosses w T4 fighter and the player just heal the fighter w arrows, is that behavior old news?

Im not playing PVP, tthats must be hard to meat a thrall…

and dont compere my point w the strongest boss in the game, they are not THAT OP. :stuck_out_tongue:

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its like; i want to play the hero not the babysitter to the hero :slight_smile:

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There is the option of becoming a “hero for hire” in a roleplay server.


w hero i mean main carakter…

Healing arrow have change since the siptah update I think. It still have some effect on player but not a lot on thrall and pet.

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I hate saying this, but if you’re playing PVE and you don’t feel like the main character, then you’re doing it wrong.

I don’t know where you got the idea that “whoever is strongest is the leader”, but that’s where the problem lies. Whether you’re the protagonist of your story in a sandbox game like this is entirely up to you. You’re choosing to limit your own enjoyment of the game with an arbitrary rule like that.

Sure, a T4 thrall has a lot more health than you do, and it hits harder than you do, but that doesn’t make it “the leader” in any way. You’re the one making the tactical decisions. You’re the one with the brains to analyze your enemy’s patterns, adapt to them, and exploit their weaknesses.

I understand your complaint, but I also have the perspective that comes with having seen how the game has changed over time. The disparity between thralls and players used to be a lot larger before. Back then I used to complain about the same thing you did, because fighting bosses without help from a follower was too long, too unfun, and (for some bosses) too risky to be practically feasible.

Fortunately, Funcom has tweaked things a lot and tuned the PVE aspect of the game to the point where this is no longer the case. The AI enemies and the followers are at a point where picking a follower serves as a dynamic game difficulty setting.

You know those single-player games where you can pick the difficulty (e.g. easy, medium, or hard) and even change it during the progress of the game? That’s what thralls and pets are in PVE. If you bring your best-equipped, best-leveled T4 thrall with you, you’re setting the difficulty to easy. If you don’t bring any, you’re setting it to hard.

Conan Exiles is a game deliberately designed to attract and cater to a wide variety of play styles. Some people care more about exploring, others care more about building, others about achievements, and yet others about combat. There are Conan Exiles players with strong preference for MMOs, others who enjoy competitive PVP the most, others who prefer games like Minecraft or No Man’s Sky, and many, many others.

As a consequence, some people prefer PVE combat to be easier, others prefer it to be harder. The game has already attracted a wide variety of players, and Funcom generally tries to retain those players. So let’s not try to ruin someone else’s play style with arbitrary nerfs just because you’re not willing to make choices that would allow you to have more fun. It’s not like you can’t do it, it’s that you won’t.


That is wonderfully, admirably put. Consider it stolen. :wink:


I wonder WHY the thralls have so bad AI. I mean a game like Dragon Age is 10 years older than this game and the AI is so much better.

I agree on the point that it hits harder only because it can use weapons that I cannot use , when I go 4 , not 5 , just 4 perks strength I hit way stronger than my thralls does , I just cannot choose 2 handed swords , they have no flexibility in fight which is a great disadvantage for me .I cannot have the outcome of Crom sword or adventurers blade . Still if , just if they let us use Croms sword I believe that i would give it a try again on great sword . My very first weapon was the stone great sword , the combo was fantastic , I took a great disappointment when they changed this combo , it’s almost 2 years now, I should have let it go … still

Dragon Age is also single-player.