(poll) Is conan exiles being abandoned?

is conan exiles becoming abandoned or is funcom dropping it for good? maybe an unanounced good bye from them?

  • Yes
  • NO
0 voters

very simple question , and it comes, now that we are about to hit the mid season (AoH launched on Oct 17 2024 , and as i write this post we are only 5 days away to jan 17 , which will mark the 3 month mid season update, sadly we have not heard of anything, no word on open beta anything, it is just radio silence. and for the looks of it, considering they as of late do not even fulfil the things they announce (extended timers end or beggining of events etc) …

and since we have never been like this before, ( lack of support, lack of communication, lack of everything really, i do believe the question here is valid.

is funcom abandoning CE? it certainly feels so to me. (hence my first vote)



I chose NO, simply because there is apparently often something new in the Bazar.
In terms of content…well, probably not, but who knows. The devs don’t even attempt to communicate anything.
They don’t even update their own sites:

Bit of an hyperbole maybe?

" Abandonware is a product, typically software, ignored by its owner and manufacturer, which can no longer be found for sale, and for which no official support is available and cannot be bought.[1]"

Is CE on life support though? I would say not quite yet, unlike Age of Conan, they are still making new content and fixing a couple of bugs sometimes. However CE is evidently very low priority for Funcom now, minimal effort to keep people playing and paying.


you are probably right, but it does feel like they are dropping the game… the only difference in that definition is that it is still on steam and can be bought on different platforms, official support, well i dont know how to call what we got,

i will change the tittle, a little bit., cause you are right it is still available thank you for your post and i stand corrected.

You’re not likely to get a notice of abandonment until around 2027. Server merges happened in 2022, five years after they partnered with G-Portal. The consensus was they renewed or extended that by the same amount of time. If Server mergers happen again, probably another five years. If not, then you have a good indication on when things are stopping. I think they did say a date in a livestream that they knew for sure they would continue development to at least, and likely longer depending on the circumstance.

Assuming its orderly. If not, then you’ll have you signs when things deteriorate on their servers to the point where they’re not getting restarted (as a whole, not individual servers having issues), and they actually do all drop off the server browser (or the browser itself stops working for everyone), and you lose access to all paid non-DLC items (no more FCLive Services).

But as I’ve said before, they’ll probably do a livestream, everyone will settle down for a week or so. And then they’ll go back to their normal bickering. This has happened every quarter (though sometimes more frequently) for like 7 years now. Its why everyone continues to play (not the livestream part, the torches and pitchfork thing mostly).

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it depends on what console and funcom can find a date to come out with the patch so it could be now until mid febuar becuse we are just enteret a new year

Tencent never abandons it’s zombies.

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@Hansel next time if you making a poll can you pls make sure so people know what they says no and yes to becuse it was a bit comfusing when i tryed to read it when you kinda asking what you people want to say yes or no to

Didn’t they say they were going to take bigger breaks between updates and major content integration now. We’re probably going to get new stuff in the spring/summer time and then again in fall/winter time. Instead of quarterly content ,its just twice a year now.

the major content will always be in the chapters so in 3 months more and we have a new chapter

it is very simple 3 months will be over in 5 days and they have not said a word about the mid season update, no testing nothing, they never said 90 workingf days trhey said 1 big update every 6 with one smaller one in the middle (3 months after big updates)

that time is due in 5 days

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here is your answer if you missed it last month :speak_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil:


still you have to see console need also the info and funcom and console allso need to talk together so frome now on to mid febuar becuse we just cam into a new year

What? Funcom has rarely announced non-major patches before launch. This is business as usual.


we have never been like this before as for communication, or the level of abandoment we are getting.

if you think they are absolutely ok, please keep trying to defend them . :stuck_out_tongue:

why are you so hungry for they abandone the game ( it feels you just want them to fail) @Hansel

I don’t think it is ok, and I am not defending them. I am just telling you that this is not new.

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People who spend money at the bazaar finance Dune, which makes them keep looping at Conan, It will be another thing when sales go down.…….

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okay i have nothing wrong with pay for things in the bazaar i love most of the things in their

I didn’t say it was bad, I explained Funcom’s strategy