(poll) Is conan exiles being abandoned?

hungry? nope i am not hungry XD

no, they are doing that for themselves without any help…

this level of abandoment and levle of lack of communication at all level IT IS NEW!. never its been this bad, did i explain myself better now?

we dont know anything about it how they do things over their and i never sayd you say it was bad

you dont act like you want them to live on when i constantrly see you post and comment it looks more and more to you neet picking them, you dont know what they are planning you pointing fingers of them constaly even when you dont know how the work is in their, just bescue they dont have a good communication to us it does not mean THEY abandone the game.

If you read your message, you have said it. There is nothing wrong with me. End of conversation for me.


do you have proof they doing that what you saying if not find them pls i will love to see it

i know what they are lacking and i will keep pointing fingers at them until they start shwoing some improvments on what most people is asking.
i will not STOP!

you are not going to add that they dont fix their game ?
or that they dont fulfill not even the little things as timers, ends or start of events, or the selling of malfunctioning items? such as the corinthian bookcase?
or the testing of things in a proper way?
and a large ETC.

you really want me to pull the full list again?

all of this issues is on them not us.!

forget me hanging

maybe their is a reason they not communication with us like you keep try to tell them what they shall do or not to do.

no im wating you to proof what you saying

i will say whatever i want, and it is nothing short of what i expect as a customer which by the way its NOT only me, there is a lot of people asking the same,

there is a reason CEA exist. do you want me to remind you why the group was formed? it was not formed for only “communication”

i know but you is pointing finger of their little mistake and try to make the so big like doom is comming for earth
yes you are a customer( playing their game) that dosent mean you have the right to tell them how they shall do things becuse you dont like it you are not a dev on the game you ARE a PLAYER their plays their game

little mistake? really ?? why are you so blindfolded?

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im not im just telling how you act on the forum

little mistake is what you think they are doing then YOU ARE BLINDFOLDED. the issues are important and some are actually critical

and it will continue until they show positive signs of changes.

but you hyping it so much up that doom is comming for earth instead of shut up sometimes

so asking

  1. better communication
  2. proper testing and QA
  3. and important game fixes is for you asking for doom ?

you keep talking dont you? feel free to follow your own words. :slight_smile:

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one thing to ask another to keep pointing fingers and hyping up all they bad things constanly but you will never learn

can you even say good things about conan and funcom im supirsed if you can

but im done here with you happy to know you here is the block list

This one voted yes.
But with a caveat…
They have finished their plans for this game. There is no longer active brainstorming of new content, there is only the existing roadmap. Once it is implemented, all that will be left is MTX.
There will be new updates for awhile after they simply cease to fix bugs. More features will be added half baked, piling up on the existing broken features. Because they will make it “good enough” to pass whatever internal metric that allowed what we have seen of Live Settlements so far.

So, while it is some time from being abandonware, it’s roadmap has a terminus, probably some time around the Dune launch, and it has definitely entered the lack of caring so much that it’s shovelware phase.

They don’t engage with their community on any platform. Interviews about this game spend more time talking about Dune and hypothetical other properties than the future of this game. This game is in the malign neglect phase of being left in zombie mode, while probably not the intent internally, it seems from the outside they aren’t displeased at all with how much it is being decomposed before being left a shambling rotter.


awesome , bye :slight_smile:

yup , but hey for some us to say the stuff that is clearly happening, or to ask for improvemntes and to put pressure is … well… asking for doom…

some people fail to undertand that if we are here is because we care!

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I forgot this video was put out. I wonder if Joel’s 5-10 year future includes the 3 years since the last extension or is added on? I think its the latter. So 2027-2032, or 2029-2034 at the most optimistic.

So whatever we’ve seen in the last 7 years… around about that again for another 7. Least everyone can put that to rest.