(poll) Is conan exiles being abandoned?

:monkey::man_playing_handball::poop: they have made a choice of not making promises, let us down with silence instead of writing checks there own ass can’t cash.

I always quit out at “dong slider”.

that guy is obssesed with the
 Dongs and the sizes hahahahaha XD

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What is CEA actively doing right now that is actively having any impact on the game?

Has it been “abandoned”? No. Is it being neglected and run like a leaky ship? Yes.


If it isn’t being abandoned, it sure feels like it.
The game has a lot of unexplored potential, but the coding must be so bad that it makes it too onerous to develop. Conan Exiles doesn’t seem very “update friendly”. Probably it wasn’t conceived with that in mind. The first DLCs only introduced building sets. I think that was the kind if content easy to introduce. Everything else seems to be
 problematic. The game is old, niche and has a phonebook of bugs that go on unresolved for years. Funcom’s track record in that regard isn’t the best either. So yeah
 I only expect new things from the bazaar. Other significant changes aren’t likely to happen. When they do, the game seems to be left in a worse shape than it already was, so that might be a blessing in disguise for the few who keep playing it.


It is my opinion that Conan is not being abandoned, but will soon be.

The 2024 end of year letter was a capitulation that the current production team can’t fix the mess they have created and I expect, after AoH wraps up, badly, with more bugs and completely preventable errors, Conan will go into a caretaker phase with the hopes that Dune will become the revenue replacement.

My impetus for this 100% unsupported opinion is that CE was built over a long superseded UR4 engine and the “special tools” used to extend the game are unequal to the task of keeping the game updated with new features. Additionally, even DLC updates are heavily bugged and the consequences of those bugs actively ignored.

This product has reverted to Alpha status.


The only question i am capable to answer here is this.
Will i keep playing this game in this shape ?
None other!


I’m not.

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wouldn’t have mattered to see the rest anyway, because he only said they wanted to expand the companion system

No new dungeons or places.
Maybe new stories in connection with new companions, but that is just me interpreting.
All in all, he gave 3 sentences of an answer to where the developement is headed.
So, you didn’t miss anything by switching it off after minute 4.

His shirt said more than his words anyway.


It’s not but Funcom has to operate like a business unit and that means CE must survive with it’s group and not get too much help from the others. However if I can point to a root issue of CE and the current woes it is having, I would have to say its the lack of building the game for a legacy run. The interdependencies that pop up during bugs that come out when updates happen are very clear to me. LOTS of shortcuts were used that make no sense and product transfer from launch team to established team didn’t provide an adequate source document of these things.

It’s very clear to me that the game was designed as a 'hurry and and get it done 'or an impulsive ‘wouldn’t it be cool if we did XYZ’ . While it’s an awesome game that definitely showed individual effort at the time, it’s lack of legacy put me in mind of PS3. Something really cool but heavily complicated that has no means to provide a legacy and an underlying assumption that someone down the road will ‘figure it out’.

As Dennis is figuring out right now, even the planned path wasn’t set up for him to succeed by Joel’s team very well. When you design anything, you should have the plan in front of you so you can build it with that in mind and set the design around making the plan easier. CE doesn’t have that. NOT AT ALL! This is was toss it over the fence sort of thing (like a grenade) and so you can focus on the next project. If FC wants to correct for the future, then need a serious talk with the Oslo team.


this!!! 1000%

i also had to quit the video after he went with the dongs, really that guy is obssesed with it XD

First off, it’s important to define what it means to classify a game as abandoned.

Conan Exiles still has active official servers, and new items are regularly added to the Bazaar.

However, on the flip side, the performance of the official servers is far below acceptable standards, and they’ve essentially become lawless wastelands. The new Bazaar items are purely cosmetic and priced so high that most players simply can’t afford them, making them inaccessible to the majority of us.

Additionally, free content updates have become extremely scarce, and when they do arrive, they’re riddled with issues. The community receives little to no support, and official channels rarely provide anything helpful or meaningful.

In conclusion, while Conan Exiles may not technically be abandoned yet, it seems to be heading in that direction. And based on what we’re seeing, things are only likely to get worse with time.


Tbh, i always wanted a Conan exiles store.
Their knowledge of their fun base seems to be low.
All these commercials about donk sliders were completely empty for me even the glitch hint, how to create a donk half the exile map size
The reasoni cannot argue with the dev team is because Fcstorm already stated that the game isn’t on maintenance mode.
But i feel like this

I believe that these words represent more or less the truth of this game, or at least how we the players feel about it.

Such posts require someone from the team to show up with a clear statement: “no, there are no plans to abandon the game”. Simply because players’ doubts are converted into doubts to make in-game purchases, be it DLC or bazaar. And that’s bad for business.

Since there is still no such statement, we can assume that 1 of 3 things is true:

  1. It’s correct and therefore it’s not being refuted by anyone on the team.
  2. The team itself does not know about the bosses’ plans. Therefore, they can neither confirm nor deny it.
  3. The team doesn’t care what the players discuss and nobody reads it. However, this option can hardly be called good and it can be an addition to both points 1 or 2 of the above.

If the director of the game does not require community managers to report weekly on what is being discussed (concerns, praises, complaints, etc), then there is no incentive to stay informed on the community.

If something isn’t “inspected” then it gets overlooked. Hence, I think the director is spending all his time on the game itself rather than on the community in which it serves. In other words, “myopic leadership”.

At this point the pressure has built to such a level that if someone from FC actually opened the door to discuss the sitch , sucked into space immediately. :astronaut::flying_saucer:


deleted by author

I am afraid I am not understanding your reply. Could you elaborate?


Here is the thread in question. I have not participated in it

Hence, my confusion.

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Ah sorry, I don’t know why I thought those avatars are the same - forgive me my mistake.

and peace to you too stelagel, knight in shining armor :slight_smile: