Prevent offline buildings damage in PvE servers

For knowing how much I like the game, my wife decided to play Conan about 2 months ago (official server). She is a very very very casual player. I taught her the basics, and she was doing well in nobbie river. I never got worried about the purge because she plays so few time, the purge bar would never get filled.

But yesterday she called me to see something, and that is what she showed me:

At first I didn’t understand, I was really sure her purge meter wasn’t full. So we looked at event logs and it showed the building was attacked by a “Scorpion”. So I realized that a purge was started by a close base and it made what you can see.

She was enjoying the game, that’s why she was so disapointed. I tried to explain to her that one of the objectives of the game is to protect the base, but she said: “How could I know it would happen? What the sense in playing a game that I am offline and my base is destroyed in a PvE server?”

I told her that I would play in her acount and rebuild her base, but she was really upset and decided to don’t play Conan anymore. She was so proud that she had manage to tame a level 3 blacksmith. But the bench was destroyed and she lost her.

So I decided to share this story here because I saw one more player that was having fun with the game and just quitted it. And before people asks, she wasn’t playing offline because she wanted to play in a map with other players, other buildings, etc. But she decided to play PvE exactly because she didn’t want to be raided or to have her base destroyed by any means.

So, my sugestion is: prevent offline buildings damage in PvE. It’s really strange to quit the game and when you log again you don’t have your base anymore. I know the purge is part of the game, and it’s nice because you can control the purge meter and avoid it. But when the purge is started by onother player/clan, it shouldn’t damage other players/clan bases.

And maybe some people would say that Conan is a “barbaric game” and casual players should find other games. But I don’t think it’s true and Conan, like all the other games, should attract the more players it can. Casual players has a large share in videogames business. And Funcom did a great job allowing players to opt for PvP, PvE-C and PvE. And it’s clear that “Barbaric Players” can find their fun in PvP and PvE-C. While PvE is clearly designed for casual players. That’s why this detail should be considered.

Back when I was on Officials, purges were the only recourse PvE players had to attempt to clear out problem players who were walling them in or blocking resources. While I’m optimistic about the fact that they have started policing the most egregious acts of trolling, I’d be cautious about asking them to remove the only tool you have to counter griefers without such admin intervention…


I understand what you are suggesting. I stopped playing online over a year ago because of the purge that I found too destructive for me. I’m not really a hardcore gamer, it takes me months to build a simple base, so to see it destroyed in a few minutes of purging, it wasn’t for me.
I only started playing online again a few months ago when I learned that the purge bar would empty if we didn’t play often.
But recently I saw a player come and build a base very close to mine, and I thought about what could happen to my base if the purge targeting him spawns right outside my walls and turns against me . I’m sorry for your wife, I understand it must be frustrating.
I also understand the mechanism, and what Larathiel says is not wrong, but it is true that I find that the purge is an interesting system but also quite frustrating for players who just come in pve to relax and build their little base quietly …

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@donbzm Her best bet may be to find a private server with building damage and purge turned off they are out there. I would talk to some people on the server to get a understanding of the rules before undertaking alot of building. Good luck.


And once more “good players” pay the bill for bad players (I don’t know if this makes sense in english). Some players use the purges to destroy other players base just for fun (PvE), so it’s true to say that it would also remove a tool from the griefers.

Quite Frustrating. Frustrating enought to let players quit the game, in my opinion.

Nice! If she motivates to start playing again, I will suggest this. Some tips about good PvE servers like this? I will search about them.

I would suggest on PVE to avoid this, is to build up on the side of a cliff. Can use the cliffs natural incline to build outwards, but even then you can get at least 4 1/2 tiles out (foundation embedded in cliff, then 4 ceiling tiles. There are plenty in the area that also have small inaccessible without climbing ledges. At least until you have the thralls and T3 building mats that will survive this, and can build on the ground. Being up off the ground will prevent a troll purge, as it won’t spawn on top of your base, and would have no way of getting to it. If you get your own purge, then that would be the issue. But you seem to imply you do not play enough to get your own purge meter up anyways. Just a thought.

If she wants to play PVE to have other players around, the whole idea that the world keeps going while you’re offline, and you all share the same world and enemies is part of the deal. PVE doesn’t mean there is no danger to your base, her best bet is what others have said, find a private server.

If she just wants to build with no risk whatsoever, then official servers are not the best choice in any game mode. From what you describe, this had nothing to do with ‘barbaric players’, and everything to do with ‘barbaric environment’. Which is a big part of Conan PvE.

But what do the new rules say about that, atleast if you deliber atack or put it in system?

All i can say here comes from personal experience only. The last 2 months i play in an official pve server. My purge meter stayed full for 2 weeks and when i say full i mean totally covered bar, full full :joy:. Still this sever was US and if i wanted to have a purge, i had to stay awake from 3 o clock till 6 in the morning. A little difficult for my timers, i am a kid anymore :cry:. So what i try to say to you here is that i found it a little impossible this damage came from purge because when you are not online you don’t get one.
Part 2
The last days someone build in the waterbasin over savanna where the tiger boss spawns (omg). The tiger boss is spawning now near the hyenas under the mek kamoses mount.
Part 3
It is well know for sime time now that big bosses are damaging your build in pve.
So fix the simple puzzle and i think you have your answer.
Someone saw the boss, got afraid, climb the roof, the next is your history :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

@donbzm Just out of curiosity, I saw in another thread that a guy was calling you out for having 16 mega bases on the server occupying massive amounts of land, one at each obelisk + some extra ones. Is this correct or was this some sort of misunderstanding? If you have claimed half the server, it could explain why players may be hostile to you and your clan with your wife just being collateral damage.

“You civilized men are soft; your lives are not nailed to your spines!” - Conan

Again, ppl who don’t really play the game asking for features to be removed from the game. I hope fun com really doesn’t continue to take advise from these type of players. It’s destroying the game literally. YOU’RE PVE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. Don’t whine when you get pve’d lol. A level 3 fighter would’ve done her a lot more justice than a t3 blacksmith. You have thralls/pets for a reason. There’s the stand guard option for a reason. STOP asking for stuff to be removed. If it takes you more than 2 days to build a sand stone base with a lv3 black smith then maybe you should try the sims 4 or something. Dont come here asking for stuff to be changed. Especially when you dont put in time in the universe. You don’t know what you’re doing & anyone who agree with what you’re saying falls in the same category. It’s a survival game, not fairy land. I personally would rather see you leave than the other half of the conan player base (or what’s left of it). I strongly disagree with the idea of posts like this convincing fun com that this is where they’re efforts/resources should go into the game. If you want to talk about trolling, how about having a jerk block off the silent legion dungeon entrance with spikes? You’ll die at the loading screen if you enter. No silent legion anything for the entire server! Now that’s trolling. What you’re talking about is trivial & can be solved by again, putting more time into the game & getting some defence.

Unless something has changed, only purge enemies will inflict building damage in PvE. Are you implying that normal world boss spawns are now doing so as well? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Thanks for the tip!

It may be, but it would be nice if she was online to at least try to defend her self. The world must keep going, it’s really great to enter the game and realize that you have a new neighbor. But I really think there is no sense to be attacked while offline when you are playing in a PvE server.

She lost almost everything with no warning about the risks.

Think about a casual player that plays the game solo and do not enter forums, facebook, reddit, etc. The game doesn’t show any alert about the risks of a purge started by another player. So the player is dedicated to build a nice building feeling safe because he is playing in a PvE server and with his purge meter empty, he spends hours in that job, and suddenly he goes back to the game only to realize that his building was destroyed by something unknown. It is very frustrating, confusing and desmotivating.

It’s not uncommon to see players complaining about being raided in a PvE server, because they have no idea what a purge is. It was exactly what my wife said to me: “Someone raided my base and destroyed everything”. Even I became confused for a while until I realized what might have happend.

When the purge starts for you, the game notify you and give you time to realize what’s happening and you can try to defend yourself. But you enter the game and see your buildings destroyed does not make any sense for me.

I won’t talk much about this. But I believe that official servers should be the best choice in every situation. After all, they are official. But it’s just my opinion.

If we were talking about the volcano or even about the outskirts of New Asagarth I would agree with you. But Funcom did a great job creating a difficulty level based on the environment in which you find yourself. My wife, as a casual player, didn’t find it very difficult to survive at Noobie River. So I believe that there are barbaric environments in Conan, but not all environments are barbaric. And this is a very good thing in the game.

Not sure if this was sarcasm or not, but for most of the PvE players I know, there’s nothing that ratchets up their anxiety and distress more than logging in to find they have a new neighbor within render (let alone purge) distance.

Back when I was on 1502, I once logged in to find that a “new neighbor” had built a village on one side of my base and erected a 100-foundation tall tower with two smaller flanking towers covered in plants on the other – right in my front yard. (Yes, it was designed to look like a dick.) My base suffered some minor damage from the purge they generated, but my defenders defeated it pretty easily.

Take a guess how “great” it was to find that new neighbor, and how long it took before I rolled out a welcome purge…?


fully agree, especially when all they built in a week is sandstone cube (or a dick in your case :smiley:)

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That’s why I said the purge was started by another player/clan! And I’m really not sure if it was a purge, the event logs just showed me it was caused by a scorpion!

Her base was nowhere near the scorpion boss. But is there a chance that someone would have attracted the scorpion over there? And if that happened, why would he attacked the base? Still, my proposal to avoid building damage while the player is offline would have avoided the problem

The scorpion would never have gotten there unless it had been attracted.

It’s a misunderstanding. I play solo, I have 1 main base (not that big on the Noobie River that doesn’t block any resources) and 4 very small ones that are just there to offer a collective map room for all players. As I share the ps4 with my wife, we are unable to be in the same clan. So she plays solo too. And no one in the server knows we are together. She has a really small base (the one that is destroyed in the image) that would not disturb anyone. My base I posted here:

Or maybe it would be better! It’s just opposite opinions and it’s ok

Believe me, she plays!

It’s what I really want to know!

It was not sarcasm. I had a good experience with neighbors in the game. We used to help each other. Now they are gone. But I understand your point, it’s really bad when something like that you described happen.

A world boss pull by a player attacked my base a few weeks ago, killed my thralls / pets but did not do any damage to the walls. So I think, as others have said, that it was not a world boss who did this.
Good luck for her if she wants to join a private server. It can be very interesting, specially if she likes RP. I never find servers with rules that I like, I hope she will have more luck :wink:

Well i just logged last night and one of our maprooms was destroyed. Not a bug as we are in starmetal country. Hit by meteorites.

This is the nature of this game.

It will not hold your hand like many other games.

Sandstone is easy for enemies to destroy.

I recommend T3 foundations,defenses, and thrall defense even by noob river.


I saw recently a YouTube video , but i cannot remember if it was from wak or firesprk , saying that 3 head bosses were doing damage on building on pve . Plus playing solo offline, i have a croc close to my house . Every time my pets are starting a fight with the croc my fences are ruined . I really hope i cover you in this point XD

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