Proofreading please!

I think it would be pretty basic to read and verify anything that’s posted/released. Moreover, in the case of the Bazaar, it would not take that much time, since it is not a text-rich environment. (Not to mention inaccurate and/or misleading descriptions.)

Fix it please!


I’ve been waiting for this since I heard about it… my pirate port towns need this! I had @ MaryLambs learn the corsair banner on her alt account on siptah prior to transfer closure specifically for RP purposes! :pirate_flag:


Ow. That hurts my superpower of seeing typos and grammar issues immediately.

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It is an offtopic comment, but ok.
I am still waiting for actual ships ingame. Until them these pirates only just bandits.

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What bothers me the most is that they approach everything in such a sloppy way. Especially for the amount of money they are asking for it.

It’s some meat grinder of company, the dude who runs the show does not care about gamers nor his employees. Read employee reviews and read any online review of any FCs game…

Sorry, I haven’t been on the game today yet (just got off work), but I agree. This is a pretty silly error on their part. I just got excited to see that pack was released lol… :joy:

Man I cannot wait for my completely landlocked nation of PIRATES to have their own set of ARCHERS AND SENTRIES!!! (Nemedia circled in blue for reference)


Tbf, the black hand usually comes with high agility… and they’re doing just fine with a ship made of stone. :rofl:

Look on the bright side, by the time the Nemedian Archer set does drop, they may have corrected the grammar on the description.

Altho we may never know what the Lost Pirate set flavour text was supposed to be.

The set does look fairly nice, wonder how well it will mix and match with the other pirate attire?

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You know me, I bought it… I haven’t tested it yet though. My server was super laggy this evening. I was rubberbanding everywhere. That being said, by the looks of it, I’m more confident in mixing and matching than having it standalone. It’s kinda meh by itself. However, that banner is nice!

Entirely fair.
It doesn’t seem quite the Valeria outfit this one is hoping for…

@Pixelcave usually has excellent videos with the dye channels, so if you don’t get around to it, this one is certain they’ll be there sooner than later.
Edit: They were already there.

This one especially wonder how well it works with the Barachan Reiver and Siptah version Black Corsair sets.


The Black Corsair banners from Siptah also have the chance to drop from purges / UC chests. I have two and an Accursed banner I guard with my life. :triumph:

On topic: I wonder if the Nemedian set was scheduled and the system goofed.

It is part of the web browser window to help spell check, but somebody may be using a lower tier input for the record, like a spreadsheet…

Yup… I’ve gotten a couple, but it’s nice to make them whenever we want! :+1:

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They wrote “have never been…” instead of “has never been”?
hope I got it right

The translations in French are usually really good. When it is translated.

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Actually, according to the subject-verb agreement rule, it is in fact “have” because it’s referring to more than one wall being defended. If they had said only one wall was being defended, it would be “has.” The only issue here is the incorrect information, not the grammar.

Granted, it’s a single action: “defending fortress walls”… soooo… not 100% on this one. You may be correct. I’d have to go back and check my grammar references.

So, the ontopic theme is still the proofreading. I am talking about these kind of things:

From the Settings menu.

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I don’t believe I’ve EVER seen these in game. :thinking:


Pirates were not only in the Carribean, they also haunted in-land rivers and were as horrible menace as the marine ones :face_with_hand_over_mouth: but I know what you mean…

It must be some client service for German players, Germany has a strong playerbase.

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