PS4 Tamed thralls can be killed in PvE

Why is it a thing that on PvE servers people can kill your thralls. A player just came to my base and yanked all my thralls. Pretty awesome since I can do nothing back and I’m sure nothing will happen to him. Really hope this is a bug. Beware PS4 player EVOHAN.

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UGH, this just happened to me. When I had logged off last night I had 20 thralls manning my walls and when i logged back in someone had killed all of them even though im on a pve server…

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Find out who did in the event log, i think it should say anything of yours that has been destroyed or killed and by what. Also if it’s a pve server is probably a griefer, add their gamertag here.

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I added it for mine. PS4 gamertag Evohan.

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Xbox gamertag: InteliusZenTek. I sent him a message saying “thats pretty uncool to take advantage of an exploit like that and kill all my thralls” to which he replied “awe poor baby.” Gotta love the people on the internet…

I am not very well informed on console versions, but do you have the same patch as pc? I know it takes longer due to certification processes etc.

Thralls are, since release, for PC at least, unkillable in PvE servers. Trust me, I had complained a lot before release, and now I’ve been playing 100h + with about 70 thralls on the open, in middle of the starting river, having other players visit me often xD

It’s really is such a scumbag thing to do. The people that do that stuff want to play that way but are too trash to play PvP, so they grief on PvE.

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