Public Beta Client- Age of War Chapter 1 Update Discussion Megathread

Flying Spaghetti Monster religion and God addition TBA

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for God’s sake don’t - I’m still traumatised from going to see it in the cinema years ago


One of the points of this update is to increase PvE difficulty right? Doing so just by changing numbers around works, but its cheap and I’d describe it as artificial difficultly. Granted changes like these also require much less work, although I honestly think going the extra mile to do it better will carry the game further.

Some examples of more complex difficultly increases I’ve thought of;

  • Human AI (and appropriate animals) reactively blocking/dodging/kicking us during chained attacks, and blocking arrows if they actually can. Reactive block, dodge & kick chance would scale with NPC tiers (similarly to their ability to do attack chains) and this chance obviously needs to be finely tuned so it doesn’t feel frustrating.

  • Human AI disengaging at low health to use bandages/potions while with allies present (i.e not alone, as it’d be pointless), or momentarily going berserk.
    NPC’s capacity to heal would be based on their area type/culture, Exiles on noob river for example having pretty much no chance to have those types of supplies unless they’re high tier, and even still very little of poor quality and potency (no potions, only bandages). Again, finely tuned, so majority could only heal once during an encounter. I’d imaging alchemists might carry an extra potion for example.
    Berserking would be limited to high tier NPC’s of certain races. Dafari, Cimmerians and Nordheimer Berserkers for example.

  • NPC’s having limited counters to player mobility options. Appropriate creatures swimming (crocs, shaleback), jumping/climbing (canines/felines jumping up and nipping/swiping, spiders climbing :grimacing:)
    Human AI without ranged attacks could throw rocks to deal stamina damage to climbers (speaking of, why can’t we throw rocks yet?)


If that was their goal they’ve failed; I think. They could just have the test server; PVE, set extra soft.

I love your AI suggestions, wish they could implement some, but the smarter the NPC the heavier they are; memory use. The more options they have the heavier the coding the more that can go wrong.

Playing on test now, got my first golem built. Stone legs still have no feet, how ever are they going to dance again? And the j j j j j j j j j j j jittery animations make my eyes wiggle. Glad I don’t have motion sickness.


What’s the point of having weapon combos, if you… know, can’t do a full combo?

Also if thralls are gonna be nefed again (lol for the 100th time) Then they need to be able to automatically use Aloe Potions in their inventories if they get to like 25% HP or something


You’ll have some very powerful thralls on your way. Don’t let their low hp scare you. With some luck and a few elixirs they’ll be beasts like we NEVER had, @LZB_Gattsu .
I shared your concerns until I saw a few tests that left my jaw dropped on the floor.

I am asking me this since 2021…

In PvP, you only do Poke’n Roll with Spear or sprint attacks with other weapons. In some rare situations you use combos.

Why? Because everyone has 6 dodge rolls. And to get out of hit stagger you need to dodge roll.

Back then in 2019, bleed and cripple actually meant something. If you managed to connect the 4th hit from a spear, it was fatal for your enemy. Also you did not get staggered when a fly farted at you back then, because there was more hyper armor…

I tested the fighting on the public beta client. Yes spears always cripple now, but players can always roll now. No more greystam, no more punishing bad players.

Just poke’n roll.

Oh and about PvE: 99% of it is just Ancient Lemurian Axe right click spam. Hard hits + bleed + hyperarmor.


well this is just one thrall category that do that, and they are efficient because there is something very weird about their amor, they took far more less damage than a berseker or dalinsia or a volcano thrall. in fact those thrall output is nothing new as i remenber someone that recommended to use them on pvp server some years ago (and they will benefit from the new buff for damage output) but when i tried in real condition pvp at this time they were killed in few seconds (thier normal hp is between 1600-2000 at level20 if not +10 or +15 perk life, but they now take less damage than any other thrall and that is new). Due to state of beta server, where raid is off, i’m not able to test them in real condition, so i will have to wait for live version to see if they survive outside pve or not. but its possible they become a thing on pvp server with their actual state, for pve content for sure they make it even more easier if used (but well even without them pve is still actually a piece of cake in actual state as all hp & armor of pve boss and npc is higly reduced, only hp exception is thag and the lizard from from wells of skelos)

That right there.

New hotfix is out.



the update probably contains new things? .11gb is huge

9 days?

All repair kits now work on all tiers of weapons and armor, Why?

Truncheons now deal 0 normal damage to prevent accidental deaths Why?

Field of View no longer pops back and forth when running out of Stamina while sprinting :+1:

Wolf cubs no longer have too many hit points Oh people will be complaining about pet nerfs again.

Climbing and swimming is no longer possible while carrying treasure Was it ever?

And none of my pet peeves addressed.

Here I mean my report: the cubs (wild) had 450 hp on the test server, and the adult wolf had 250 (after growing), which is not logical

Gottcha, I hadn’t caught one yet so I’m happy with the fix.

because otherwise newbies have no chance to capture a T4 thrall by the river - it will die before you stun it
overall, in many cases it made it difficult to capture without top gear and buffs


And the problem is?

well I would say thralls are part of the game and in my personal test experience it is not worth getting anything weaker than t4 , the others are de facto one shot from NPCs

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Yes but that is why the tinkerer bench is a needed tool early game. It gives you just enough extra concussive that this isn’t an issue.

Because how am i supposed to play Runesacape and fight bosses atvthe same time :wink:

Hardly, you have blunt fitting at level 26 and then at level 30 you have iron truncheon
and even that combination would probably kill a t4 thrall from the river before it stuns
You have to look at it from the perspective of a newbie, not someone who has years of experience and can kill a big croc with a toothpick.

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