You all hear mine all the time about that paver over public server I’m on that is pretty well owned by one player. So I decided to do some exploring, not all PVE public can be the same right?
I just checked by players on looking for a deserted server. 1st one I opened the map, more god markers then POIs. 2nd one had an arena wall that ran from one to the other end of the map blocking off the spawn in area, but there were gates on the paths so ok??? Still got to noob river and it was Monaco. 3rd didn’t seem bad, quite a few sandstone toss ups and server went down. back up and back on working my way north, no mega builds, looks nice, server goes down WTF Back up, back on, make it the sink hole to find some one running nonstop purges, till the server went down, Back up and back on and they were right back to running purges till… I’m out.
Not sure I want to keep checking servers. What has been your experience on the PVE public servers?
That was prime time, might actually be better to check prime time after a hotfix.
But I’m interested in others experience; no I’m not looking to jump to your server, just looking for a general feel.
Now that I have been checking numbers the server my main base is on it one of the most active high pops.
Oh ok, I thought you were checking this morning. Was it last night? Saturdays are iffy, Sunday nights are like “I better get a session in before the week starts”.
I suggest trying PVE-C servers, as people tend to spam land claims less on these servers. Every time I explore a PVE server, I encounter a mega clan with 10 alt accounts that claims most of the good spots on the server.
I saw this on 1509 PVE; the person used many alt accounts to claim an area.
Something I have learned in my server explorations is the issues people are experiencing are much, much worse on some servers.
As in done with #1737, 4th time I have fallen through the map on a respawn. I don’t think I have fallen through the map 4 times since I started playing.
Official PVE servers are absolute trash. Before 3.0 you could find a chill server with some cool builds and play mostly solo, maybe find some people to adventure with here and there.
After 3.0 I went from server to server trying to avoid overpopulation because it bugs out the AI and ruins combat. Overpopulation, by the way, is 15 simultaneous players. I quit Official PVE altogether with AoW Ch2 because Funcom’s atrocious updates completely ruined the already shameful server performance.
With all the bugs from Age of War playing on official servers is just asking for pain. The most straightforward and, from a new player’s perspective, expected way to play the game is sadly also the worst experience. Using mods and playing on your own server is the most cumbersome, but best way to experience this trainwreck.
The static content (buildings) I continually fall through. I now think it is a lag issue. I get to see inside the building, but then I look up for a few seconds and everything resets in order and in proper place…
There’s no justification but I can say that at least for some of these instances they are people who’s bases got admin deleted so they responded by creating these metropolis’s with numerous alt accounts.
I’ll echo what’s been said already. Up to ten’ish people and official servers are fine. Past about 15 and it’s crappy. Though to be fair there was a round of optimizations that really helped at the time but then age of war devoured all those gains and then some.
Fwiw I find private servers that don’t run battleye or vac are a much better experience. Much smoother and less laggy/janky assuming it’s a decent server that’s properly restarted each day. Sure there’s no anti cheat but then again what good is the anti cheat doing…
Anti-cheat may be whatever helps the code to play fair. “Checks and balances” to the T. I think the math level is implied. It’s literally embedded in the image file (under a text section). This should be quick.
Right? Unoptimized images are a bottleneck to display? Hmmm.
I kinda watched one clan “godded” me before I was ready that day. It made me wonder about such limitations after the 2nd god took out my tower. I knew it was an alt.
The mere ability to pass down a god-token/true-name to another clan is not affected by that limitation.
I played almost all my life in PvP since The game launch in ps4 i stoped PvP It in age of WAR Because of hackers meshers flying base and many others things but the worst thing for me in PvP was lag If you dont like pve bases and building you shall check EVERY PvP server It almost all over spams and pyramids check Sink Hole and you Will SEE.
Now about pve i moved to pve server Siptah and now exiles land the Siptah server have 10 big bases from others clans but They are ALL in good places wont affect me Saddly the Siptah server IS EMPTY all time almost 0 players online the owners from the big bases Just log to renew the bases time i moved to a exile land i play 12h+ almost all days yes its Crazy in It server we have 8 big active Clans and EVERY hour of days have players online, in mid of days we always stay 7 - 15 online EVERY day a New player.
The big bases or building are no a problem again people LEARN to build in right places the big problems are the bases from New players and from players didnt know what lag the game SMALL bases near sepemeru , New Asgard , al meraht and the Noob River in the Begin of MAP It people puts so many torchs and Witchfire torchs when you get near They SMALL base IS like a nuke bomb , in the Noob River you SEE many SMALL bases with EVERY taxiderm and Head trophy and decorative Paints in wall all together i almost all time avoid giving to the River Noob the server wont lag in area where noobs wont Go like Ice area and Volcano in the North.
Peoples from the big Clans all talk one with others we have spanish people Brazilian portugueses and many others and we all know what lag bases and the server idk why no stream or big Youtuber didnt make a video about It telling people to AVOID use Witchfire torchs and many others torchs together AVOID use blackice structures , frontier structures , AVOID Put things together like tavern + altar + purge base+main base , stables and crafting base AVOID putting Thralls or pets together , AVOID store items you can make in chests and many others things.
For last what i can Tell i have much Fun in pve we dont have much lag the only problem IS the bugs and glitchs in every update , the lack of information for New players and some old players and talking from console version we dont have chat like Pc version have so It a little hard to teach peoples what They can do and what They need to AVOID.