What like a symbol that goes next to your name?
I think it would be cool if after removing your bracelet it led you to Tortage and you began the Age of Conan journey!
I’m trying not to rush it but I’m aproaching level 60.
I remember that in the prerelease I had a hard time once there was no advancement to look forward too.
I would like to see it go tp 75 and have the last 15 levels really hard to do. Something that would take months to accomplish.
It is a fairly empty game and everything is fairly easy unless trying to get challenge. I RP with myself…??..LOL…anyhooo…… like the last week I put all my workers to work at rebuilding all the defensive platforms…which means tearing down the old ones and building back up with stonebrick this time instead of sandstone foundations. So I had a couple (married Nordheimers) working the smelters to make more hardened brick and others…kind of like setting up a mobile construction site. I RP these things and they kill time…and are a relaxing escape of the mind.
If I did not do this sort of thing in game…I would simply shrug my shoulders and uninstall it. In fact all the years in NWN1 & 2 I kind of did the same thing…build dungeons…make quests…then go play them with others.
I did add the LitMan 156 mod (also has a 75 mod) which opened up and kept levelling…pretty nice but I ran out of things I wanted to pick…I mean…I was able to get everything. LOL. So when the game was released I did not install that mod.
All I can say is that if you do not have the imagination to ‘drive’ yourself to do things then this game gets empty fast…and…on topic of the post…you get rammed up the a** at the ‘That’s It???’ ending. Soon I think I will even run out of things to think of. hahahaha
So i will remove my bracelet now because the end is almost the same, escaping the exile land
Indeed. I have it dialed up heavy as well. Have to be careful wandering. Have my companion Sidsel along everywhere I go.
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