What a lame ending… Just take the bracelet off and it deletes your character… It should just respawn you at the starter zone except now your name is “Son of _ _ _ _ _ _” and if you beat the whole game again your name becomes “Grandson of _ _ _ _ _ _ _” and if you beat the game one more time you become “Great Grandson of _ _ _ _ _ _”. Give players new titles and stop deleting their character… We can just roleplay that its the characters kid that gets sent to the exiled lands hence the new titles above your character.
Point of fact : Removing your bracelet does not delete you character. It just kills you as sends you to a spawn point .
Uh, no. Removing your bracelet kills your char and respawns you back at your chosen respawn point.
I believe the op means that you use the keystone to remove your bracelet and leave the exile lands…
Ah gotcha the ending quest.
My apologies.
No need , I still don’t get what the op really asks here
. Did you?
Sentence Number 1: “What a lame ending.”
Yea it’s poor, I really agree.
I would definitely love a better ending, more… more you know .
Ah you guys got the worst ending then, i became the elden lord in mine…wait a sec
Which is totally true, really. I mean I get that we can headcanon that they make it home and live happily ever after (horrible ptsd notwithstanding) but still.
I want to see the reaction of people if finishing the quest prompts you to buy IoS DLC to continue
YES! You purchase IoS, take the bracelet off, only to be jumped from behind and captured by pirates. Imprisoned, they sail you off the Exiled Lands in a boat… only to shipwreck on the Isle of Siptah on the way home.
Out of the frying pan and into the fire…
I understood it. I think it’s a good idea too! A lot of games allow earned achievement “titles” to be added or display along with your chosen game name (also sometimes including clan tags). That’s what he’s suggesting. An optional (hopefully colored) text title to be displayed somewhere near or within your name_string for players who complete that questline.
Yeah, good idea.
Likely zero hope of them listening but still a good idea.
You are the one opened my eyes about speed runs in Conan exiles, I didn’t even knew their existence.
Never try it because I see no challenge on civil . Not to mention the other later that could double shot bosses with a stone hammer
I see no challenge here either, removing your bracelet is an easy thing to do even in decadent.
I would see reason and challenge if this was on barbaric but hardcore. What I mean, you died(?) , it’s over, start from the beginning again.
Finishing a game this way deserves a title, all the others are easy, not even to be mentioned.
Agreed, but this game still doesn’t feel nearly stable enough (and likely never will) that I would ever hazard a ‘hardcore’ run in it. I used to love doing that in Diablo 3, though.
What? No, no no… the OP is talking about completing the main quest. And it’s a bit of a challenge I think. Not one of battle difficulty but more like a puzzle. If you have no outside help (AKA: spoilers) it’s pretty difficult to find and get all the pieces needed, talk to the right people, read the right scroll messages, and then figure out what it all means and what you have to do.
Yeah, worthy of a title. We are not talking about:
ESC → Remove Bracelet → OK .
Or even following some cheat-sheet script spoiler steps.
Master @Mikey, I beg you…
Go alone, without a thrall and make a fight with any world boss, except rockslide. You will witness that the reaction of the bosses are way more smooth and you’ll enjoy every single battle. They fix this part a lot, the fights are competitive enough and less dangerous than going with a thrall, because you ain’t going to witness unpredictable moves. At this time, solo fights, are on the best than all times.
The fun is guaranteed.
Especially mobs like reptilian monstrosity and king rhinos, that have this “block” under neck, a simple jump is all you need to avoid.
On the story line, the toughest boss is in the black keep and the toughest quest is to get out well, before 15 min respawn of the npcs guarding the place. All the others are “cheetos”.
So if this company really cares to have more advertising in this game from YouTube, other players must see skilled players (not me) doing crazy runs beating the game, but the real game, the official, not the tweaked of single player that has minimum competition and risk.
I believe that they have to “invest” a bit to the skilled pve side of this game.
I don’t know how to ask it either how to present it and ofcurce I cannot represent it!
Can you?
Ummm just to mention, I set my SP to “Barbaric” (AKA: Hardcore?) and I couldn’t even notice the difference. Seemed identical across the board to me. Maybe I had to hit one extra time or something but again, nothing I could actually notice.
nothing I could actually notice.
This mode is so balanced, you just get a bit more damage and do a bit less.
It’s just way more difficult to go 60 and your thralls are gods no more.
Thank you for trying, really