PvP balancing is ruining this game

The abyssal armour set was insane and needed nerfing 100%. The way it works now isn’t even really a nerf its how it should’ve been from the start.

Not to mention funcom adds a transmog bench to the game and that set can’t even have its appearance changed.

I just wanted it nerfed so I didnt have to wear it so I could have my own outfit :innocent:


That is an interesting analogy and i underatand youre point. My counter to this is that i did savor the pvE…back when i was new to the game and not a hardcore pvPer. I spent the first few months of the covid lockdown savoring everything the game had to offer, especially the wine cellar dungeon which completely immersed me in the activity. After a while though, once youve done everything conan has to offer in the pvE it becomes rather repetative and most of the content is…irrelivent. I wish this wasnt the case but it just is. Theres literaly no reason to repeatedly kill certain boses such as witch queen or the serpent king in the volcano. Most all legendary gear from boss chests are garbage after they re worked ceafting and t4 crafter thrall bonuses. Theres plenty of examples i can give and that doesnt mean other people cant enjoy the pvE differently than i do but most pvPers HAVE already savored the pvE side of the game and it doesnt take long for the hangover to kick in.

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Yeah…this. I try spicing it up with different builds and weapons but eventually combos just end… although I keep trying the 2h axe like it’s going to be something cool…and the tweaks they did help but it’s still blah.

Technically it wasnt nerfed. Beta/Test server gave feedback, they tweaked it before live release. The one area testlive works tbh, catch gameloop breaking items.


“PvP balancing”
Looks nervously at an imaginary well hidden arsenal of Feroxic Daggers and other choice Siptah gear on an Exiled Lands server

Oh, this is about taking feedback from the Test server. Heheheheh.
That’s what the test servers are for. Far better that a decision be refined before it goes live than an actual nerf bat be taken to something someone invested time and effor-
Oh, it’s just a spell, not much investment to farm it up…

Not like it’s a Sword of Crom which is going to only be useful in one meme build and requires significant sacrifice on the altar of RNGesus.
Nor is it the new and squishier horses.
Isn’t even the prisoner with job rebalance.

While the core point, that there is a cult beseeching the all mightly nerf mallet with the same fervor that the other throng screams for succor from the ban hammer to defeat their foes for them…
The specific is a very curious hill to fight from.

Besides, crawling into a freshly dead denizen of the outer dark’s PJ giving a not inconsiderable amount of corruption is thematically appropriate.


I am very much inclined to agree with some of of what you said. Especially the comment quoted above. I had an argument with someone about this in the forums. It’s cheesy and easy. Once you catch them, you e got them stun locked.

Just wish they could’ve left it until the next patch. So I got to experience a broken bit of kit for once lmao

Yet another topic about PvP vs PvE balance explode. But the arguments are still the same.
PvP players play PvE content too.
You are taking away mah PvE power fantasy.
This is so old…

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And this is why at least I am asking for PvP balancing. So this content becomes relevant.

Same here :slight_smile:

This. And also having this new hp bars popping up (if they dont bug and not popping up at all) left and right will be confusing enough, dont need everyone to look the same aswell.

I am all in for PVP balancing. It doesn’t ruin the game - it is the only thing actually tipping game balance.
PVE balancing is largely non existent.

are you saying that there is no such thing, period, or are you saying there is no such thing in conan exiles?

In conan exiles of course.

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OP - PvP balancing is ruining this game.

Agreed, every time they nerf something it affects everyone in PVE (C) .
Anytime someone in PVP gets owned by a Meta, they run here and cry about it, asking for a nerf.
You, the PVP whiners are mostly responsible for your own demise.

Pretty bold statement, I was playing PVP when you were still playing WOW. Your “facts” do not hold up. If offline raiding is your meta, and you think this is “PVP”, you have missed the boat entirely.


OIP (1)

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Corruption can be cleansed. All im going to say.

i think the abyssal armor reapplies corruption while you wear it. meaning you can cleanse it only if you take it off.

Gotta spam that cleansing brew hotkey :joy: :joy: :joy:

Thats true. Pve content is seen more as a necessity in pvp. As a pve player you enjoy the pve content more, because you do not have anything else besides the pve content. You have the time to do things your way. Nobody is rushing you. For a pve player it doesn´t really matter how long something takes. He simply enjoys the ride. If there is a bug or a balance issue etc. a pve player always has the option to work around this issues. He is not getting forced quickly to find a solution or way around. He can take his time, try different approaches and come up with a solution that satisfies his playing needs. He has more variety in what armor or weapons gets used, what thralls or pets or buildingstyle is prefered. Therefore unbalances or issues are not waving that heavily on a pve players head.

The pvp players need is to reach the pvp content as fast as possible, because he needs to keep up with the rest of the server if he doesn´t wants to play the “pvp victim” all the time. And for that he needs to optimize his gameplay. Farming, crafting and building needs to be as efficient as possible. Although a pvp player can not enjoy the pve content the same way as a pve player, it has a very high and priority importance to him. Therefore every unbalance lays heavily on his gameplay shoulders. He only reaches pvp content if he masters the pve one fast enough. Every issue on the pve content is a issue on the pvp content as well. Both are connected and can not be seperated. Every imbalance in pve content leads also to an imbalance of pvp.

No, it doesn’t. I agree that PVP and PVE are heavily intertwined, but PVP is not a simple, direct superset of PVE.

To give you a contrived example, if they added a weapon tomorrow that allows you to kill Feasts-on-Flesh in 5 hits, that wouldn’t unbalance PVP.

While we’re on the topic of balance, I want to point out yet again that balance on its own isn’t enough. What makes balancing a game hard is that it needs to be fun, and not merely balanced. Rock-paper-scissors is balanced, but most people wouldn’t spend thousands of hours playing it and hanging out on a forum dedicated to it. And it’s not just because it has only 3 choices: it’s trivial to expand it to an arbitrary number of choices (as long as that number is odd), but it’s still not going to be more fun than rock-paper-scissors.

So when PVE players complain about how “PVP balancing is ruining this game”, it’s usually not because we don’t care about balance – why do you think PVE players keep arguing about whether thralls are “OP” or not? – it’s because a very significant portion of changes Funcom implements for the sake of PVP balance are changes that make the game less fun for PVE players.

To go back to my most favorite example of them all: Lifeblood Spear. Yes, it deserved to be changed. It was ruining not only PVP balance, but PVE balance too. But the change Funcom opted for was the simplest, cheapest change in the toolbox: nerf it to uselessness. As a result, PVP players sighed a sigh of release and went on to have fun again, and PVE players were left feeling completely overlooked.

It doesn’t just suck the fun out of PVE. It makes PvP a little stale. I play both. And the best example I have is the warmakers weapons. You go through the dungeon and then have to go to the well of skelos to make obsidian bars, just to get home and find out the weapons are useless.
What’s the point even going for the feats. When you can craft starmetal dlc that is usually better.

Although o liked that on siptah you can learn the feat for “wild swing” which is the same skin.