The game used to be so good when everyone was wearing silent legion and fought with speers. No unraidable pillars, no gods, no bubbles,no claws, no 1 shot axes.Only skills.
Even the speer light attack is ruined.
Everyone just abusing hammers swinging around like ballerinas or thinking they are good if they 1 shotting people with the axe of violence.
and it doesn’t get better with any update just worse. i loved this game but now its ruined and i played since release
Honestly all of the weapon problems are just the result of a flawed combat system. People have been saying this forever, but it’s really just a dark souls rip off minus the depth and read potential.
2h hammer light attacks are just insane since the counter to hammers got straight up gutted (2h swords). It’s funny that they made the change to greatswords when 1h maces have always been straight bootyhole. You’d think that maces would get changed before greatswords but nahhhhh. Greatswords were perfectly fine before.
Roll system has also been flawed, but it looks like they’re at least trying to fix it now. Not sure if it will be a good change yet, but to me it looks like the game is about to become a 100% gankfest.
Don’t forget about Horses. Mounted combat can be incredibly oppressive. Lance looks somewhat alright, as long is it don’t oneshot ppl. Trample can be an issue tho, if it stuns or interrupts rolls. And If u can reliably deliver both Trample and Lance/Sword in a short time.
No. Horses are bad in PvP. I already tested it.
You can roll just before the horse and lance hits you.
Also just spam arrows at the horse with archer build and it dies quickly.
All the nerfing is done because of all the complaints that pvpers do on the forums this is to powerful so they nerf that so then players jump on the next strongest weapon then players come on here and complain about that weapon and that gets nerfed and so on and so on … I play PvE so all these nerfs has nothing to do with PvE if pvpers never complained there would’nt have been any nerfs at all cause funcom doesn’t moderate there servers so they wouldn’t know anything if it wasn’t for complaints
what about horse archering? I could not find any server in teslive to pvp.
You mean horses actually have counters and are not going to be OP powerhouses that will break PvP of the game??? how dare they
I think I will reserve judgement for when I actually get to test and see them in action on live non test servers where they get used in actual natural PvP situations, I am really curious to see how players will adapt to them and the uses they will find for them. Sure a one on one fight with a mounted player might not be so hard to deal with, but picture three guys charging at you from different directions trying to lance you head off while a 4th one is circling you and launching arrows at you.
I very much see mounts as becoming a support actor in PvP rather than an overpowered showcase for it that completely reshapes the meta around itslef, I much prefer the former option. They can always buff them and change and add things as they go, rather release something thats slightly on the weaker side than something that quickly becomes broken and OP. I dont see that as a bad thing at all.
You can shoot only towards one side of the horse. The person on foot can abuse that.
With the new PvP system 1v2 against players who know what they are doing is impossible now.
I suggest to always run away when you are outnumbered in the next patch.
Running away from horses might be tricky. You’ll have to abuse the terrain and your surroundings.
Mounts will be more useless than pets.
- Can’t drag a thrall while riding
- Can’t bring a fighter and a mount
- Can’t sprint if overencumbered
And while I was so super impressed that the livestream showed someone who was cloaked running through both a fearsome gazelle and a few of the weakest NPCs in the game, if I ever see someone in PVP get killed by a lance I will note their Gamer tag and message them every day for the rest of my life just to make fun of them. Friend or foe.
Any possible purpose I might have had for mounts has been systematically debunked by the live streams. I’ll try one out, but if I don’t kill it within a week to replace with something more useful I’ll eat my helmet.
I will or lets say, I am currently building a jousting arena. But on PvE with PvP battle flags… Thats (I hope) the only fun thing I will probably do with horses
I believe Lance that was shown on devstream is just the basic one.
This how it looks with Armor pen upgrade.
I’m charging thrall with 120 armor for roughly 400 damage. It’s not that bad.
This is 50 strength character on dev_horse that have locked 20 stats. But it’s possible to get horse with higher strength than 20, 40-50 is probably achievable. So theoretically with current Test build numbers One shot Lance is possible.
That moment has never existed. Bubbles came in before silent legion armor.
Personally, i wanna see real gladiator pvp fight happen. I picture old time wars where everyone has a sword/axe and shield. But then again i hear pvp i picture arena fights in my head. Not the runnin across an enemy at brimstone lake and going at it there.
They need to make it to where what works for pve doesnt work that well for pvp. Rework the perks better. They have agility affecting rolls. Why doesnt agility give increased attack speed. Its always been a fairly useless stat and will continue to be so. They slowing all the attacks down but have no form of IAS. I just got an idea and am now heading to thw suggestion forum…
coff -claws- coff coff
Get ready to taste some Layered Silk then, because you’ll be keeping one just for the drive-bys. You know each of us is going to need a sports car. That’s just PvP nature.
Back in the (very) old days when we were OP and the thralls were gunny-sack-wearing sycophants, there would be few Harvest Build killings. Those usually resulted in swift retaliation anyway. When clans went to war, there was a declaration, there were skirmishes, swears in chat and some weeping. For the most part though, fairly open and honest battles, even if they were one-sided.
I was worried about that when they show it on the stream, this “realistic” feature is going to make archers life even harder.
I just wish they could add a bit of an angle past horse head in the right side, one can still shoot in a 45• so so angle in real life.
Not really, I am currently uploading a video showcasing Bow vs Melee in a 1v1 Situation. Fighting against a horse included.
Post it here when you are done please!
Nice, make sure to post in here for us to take a look.
He won 1v1 against me as melee vs melee right before this footage. So he is not a bad player.