So I got the pyramid set from the shop in hopes to build a big/decent sized pyramid but Due to support and integrity an 8x8 looks cramped asf… the building set is easily missing
Pyramid ramp (which would look a lot better than using pyramid foundations and gives you slightly more space)
Smaller variants of pillars (Them big ones look way too massive to be used in a regular sized pyramid)
I mean you get the idea, just giving us foundations isn’t really helping us create cool/decent designs.
A cynic would say that this is not an oversight, but rather an opportunity for them to later sell another set with “missing” pieces, if this one sells well enough.
Ya I stopped buying their building sets. It’s embarrassing how much better the modders are at making great sets and funcom can’t touch it. I mean their designs are ok and have cool things but incomplete is unusable yet funcom keeps doing it …… either they don’t give two craps or they are just doing it for themselves or someone with the money is dictating crap
I’m not sure what kind of pieces this set comes with, but normally when I build a Pyramid its a 16x16. It allows for a 8x8 interior with two floors (using 2 wall height per floor) without being cramped, using its walls to structurally enhance the exterior. Using the sides for hallways or whatnot.
Yes it totally lacking gates, 2x2, regular ones too, some windows would be nice too, big regular stairs, and wedges, i know pyramids are about square shapes but cmon, its gives flexibility to builds
Btw you can use turanian columns and hardened brick ones
Don’t forget about the price! 1200 coins?! As much as the BP. And that throne room 1756 coins or something?! That is even more than the BP itself! And PB has 60 items (not exactly great items this time but anyways)
The dlc‘s have been even cheaper with 10 bugs each and they included a lot of stuff
I agree that the price increase is questionable (I expected it to be 1000 croins the way previous sets have been, but it is 1200).
But other than that I am absolutely in LOVE with the set. I think its good value. If less people buy it, more power to me
I agree that a large gate is something that the set needs… On the other hand, the set is a PYRAMID. Pyramids dont have large gates. They are burial sites… Still, with the high incline wall pieces I can finally create cool looking city walls too. That kind of city could use a gate…
That takes up more space than a regular ceiling for a lesser look, that does nothing different… also another thing does Funcom not believe in stairs that go straight up? why they all gotta be left or right stairs.
edit also the ramps and slants are different colours…
I think the biggest issue with that set that I can see is no 1x1x1 corner ramp piece. It has a steeper corner piece (1x1x2) which would be weird to build with (I think). Unfortunately I probably won’t have access to this set to test it to see.