Question about thralls

Is there any real reason now to hunt crafting thralls as we level up? We just fired up our servers again and realized that the whole crafting thing is way messed up. It seems to us we are forced to just get a good fighter and level up asap then go get an armorer and blacksmith and call it good?

It appears the advantage we may have used to have gotten by grabbing T2 - T3 thralls is not really worth time now and better to just level and get crafting station. Made a bow with a T2 Carpenter in T1 Carpentry bench and did not seem worth time or effort to have not killed him and then drag to wheel.

So disappointed in this change, as we actually liked hunting for specific thralls for specific armor. Spawn rates on some could have been raised of course, but by hunting so many we saw virtually the entire map in a way that we now do not need to. I am just honestly perplexed by the change and what little documentation I found was not informative except to say you can now make stronger gear. Which I would just ask could you not have just added thralls that did that? ie. an upgrade station with thrall’s that would make your sword sharper, or more durable.

Anyways back to initial question, any reason to really spend time getting lower tier crafting thralls while leveling?

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I think it all depends on how fast you level…have a guy on my server that rerolled his toon, took him 2.2 days to get back up to 60. Me, when I was leveling up, took me month month and a half? So ya, the t2s help with the amount of mats etc.

Like the poster above say depend on your leveling speed from zero. If you are fast, you mostly ignore anything that is not named. For my experience as max level character that lost his base and follower only have the thing I have on me. Some none named thrall can be of use, a blacksmith thrall T3 to T4 can give you Steel Reinforcement recipes. T3 to T4 Alchemist would give the oil recipe and you will need at least a T1 Alchemist to made demonfire orb.

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I sometimes keep lower level crafters at small outposts scattered around the map, saves riding all the way back to my primary base for stuff

The straight answer is no. It sounds like you are seasoned players, so do not waste your time on low level crafters. They do nothing. T3 and T4 are the only ones worth getting now.

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