Question, for admin, cm pr and the whole ladder


i am curious to know HOW can we report greifers, trolls and hackers?

  • no name calling// clan pointing.

  • no screenshots EVEN if they are a direct link from steam library are tolerated. from my knowledge you cant really edit a steamshot unless you: press F12 > open the online library> upload it first on steam then download it then you can edit but you wont be able to upload it again on your steam library

  • seems to me that you only take videos… wich conan exile does not have as a built in options.

  • to take screens of the chat we need a functionnal chat interface, wich we all are eager to see happening.

we cannot point out the fact, with screenshots, that griefers trolls and hackers are on a specific server but you ask us to say where we encountered the given trio…

so if its possible … could a gm admin, cm pr or any high ranking community employee give us a sugar coated politicly correct how to report greifers trolls and hackers 101 for dummies guide… it would be appreciated.

thank you.
~the wandering jarl puncher

can an admin answer plz?

The rules are in place for the open forum. You can send any info by DM’ing a moderator on the forums. OR report the exploit with any evidence you collect to the exploit hunters thread. Here, it will be investigated as an exploit first, then as griefers and such as determined by ToS for funcom. Don’t expect all reports to ban cheaters. It is a case by case basis.
Link to Exploit Hunters:

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thank for the link ^,^ but sadly…been there done that and i go told the screens from steam were probably edited…
hence why i am asking for a mod, cm, pr, gm, admin or even the coe to give us the players a straight answer

That is the only way. Follow the report ticket or personally message an employee (or whoever you are trying to reach) with whatever information. They just don’t want that stuff posted publicly.

theres only one issue with this…

  • you cannot make screenshot public… forget steam imagur upload and so on
  • you cannot make public videos… forget youtube videos
  • you cannot make personnal screenshots because, i base this from my own experience with the cs , cm, pr and the whole ladder, they can be edited hence they are not considered as a viable proof.

so if the above mentionned is not considered a viable proof… how can we report griefers, trolls and hackers in either pve-c or pve servers?

why cant your steam screenshot be public and why cant you upload a video to youtube? People are not punished because you say they should be. Innocent until proven guilty. Want cheaters to get banned? Prove their unequivocal guilt. Yeah it requires effort form you.

All screenshots/videos are viable proof. Dont edit your screenshots. Dont crop them. Upload them RAW

As a matter of fact. I find this whole post is odd. You submit a claim and you get told its fake? Thats odd. We submitted a claim and got no contact from funcom what so ever but watched the problem dealt with on the server. Got the initial response? Ied love to read it.

im not the one in charge of telling peopel their stuff is edited specially with a steam link. thats what i got word for word. like it or not thats how it is.

Videos can be uploaded to YouTube without being made public, you simply set them to unlisted or private. Failing that, you upload them to DropBox (or similar) and then give Exploit Hunters that link instead.


WanderingJarlPuncher Ive never had to try and report exploits or griefing before, so sorry if this sounds like an overly simplistic idea. But could you maybe just send all relevant details and screenshots to one of the CMs such as Jens, Tascha or Ignasis as a private message, as opposed to a public post…?? This way your wouldnt actually be making any details public. Or is this not permitted?

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you are right. The whole entire process is private. Posting on the forums isnt appropriate. You use exploit hunters and no one but you and funcom know about it. You can also DM the mods directly.

and you think i havent tryed it? ticket being 42 days old now…must be very private…

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