QUESTION: melee combat: I keep moving forward

This is s pre-3.0 problem (for me.)

When I attack with daggers from behind (while my thrall holds aggro) I will move FORWARD with each swing. The right-mouse button swing is better, because I’ll do that spin, but even that moves me forward, out from backstab and into the blades and claws that are suppose to be the domain of my warrior thrall in all that armor. Ouch.

Am I doing combat wrong? Do I need to hold the movement key in reverse or something?

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no, this is kind of animation lot of weapons have… yep annoying for me too
just use other attacks so you wont be thrown forward(

You probably dont understand how useless it would have been if you didnt have that momentum forward. Would almost be impossible to hit an moving target without it

But the target is not moving. It’s held in place by my tanking warrior thrall. I on the other hand do move–forward and into its swings.

It’s root motion. The animation controls where your character goes.

Even for non-developers, she explains it well in the introduction part of this video:

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