Racist clan name

Been reporting the name to funcom but nothing is getting done. Several people have. Official 7002 pve has a clan named n?gger hunters. Spelt just like that. Any funcom employees on?


Don’t put up with that on our private server’s. Happened years ago when the game came out for free on ps4 along with other issues server consensus let’s wipe that included new and old timers on the server. Latest several weeks ago after some conservation and get this now they are Lover’s with spelling tweaks what do you do? Honestly with this game all around the world whats aloud and what is not. Listen to Rap or Comedy stand up it is all good as long as it is art :art:. I try and be tolerant but won’t allow people on our server’s to be abused to many players from around the world that are good people we have known for years and I’m a old white guy and and have learned grow through alot of biases and yes when I am at stop light and window glass is shaking in my car I want to slip but the light changes and I curse at myself. @Kronk


Bingo. Odd that people dont want to censor or ban rap music with lyrics containing those words, yet seeing them as a clan name is where the line is drawn.

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Well the youngsters I have worked with would use it but I leave it alone not sure when appropriate or not and varies from country to country along with words that are ok in UK but got a bunch of messages from some Londoners removed from message system by Sony. Word started with C evidently not favorable to Sony .

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Occasionally I would pick up a outlaw radio station for a few minutes while driving now that will rock your mind.


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