Raining through the roof at the Mounds of the Dead

Anyone else having this issue of rain coming through their roof at the Mounds of the Dead?

(I have double roof, even placed foundations on top but the rain is still coming through)

Rain and other weather effects coming through objects and such is mostly a matter of your ‘Shelter’ status in the top left methinks. If your shelter icon is 100% full you will stop seeing rain and hearing the sandstorm. Anything less than 100 and you’ll notice.

That said, yeah the shelter status is iffy already with walls/ceilings 2 high. Build past 3 high and it starts becoming unreliable.

Interesting, I always thought the height didn’t matter that much since so many players build massive buildings were my 3 wall height pales in comparison. However, I genuinely disregard the shelter icon since I thought I built really humble and small.

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