::FUNCOM:: Real Suggestions for patches 'n' Balancing

You first. This entire thread is one massive troll. Begging for a job, saying you have a million dollar idea that’ll save the company, and yet are unable to defend from criticism or answer any questions about it.

Lol I can close all the holes you talking about.
But you already have shown who you are. And I know who you are. There are thousands like you. And people like you are hard to deal with.
As there are thousands like me too. Common behaviors describes character.

So I’ll not get stressed here. I know where It ends with someone like you.

I’m Out.
I hope Funcom reads it.

The idea is great, sincerely.

Plus, do you want to know who you are, Jimbo?

Go to forexfactory.com
Look for a profile called HANOVER. Check his replies.
He’s exactly like you.

14 years in forum. Always being “rationally toxic” and rejecting every sort of ideas. Does he make money on Forex? No. He’s a programmer.

Last thing, yes. The “job” part was pure troll at the start. You were right on this. I apologize if you got pissed. I know I sounded egocentric.
But the idea is so good, Jimbo… oh so good.

Good for that guy. Keep your personal drama outta the forums

Then why did you bring it up a dozen times lmao

That’s why I don’t play on PVP servers. Having to schedule my private life around a videogame is a no-go for me.

That said, there’s more than one way to skin a cat. I’m asking you specific questions about your idea, and saying “but, but, offline raiding!” is not an answer.

Aaaaaaand, I’m out of here. Every time anyone points out a problem with your idea, you either move the goalposts or completely ignore everything except what you want to talk about.

You (hopefully) read my whole reply and out of all that, you ignored everything except one point that you didn’t even address.

There are enough people in real life who deflect all criticism and keep praising their own ideas as great, without offering any concrete arguments. I don’t need to deal with them on the forums, too.

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yes I see that alpha clans with endless resources and time have a massive advantage and I don’t like it

it is a pity if the own ego is bigger than the idea and therefore something useful might be lost in the infinite width of self-congratulation :man_shrugging:

a shame should be hidden under all that writing a good idea…

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I personally disagree with your suggestion. What you are proposing can mean many different things, for example an inactive clan spamming foundations everywhere and you can only damage them on tuesdays.
Different point: you complain about offline raiding. Official servers only have a raid time of 6 hours. If you don’t have enough time for that, no problem. I also rarely play that much. But if you are pissed about being raided offline because you can’t defend your base during those 6 hours, you might consider going to a private server that doesn’t allow offline raids.

And as a sidenote: one thing where I totally agree with @Jimbo is your attitude here. Continously asking for a job wont solve any problems and neither will insulting people like this for example:

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Failures right? I’m bold enough to know I’m dumb in a lot of parts.
I’m not even close to be perfect. Are we? I wish I was perfect like most part of the population.

Sometimes my ego hits hard in a negative way.
Sometimes it gives some confidence.

The idea? Still good. but must be worked on. Still very very good for those with creative mind.

But you guys won. The silent crowd shall remain silent.
You guys that enjoys to read and talk a lot in posts, keep doing it.


Wish the best for CE.
I hope someday I can comeback.
Really good time I had until I know the famous offline raid in pvp official servers.


Thread has devolved into non-constructive territory. Thanks for your feedback!