Founded June 19, 2003 - in our 18th year
Recruitment is open
Want to join and already know about AP ? Go directly here on our forums : How to join Athen Paladins
We are now in our 18th year !
Athen Paladins was founded in June 2003 by old-timers, some of them in AO since the beta.
We are one of the oldest organizations still active, and one of the top organizations.
You can see our org rosters here and judge by yourself:
- Athen Paladins on “People of Rubi-Ka”, AO’s official site
- Athen Paladins details on Auno (the site is not totally up-to-date)
We are a respected, large (6750+ characters, not counting our daughter org, G.O.A), old, and friendly group, working like a family regardless of our size.
We are proud of our reputation of fair, honest, and helpful people.
We are an international organization, with members from many countries and time zones.
We host several bots and web sites for the AO Community.
We also created and are hosting the world-design bug database system for AO Developers, mentioned several times by the Devs themselves on AO forums, like for example here
We are also happy and proud to see members who left AO coming back after years to be with us again, and staying in contact with us on our forums forever. We are family.
We work and help each other to be always better: we have many “elite” players but but we don’t like elitism. Everyone has a chance; everyone can progress with us.
We gladly welcome returning players and help them.
We raid, we team, we help with twinking and equipment, we explain and we teach.
We can get most loot with org raids and org teams.
We offer 2 cities QL300 fully featured, and a neutral farming org with city.
We have org banks with most buff items to help with twinking.
We welcome all kinds of gameplay, PvM and PvP as well. Newcomers and free players are always welcome, as long as they are ready to learn and improve themselves in a friendly environment.
We do one scheduled raid per day, on average, and of course we also have many teams and non-scheduled activities.
Check our scheduled raids here on our forums and in the next posts in this thread as we very often post them, and, yes, we also do Sector 42 once a week on Sundays:
We are also a proud part of The Alliance, a group of several respected and strong organizations, sharing a bot network and a chat relay (each org’s chat remaining of course private).
We want to remain a family with happy members, and we welcome nice, friendly and mature people. “Mature” doesn’t mean “old” but simply that AP members don’t act in a childish way.
We don’t want selfish, rude, arrogant, contemptuous, impatient, or greedy people, and no drama lover or maker. We want people who will respect and help each other.
We want not only to be stronger together but also to be happier together!
If you want to join an org in the only purpose of getting “phat” loot, or big org advantages, then AP is definitely NOT for you.
If you cause or like drama, disputes, conflicts, if you spoil the fun of people inside or outside the org by any unfair behavior, then AP is definitely NOT for you.
Having the expansion packs (SL, LE, LoX,…) is not mandatory to join AP. You can join with a free, basic account. (Of course, you’ll miss a part of the fun without expansions.)
>>> HOW TO JOIN AP <<<
- Contact us
See our forums : How to join Athen Paladins
Don’t forget to indicate the name of your character(s)! Also tell us at what times you are online.
Contact us in AO (feel free to send several messages, it’s easy to be busy and miss a tell):
- Cherib / Cheribomb / Jacythna / Officegrrl GMT +12
- Talmahera / Tefnet / Amaruka / Dunann
- Chrisax (President and org Founder) GMT
- Cratattak / Zanokia
- Coderox / Codecrasher / Codeish / Codemanforce / Shacode GMT+1
- Bonniedoom / Betadoom / Amagosa / Whapperz (General) GMT -5
Read our Code of Conduct and rules (links below); during a chat with an officer, you’ll be asked if you have questions about them and if you accept them
You’ll have a short chat with an officer (sometimes you may be asked to team with us once) and the decision about your application will be taken quickly after this.
(When we know well a person in AO, or in real life, recruitment is faster.)
Code of Conduct
Org chat recommendations, and attitude on chat
“Friendship through all trials, Honor and Loyalty above all else.
Every day they embark on a new adventure, may the fates shine upon them”
Here Sadly this was a Flash animation and we have to redo it as Flash is gone.
MP 220, AL 30, Research 70, active, Born on Rimor
In AO since 2001
Founder and elected President of Athen Paladins