Regarding the new AoW Legendary Weapons and Thralls

Exactly! I would love having to do them occasionally, but without being forced to grind them obsessively. :smiley:


Okay, so we solved the videogame! :stuck_out_tongue: Somebody go drag Dennis here!

  • Take legendaries out of RNG chests and shove them into the pockets of specific (dungeon?) bosses 3-4 max per boss, with a random one from that small pool dropping guaranteed when the player kills the specific boss.
  • Legendary chests could be reused for valuable materials golem parts
 :smiley: something nice
  • Implement durability loss for thralls in the above mentioned fashion (items can never fully break, they’ll never go below 1 durability and start lowering their effectiveness once they’re more than halfway broken). This seems like a nice compromise as you’ll never end up with accidentally broken stuff, but it gets rid of the “thrall magic” immersion breaking aspect of things where their items can never degrade.
  • Once the above are done you can do whatever with the repairs
 can revert legendaries back to being unrepairable or just go with the current higher durability hit on them :man_shrugging:
    If anyone complains we’ll take away their chocolate!

Actually I always wanted weapons to do less damage as their durability drops.
For example below 50%, you would see a 2_3% damage (and armor penetration) drop per every 10% loss in durability. For the player too, not only for the thrall.
And now with legendaries being unrepairable, I modify this: they don’t lose power when degrading.

Good news: they won’t be unrepairable :slight_smile:

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Had to hop into test and see, but I cant repair legendary weapons. How are you doing it?

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I’m not. I only have second-hand information. I was told yesterday that “they caved” to our complaints and that the legendaries should now be repairable, citing this section of the hotfix patch notes as evidence:

I haven’t actually hopped into TestLive to see if that works on legendaries, I just took @biggcane55’s word for it.

Havent tested. i will confirm tonight. Wonder if they are just going to roll out the hotfix changes with the entire update, and not do anything on test servers? Or they jumped the gun on the post, and havent actually did the patch.

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Or maybe the patch notes are misleading? Maybe “all tiers” should have been “all repairable tiers”? Dunno, just guessing here. :man_shrugging:

The patch is on beta, because everything else in the patch notes is true to what I see now.

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So i wonder if the repair part is not working correctly, or as code said, they misworded it?

Can you ise a legendary repair kit on them like the old way.

Uhhhh what? I dragged the repair kit onto the weapon, I used nemedian and godbreaker boots and nothing. I don’t know of any other way.

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This is the way.

Oh cool!
Apparently I missed the patch.

Looks to be the case, I just tried it
 Legendaries still can’t be repaired, they still insta-break to 50% as soon as you use them
 and in other news logging also still doesn’t work in mods.
So that’s 3 things already off the patch-notes that are simply not true. @Ignasi was given #fakenews :)))


What? They lose 50% durability as soon as you use them? :smile:

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yea if you have upgrades on them :stuck_out_tongue:


I cannot replicate this. I just got a new legendary with a new master weapon kit and no more durability loss, I also tested a freshly crafted spear and no issues. Make sure you aren’t using a pre-patch weapon with the mod applied. The patch didn’t function retroactively.

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could have been, I didn’t pay too much attention which weapon it was, whether new or old as I had a mix of both, just saw it happening. The bigger question though is why that happened in the first place

Still, the other 2 are definitely the case and maybe we could find more if we tried each point on the patch-notes, which I haven’t done.

(the logging bug also means no wiki updates btw, so I’m sure people won’t be too happy about that one if it stays like this till release)

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I’ve only seen the 50% durability loss on first use once, and not since the latest patch. It was on the Reaver’s Axe with a Master Weapon Fitting.