Remove the light that emanates from the character

I don’t know what mod is causing the glow to turn off for me (I have about 30 of them). There is no such information in the mods descriptions.


In moonlight open areas you cannot see the luminosity of our body, and armors sometimes prevail it.

Yet in a cave like jhil things are going far more serious, sometimes youe body is reflecting light in the walls, sometimes it doesn’t

But when it’s raining it’s pitch black like your photo @Teng

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I don’t understand the big deal of the change. It makes sense as far as a developer because you want people to play your game, not waiting 6 minutes for you to see again. It’s not like it’s great and farming exploring and combat are still hampered with it.

This was a change that I didn’t ask for, don’t need it but doesn’t really affect me either and if it gets players playing , I’m good with it


I believe nobody did. What they did is almost logical, but they cannot reproduce the eye function in a game. So they added this small glow to approach the eye functionality. Normally, after awhile of light absence, people can see in dark, but not in pitch black. In order for a night to be pitch black that means that the sky is black, without stars. So like @Teng send a photo of seeing nothing, it’s probably because on the north part and in jungle, it’s mostly raining, so the sky is black, there for this “glow” doesn’t work. Some will run to say it’s a “poor effort” from devs to approach normal night vision. For me?

Visibility in video games is an interesting topic. There’s a lot of arguments for realism stating that if its night or you’re in a cave, and you don’t have a light source, you shouldn’t be able to see.

The issue with that argument is it is ignoring a few realistic aspects. A video game by definition and by its physics is a visual medium. Sound is used as well, and for most people this is stereo sound. In some cases some haptic feedback is used by some controller interfaces, but this is very limited. The tactile version of a blinking led at best.

What you’re missing is smell, taste, humidity, air pressure, and even static charge, most importantly you’re missing sense of balance and texture of your surroundings. A human being devoid of sight can still interact with their surroundings and even can locate objects. When talking about night time darkness, our eyes gradually adjust to the lowlight conditions.

A video game just showing a black screen is not only blinding us from the point of view of the character, but essentially sensory depriving us of everything else except for sound. And the sound we hear is artificial. It would be like being in a sensory depravation chamber with headphones on giving you a recording of the sounds happening inside.

Try this. Close your eyes. Now move your mouse around. Now type. You can do all that right? It might be awkward but you can do it. You’re spatially aware of your surroundings, you’re tactfully aware of what you are touching. You are aware of yourself.

One of my biggest complaints in a video game is when my character cannot be seen or is obscured. This could be a dark area where I cannot see my character. Or there could be a camera angle that causes some object (usually foliage) to obscure my character. I don’t know about you all… but when a tree branch is a few feet behind me in real life… I don’t suddenly lose spatial awareness and can’t see my own arms and legs.

On the subject of a little light that emanates from our character. I would assume this is in order to simulate the idea our character is NOT sensory deprived and can utilize their other senses and this is the emulated feedback we get as players.

From what I’ve seen of this ‘glow’ it doesn’t help you see your enemies unless they are right on top of you. It doesn’t help you navigate. And it doesn’t help you see hidden dangers from any meaningful distance. All these things would require sight in order to operate.

There is a myriad of sensory information video games have to convert to a visual medium. Its why they are video games. If you’re looking for a full scale sensory experience in a game, this isn’t going to work for you.


Y’all remember this is a survival game, right?

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I still can’t see a damn thing in the darkest parts of the game without a light source. I definitely would not go fight three-skull Jhil bosses without a light. That’s why I don’t see this as a big deal, because the “glow”, at least on my display settings, seems like it’s just some ambient lighting rather than pitch black.


On Siptah I can’t see a damn thing regardless of glow.

On EL I simply either don’t notice it or I just have my torch out constantly.


Darkness and using a torchlight is part of the survival strategy since the beginning.

The character light emitting makes no sense to me and I agree it should be removed, but the light spell should be improved and stay stationary (wearable lights, anyone?).

Its mind-blowing Funcom decides to change things in the game so much even though the players should be aware of darkness before they start playing this game and should not complain about it (probably the loud minority like every ** change they make these days).

Make Conan immersive again, not too much but at least better than in its current state… the game is so piss easy its boring atm…

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Doesn’t bother me at all, and I think it’s quite useful in areas like the wine cellar if you died and want to get your stuff back, particularly if you missed the torches that are already annoying to even activate (imagine being killed trying to activated one). Honestly, I think this is a trivial issue.

One thing I would like to see however, as has been mentioned several times before, a lantern that can hang from your waist without the need for taking up other slots. It’s been a long time without a hands free torch. I can build entire cities, but I can’t seem to figure out how to make a lantern that I can hang around my waist? :roll_eyes: just make it locked behind a higher level and only last the usual 20 minutes.


Y’all remember this is a game, something people do for leisure, right? And people are different? You want one thing, other people want something else. Personally I think it is absolute trash when I am enjoying my leisure time playing a game and I am interrupted by long periods of my screen going black. That is not fun for me. If it’s fun for you, great. Funcom should provide an option so both you and I can have fun. It doesn’t make sense for you to lobby to have my fun taken away so you can enjoy your version of fun.


Pitch black is still a feature of weather instead of each night. No reason to change it.

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We are not taking your fun away. There are countless options as I and others said. Just because someone does not want to use them, it shouldn’t be all of the others’ problem.

Glowing humans… what will be the next move? Humans with wings?

I mean like others sayd there are torches in the game ans some glwoing weapons. Maybe make thralls can wear a torches withouth putting them back constantly. Im against this glowing around the character its destroying immersion for me same like the anoying battlemusic but thats another topic.


It’s another problem created by Funcom themselves.

First they made the game too easy, unbalanced where Thralls can solo kill every boss or even group of enemies including boss in the game, and player is there just standing and watching, does not need to help or take any action at all.

This attracted large portion of playerbase with horrible gaming skills who expect the game to become even easier. While the rest expects that the game is going to go the opposite way and actually makes some “survival challenge”.

It’s the same with the night, after 3-4 years devs decided to make the nights and dungeons darker because they were far too bright.
And what happened? Low skilled crowd failed to adapt (there are hundreds of torches, lamps, braziers, magic sticks and fireplaces in that game) and start to use light sources at night.

You can’t see at night? How about crafting a torch? :tada:


Hmmm… the light is far from annoying and doesn’t affect immersion. It helps.

I hate spending 5 min do nothing every 20-30 min because someone thought pitch black every night was cool. That breaks immersion not the light.

Being able to move and not be stuck for 5 min is a big deal.

How can you say that?
How is light emitting characters not immersion breaking?

We’re not Jesus. We’re barbarians.


Let’s say the eyes adapt a little bit and you might be able to see something using only light of the sky. We should be able to see maybe 2 steps away, and currently it’s immersion breaking when you roam around Sepermeru and walls and houses become illuminated or in the woods trees become illuminated as you walk by them. It looks sad…

Remove that from the game, this is what torches are for.


Why the hell are you waiting?
And it is not always the same pitch black.

I am quite the opposite tho: I find the majority of nights too bright, the full moon every night is a bit stupid.

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By this logic the presence of the light is not taking your fun away. You are welcome to turn your screen off any time you like and enjoy the game your way.

I am well aware of the poor ways the game provides to deal with darkness. Bottom line is that darkness does in fact take my fun away.

And in fact humans with wings is absolutely brilliant, Aion was an amazing game for a while.

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