REQUEST: Lights of Zamora Preview

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I am curious how these look in-game and how bright the light they emit is. Any feedback will be appreciated. Mostly interested in these two:



Yes I would like to see the size of them if possible


I will try to give info when I get home if no one else does by then.


@jmk1999 has them as well, I believe.


Yeah, but I’m at work. I’ll try to do it when I get home, but @darthphysicist will likely beat me. I’m on pacific time and don’t get off until 5:30… so…, :expressionless:

I can say the hanging pole ones are about the same as most standing torches. I’ll check with @Marylambs and see if she can hop on my account and preview them.


@Narelle there ya go. I put them next to walls in dim light so you could get an idea of size and brightness.


Damn, you must have been almost home lol… I still got 4 hours to go. :expressionless:

I go to work real early…

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Thanks fot the pictures it was a real help

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5 lights at damn near the cost of an entire DLC. I wont even spend free croms on bazaar items.
Sorry, every time I see the prices on items in the bazaar I’m flabbergasted.

Yeah. I mean, weren’t the Stormglass and Turanian building set add-ons about the same price range? These lamps look kinda pretty, but I don’t think I need them badly enough to justify the price tag.

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Thanks a lot @darthphysicist. They don’t seem bright enough. I was hoping they would illuminate a bigger area.

I see only 4…
And yes this is to expensive for such an item. On my opinion, the only fair prices are the building sets.

In case it’s helpful for anyone, we did a video showing the lights in more detail (during day/night), as well as some comparisons with existing base game lights - so you can see how bright these new lights are, and what the radius is.


Thank you, @Pixelcave. Much appreciated.

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Like most of the items in the Bazaar, it’s too costly for what it offers and once again, i will not buy this.

When Funcom will learn that they will sold more and do more profits with a fair price for low / medium budget rather than targeting the whales?

For now i only took the building sets that are the only items with a fair price. Maybe that i will took the aquilonian bath set someday but nothing else from the Bazaar.

Yeah. I mean, I guess those would be great for dungeons etc. where you want the area to be only dimly lit - they look good for such a dark, menacing atmosphere (which I guess fits the Zamorian theme). But if you want to have a base where you can find your way to the toilet at night without tripping on a wheel of pain, the basic items in the game seem to be a lot better.

They all look like they belong outside to me.

Yup… I took one for the team. I know @Marylambs would have bought them if I didn’t. She didn’t need to spend more money than she already has. I literally only bought them for the hanging brazier. :roll_eyes:

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