Reset time for abandonment building

On my server building decay time is reset to max hours by any players. I understand that was a bug there is any correction for that?

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This sounds like…
In my team the water boy never gives me water :man_shrugging:.
No offense here but…
Private or official?
If official, which?
If private,
Are you a player?
Are you the admin?
If pc,
Do you use mods?
If you seek help cover all these in your post and maybe you’ll get some.
Again no offense please


As @stelagel asks people are going to need alot more information our friend


It’s called tapping the base.

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I was thinking this section is for console, yes i have my own server for console.why im bother if i was on official? no offence,like i told,i was choose the section for playstation,there arenn’t modes for consoles ,now how can you help me to know all of this?

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Check a little higher please…
You are in the general discussion section :man_shrugging:. Playstation has it’s own section, you are not in it, that’s why I asked the questions, saying again… Take no offense please…
So you are Playstation, private, admin of the server… Cool
Can you please help our fellow exile here. It is an admin issue and I cannot help our Mago exile here. Thank you guys :+1:t6:.


Sounds lazy, you could assist him by googling everything needed then providing a coherent explanation of the said problem and solution :wink: :face_with_raised_eyebrow::laughing:

Also if English isn’t first language some of our wonderful players hear speak other languages to which could better help and serve you in your hour of need.

These three outstanding members can provide the best help that @Mago can take. I could summon 10 more at least but the forum rules allow only 3 tags per post, trust me they are outstanding, you’ll see :wink:.

This is a screen shot of my ingame abandonment settings. I went by three clans bases did not increase their timer one was just about decayed one had plenty of time. I have heard of this happening before but no word if there was a solution. I have players on right now can not shutdown server to check Gportal. Do you have a daily server reset? That can cure some things. @Mago .



This is news to this one but they shall inquire with the admin for the PS4 server they play on.
In the meantime, if it is a PvP server, there are more direct ways of dealing with problematic builds or absentee players. However, not having access to the command lines does severely diminish what a server admin can do on that platform.

One suggestion this one had heard was to add a greeting message reminding people not to mess with those settings and then admin spawning a dozen or so arena champions inside the persons spawn or crafting areas. Or likewise surrounding and filling their build with Shaggai Drones to drive them mad from the noise.

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