Good day fellow AoC Players.
I Started playing this game around 2009-2010 about a year or 2 before the Godslayer Expac dropped.
I was in a guild called Harlots of Tortage ( aaah the memories ) But had to stop after a while.
I think i stopped somewhere around 2012-2013…
Now here we are about 7-8 years later.
That some things have changed is no understatement!
(well… except for the promised class changes, crafting revamp,… ect those didn’t happen i suppose )
There are allot of questions here so bare with me
what do people do in the end game now?
I have a lvl 80 Necromancer.
Gear is about T2-3 with some faction gear (most of my faction reps are almost maxed… a few still need work, got the wolf mount, got the tiger mount then grinded for the moonchild pet, ect…).
With most needed AA’s already maxed.
What’s the general progression route? (daily dungeons, what tokens to gather,ect…)
What gear do i focus on? (outside of raids ofc) -
A general Necro guide. It’s been a while so i need the refresher to the rotation. Tips, tricks, ect…
A good place with all the new raids and dungeon guides.
(and the old ones to refresh my mind with them. I LOVED doing hard modes in dungeons)
3.1 Attunement quest. Are there any new ones from when i left? I would like to do those so i’m ready when i join a guild -
STONERUNE and scripts
i’ve tried to find the stonerune UI but haven’t been able to find anything about it… i realy liked it though.
Any place to find scripts related to dungeons and raids? (So handy)
A guide or explanation to AoC stats. What i mean is things like how combat rating works. Intelligence vs flat Magic damage, crit hit and crit chance. What was critigation again? Totally forgot.
Things like that.
Also what’s the general amount of DPS that’s desired now? (from a necro point of vieuw) -
Where did my stamina go? Is my wolf mount just a normal mount now? I loved the almost infinite sprinting with it…
That’s most of my questions for now. I would appreciate any help
PS. Any raiding guild that still need a necro main?
I also have allot of other classes at 80 with some ‘decent gear’ (Cult gear - T1 - some T2)
Most of them attuned to most raids from when i left the game.
Hope to feel that old AoC feeling.
Cheers and thank you all for reading!