It sometimes locks character in one direction, can’t change it no matter mouse movement, keyboard input - it just stays in one direction for example facing north and im very vulnerable in that case.
I may cut video and post it there so there’s no confusion about it.
This actually happened to me yesterday on PC with a keyboard. I do not think it is a controller issue. It is almost like a perpetual target lock bug on a direction vs a mob or player.
After sheathing/unsheathing my weapons a few times it cleared it up.
Are You sure You experienced same bug?
It locks you in one direction - its very much possible it could be related to target lock but i don’t even use it (binded it on “:” key so i won’t accidently press it), in my case only way to fix it was going to main menu and then back in game.
I did experience a similar thing the other day several times, and it IS target lock, without actually having a target. hitting Q immediately dismissed it
This was has experienced likewise.
It usually resolved if this one opens the sorcery menu or the settings menu. Sometimes the map will break this one free, as will some emotes.
In active PvP, it is sometimes perilous.
At first this one thought it was a new drunk mechanic.