Server PvE 4513 - Infinite Loading Screen

Game mode: [Online]
Problem: [Bug]
Region: [Latin America]

Hello guys.

The official server 4513 (PvE) Latin America is not working properly.

I was playing, collecting some thralls and when I came back to my base it was totally wiped out. So, I told to my friends to come back too and look if was a bug of mine or it was a real problem on the server.
They came back to base and the same problem occurs. One of them told me he can’t see the structure but it was there like an “invisible wall”.

So, trying to solve this problem, we all logged out. When we try to log in back, the load bar reaches 100% but we could not log in, in other words, we are all stuck on infinite loading screens… (Even the hints of the loading screen are not appearing at all)

I believe that is not a problem of mine because this server usually had around 20 player constantly logged in and now (March 26) no one was logged.

Steps on how to reproduce issue:

  1. Try to log in on the server
  2. That is… good luck

Hi @luizfuchs, welcome to the forums and thank you for reaching out, we’ll be sure to look into this situation together with G-Portal.

Hello again!

Early in the morning I let my game “stuck” in the loading screen and went out. When I came back, I was logged in but the game was running with very low textures and some NPCs were flying. My thralls were attacking the floor…

There are some weird things going on =0

I logged out to prevent any major bug.

The server should have been restored to normal activity, please let us know if any issues persist.

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