The server 3590 got set back and lossed all progress that was made is this going to reverted back??
If you’re referring to lost progress from the past couple days, no… that was intentional. If you check many other topics on this forum, the follower decay timer was set to one day and people lost all of their followers and years of leveling and equipment. So no, don’t expect it to be restored. You lost a couple days versus the people that were able to recover YEARS of work. You’ll be fine.
There is mention of helping out the players that lost progress over the weekend
No worries I get that but thralls are very easy to get and remake… same as progress was grinding a bit the past few days for some raids and seems like that will be not be happening…but does not take years get a health base just saying… But I do get the frustration…
That is really good to hear was just wondering that had some plans for the holiday weekend on the exiles lands and that might be a flop.
Muh muh yrs of work. How dare you complain over getting reset!!!
Siptah server’s still have decay turned off until next Age from what I understand We have our own Exiles server and spend most official time on Siptah although we did loose thralls on Exiles map. But not like others have.
Get over yourself, man. I lost nothing, however I can at least sympathize with those that did. I know what it’s like. I had to deal with the merger over a year ago and lost thralls I had on my old server that I have yet to replace still. I’ve also been suspended and had my entire base of over a year’s worth of work wiped.
Your lack of understanding for what exactly happened is pathetic. You lost two days of work. That’s a pittance compared to what actually was gained by most of the player base. Just because you didn’t pay attention to this whole fiasco because you were “spared” the initial damage doesn’t mean what happened wasn’t an overall good thing.
Yes, Funcom messed up and there’s no excuse for that, but two days is negligible in the grand scheme. Don’t be a jerk to the people that are happy they got their stuff back.
Yeah, it’s super frustrating. However, keep in mind, the lost thralls weren’t all easily acquired. Some are legacy variations of thralls or ones you just can’t find very easily. When the server merges occurred over a year ago I lost Syra Brennerhet. I still haven’t found her to this day on my current server. Also, they lost tons of weapons and equipment, including legacy versions of said items or siptah transferred items that made it this far. So many people were affected by more than just the time spent to find and capture thralls. We’re not just talking about a handful of berserkers here.
Yeah all good gg to keeping those thralls that long… Been playing a long time been wiped been, been dev wiped… Lost it all and regained it back I do get it and understand all was wondering if the progress was gonna be reverted not the thralls they got back keep those thralls some one will kill them off eventually haha
Nah, I play PvE. Only thing killing them are NPCs or Funcom. Regardless, a bonus harvest and xp event for next weekend or something should definitely be considered. It sucks for those starting out and those who lost everything alike. It’s just that this was the immediate concern for Funcom. Hopefully they’ll follow up with another charitable act.
Muh muh virtues.
Muh muh big picture view.
“Muh muh…”
You don’t know MUHch else, do you? You deflect with silly responses. Bro, you’re toxic.
If you came on this forum and actually tried to be civil and come up with practical ideas, while still sympathizing for other players, maybe you wouldn’t be met with negativity from other players. You came here super angry and proceeded to berate, belittle, and be all-around argumentative. Not a single bit of positivity in anything you’ve posted. How do you expect others to treat you and your views when you can’t even do the same for others?
Oh wait… I meant to respond with “muh muh I’m sad! Muh Muh!” Oops, my bad.
I was. Until you ppl got on my nerves with your virtue signaling rubbish. And your lack of civility.
I do. It’s wasted on you and a few others like yourself.
Muh positivity, muh civility, muh arguments.
What are you talking about??? Literally every post I’ve seen from you today has been angry and shooting back at anyone you disagree with. My lack of civility? I never once said “muh” to anything you said. It’s as though you’re completely ignorant of everything you do. “Until you ppl got on my nerves” obviously points out the fact that you don’t know how to have a civil conversation. I’m sorry if I was sympathetic towards the people that lost all their hard work. Maybe that was too much “virtue signaling rubbish” for you. I assure you that most others would agree it was just the right amount.
Oh yeah it certainly points that out. No other reason than that.
Are you some special narcy case. You were sympathetic my buttcheeks. All you did was tell them how little their troubles are, when people should rightfully be angry with FC for their sloppy job.
Sounds to me like you’re more angry with us than with Funcom.
Btw, your frustration is showing even more now. I can tell you’re at a boiling point just by your atrocious spelling and grammar. It’s degrading with each reply. You need to cool off, take a break, get in touch with your inner self, and return to the party when you’re ready to discuss such matters like an adult.
Or you can just “muh” some more. Whichever you prefer I suppose. I’m not your parent.
muh adultsplaining
Lmao… ok…
I’m clearly losing brain cells just attempting discourse with you. I’m done. You’ve really shown me a thing or two. I’m gonna go cry myself to sleep.
Your suppositions are far from the truth. I don’t really care that much about the issue as a whole, I just want FC to be more invested in their game. Nor is the conv itself. I’m probably getting tired before bedtime.
Think I’ll end it here. Like a friend once said to another player with full nudity on “Watch my cheeks as I depart”