Server Transfer! A feature of great importance!

It has been gone too long.
We fear for it to not return.

I, and I know I speak for an amount you should not ignore,
REALLY want this feature and we will only buy CE when it is back for good!
Of course we would look forward to this with great anticipation.

Now however, when this feature is googled, the Instuction-page is still the first result!

Even though this feature might just as well never make a return for all we know so far!
That actually boarders the unnacceptable!

The least thing that can be demanded right now is some clarification on the simple question:
WILL Server Transfer return or NOT ?

If it will, a rough time estimate would already make me buy CE in full
(but I of course know that release-dates are a thing of the past).

If it won’t however!
Then have the backbone to take that false instruction down!
Out of respect, I and my Clan might at least give the Base-Product a shot if you do that.

Most importantily:
Know that Server Transfer is an important feature that you can not just sweep under the rug that easily if that was your intention.
If you were to finally bring it in in full though, it would elevate CE to its full server-potential again!


Just out of curiosity
 For what you need the server transfer if you don’t owned the game?

At least there is no new information about if it ever will come back.

I cross my fingers that it will not come back in the form it was in the past.

While siptah is not a part of the base game it shouldn’t be allowed to jump between this two different maps.

On the other hand i would like to have a fix transportery stone between this two maps. But don’t know how it could work. Every EL server has a connected siptah server?

However don’t expect that this function will come back in the near future


It is called, only buying a product when it meets expectation.
Say you are interessted in a car but you wait for a version to be available at your vendor that has a feature that you insist on. Simple as.

Pure Serversided Progress is simply not acceptable for a lot of us anymore.
Spent enough time in Space Engineers to know that.

And even if we ignored that, the fact that this feature is basically still used to promote CE is really everything but fine in the Status-Q.

Of course I understand the example if you want buy a product like a car.

But it sounds like you know the game so I though you maybe already owned it.
Don’t worry you don’t really need the server transfer. Of course a connection from siptah to exiles land would be fine but you can also have different characters on this servers.

Its been a while that I played pvp and that was long before the transfer option was availible. But for pvp this transfersystem was very unfair. You could raid someone and just jump to another server. The raided clans and person dont even know where to go to fight the enemy back. And if they don’t owned the siptah dlc they don’t even have a chance even if they knew. In my opinion this was pay2win and I like funcom much for how they try not to add pay2win mechanics to their game. So maybe they need to overwork the whole transfer system and give as something different.

Maybe a quest on both maps you need to complete to connect your characters and let you build a mirror as a portal to the other map. But I would like to see it only 1 to 1 map and maybe a long cool down of 3 month if you want to change them.

What’s your point about the transfer. For what you need it? I mean level up a char on a new server don’t takes long time.
On siptah I am challenging my self with not Googling anything and I am missing some recipes I know from exiles land. That is for what I would like to see a transfer option


Well, CE was free to be for a Weekend not too long ago.

  • Simply doing proper research is not hard anymore.

Yes, I also know that there are/were PvP-Concerns about Server-Transfers.

There was a 7-Day Cooldown for Official PvP-Transfers. Account- not playerbound mind you.
Was that really not enough?
And even if, fine. It is for Funcom to decide on how to further balance this.

All I want is Server-Transfer for Official Servers back.
If they have to introduce even more Rules, fine!
Np with that.

There’s a few reasons why character transfer between servers was removed.

First one is it gave a Pay to Win advantage for those who would transfer from a Siptah map to Exiled Lands. FC has taken a bit harder stance and revamped some of the systems to make the game have less and less pay to win as much as possible. Even something as ‘harmless’ as a cabinet having a few more inventory slots has been on the nerf block.

Second one was failure rate. Because of how old the game is, there has been many changes to the game’s database and how characters and map data has been saved. Characters are saved directly in the same file and database as the map which also has the buildings and clan data on it as well. So on servers with older characters, the rate of character transfer failing and losing the character was too high.

And finally, adding up all the little detriments and comparing them to the benefits, it basically comes down to what’s the point? For example, if we don’t allow Siptah to Exile travel, why bother with a transfer anyway? Just have a character on both. If you want to move to another server for kicks and giggles, at the harvest and exp rates that the servers in question have, its almost as quick just to roll another character anyway.

I could only see character transfer being needed for sub 0.3x exp rates servers. Even on 0.5 the leveling speed is quite fast and doesn’t take very long to regather all recipes.

Also another note is the servers that nearly 90% of players playing on are kind of hit and miss if they allowed transfer to them or not. If we’re talking PC, then mods come into play and they didn’t always play nice with transferring, meaning even if a destination server allowed transfer, the chances of it working went down. Thus the majority of players had no use for it.

It was only a tool for a few (not even a large minority) of official players and a handful of private server players. Or less than a few hundred players out of tens of thousands. Why maintain a feature that isn’t free to operate (webservers and their staff aren’t free) when hardly anyone is using it?

Because of its unpopularity and failure to work right in the number of cases it was used. It was likely deemed a failed experiment.


So you basically say: No Server Transfers.
I couldn’t disagree more with your reasoning but of course I cannot deny that a lot are fine with it’s absence.
I however, am not.
It is not just the level, which takes still long enough, it is also about items and immersion.

But sure, let’s just assume for a moment you are right,

Then it would be the right thing to do in every way for Funcom to simply state so.


I didn’t say no to it. I said hardly anyone used it. And then gave the facts to why.

Without playing the game, its hard to understand that. You could play it and see how easily it is to level up a character, even your first one. This game isn’t about its progression. The ‘hard’ part and the one that takes the most time is building (and to be fair, that’s not really that much time consuming either). Server transfer never did, never would, and never could transfer that with a character.


I can only agree to that. That wouldn’t even work.
It is my character that matters though!

And I actually played CE for about 10h.

  • I watched an insane amout of YT-Content on it.
    Thing is, I am not exactly rich and I need to think carefully about what Video-Game I actually start to invest time and money in.

The idea of having to start a new character on every server is simply a huge turn-off.
Buildings are fine.
If they REALLY can’t be bothered to get it done, even the gear (which I really think they should though)

But not the Character himself.

I 100% want to keep him.

If server transfers are worth that much to you, it pretty much means you’re looking to play on Officials. I would recommend another game in that situation. The lag and performance of officials is outright atrocious and not worth the time investment.

As I said before, private servers don’t really allow for character transfers and in many cases couldn’t because of their modlists.

As for me personally I’ve gone through probably over 20 characters by this point. Many of those times were voluntary rerolls because I wanted to play something different. But I don’t think that’s too far from most who have over several thousands hours played. In case you wish to know what the time-money investment is.

Server transfer was never about the difficulty of leveling a toon, it was about moving recipes and materials to a server where those recipes or materials were difficult or impossible to obtain. It’s true it was mostly only useful to players that played on official servers, which was a small percentage. However PvP players exploited the transfer system, just like they exploit everything else, and that coupled with the failure rate that you mentioned is what caused it to get shut down. I agree with OP that player transfers need to be brought back for PvE players as Siptah was marketed as an “expansion” and yet we are required to start over.


Have you ever played Siptah with fully reciped out Exiled Lands character?

Since you don’t require much of the RNG recipe rolls. You only need to complete each of the vaults once. You only need to visit some of the other new locations in the south, once. And then all you need to do after that is delve any recipes you think you might need and then get yourself about 5,000 Eldarium (probably much less), and then go back.

You could do that in a weekend. I don’t want to call Siptah an outright failure. But its systems are pretty garbage. The only thing keeping people playing it outside of building in a single unique biome (that gets old after a month or so), is the RNG on a character created there.

If Siptah was supposed to be an expansion, then it should have been designed with level 60 characters from Exiled Lands in mind. It wasn’t. Nor will it ever be, unfortunately.

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 we still do want it back!! we got it, they took it, we miss it, we want it back

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I don’t know what “reasons” for shutting down the transfer are in question, but for me it’s very sad. Perhaps this is true in relation to PVP, but for PVE it severely cuts down on gaming opportunities.
I play Conan for the sole reason - content, lore, roleplay. The world of Siptah with new recipes, animals, resources, and more is worth the money and time, and I would like my clan and I to be able to travel between these worlds. Among other things, this is another reason for interaction and trade between players and clans. Look at the “Ark SE” - there have been official cluster servers for many years, including PVP, and there are no problems with this.
It’s a question of competent attitude of developers and balance of genres.

After playing with transfers and without them I can comfortably say I like the separation of siptah and exiled lands. So if they bring it back I hope it’s just your character and equipped armor/hotbar. No backpack at all.

Of course fix the gods being able to transfer


Based on how much you seem invested in this “close to meaningless” feature the game had for a short period of time that was also bugged
 I’m having difficulties believing this scenario and am more inclined to believe that you and your clan got banned and lost your eldarium stock and need to buy new copies of the game or something :man_shrugging:

The alternative is that you indeed are so new that you merely THINK this is somehow an important and relevant feature to this game
 ofc it doesn’t really matter what impression I get of all this

Server transfers were never a core feature of this game and it was never marketed as such
 they introduced it as a “nice to have” and then it kept deleting people’s characters so they disabled it
 that’s about it
 and given the controversial discussions and accusations of P2W, it’s probably so far down their priority list that you will see them repaint grass sooner than fix the bugs with it and reintroduce it

On top of that it’s not very important to normal gameplay
 you can max a character in 2-3 days with the default progression
 without even putting special effort in it
 so it’s not like playing on multiple servers is somehow an issue without this.

The ability to travel back and forth between the two maps, that would be an awesome feature ofc. They can’t really shove both maps into one for a multiplayer game because of the UE4 limits, but they “could” do what would essentially be a fancier official version of Amunet’s server transfer mod and actually do server pairs and implement it into the game so you don’t have to go to menus and websites and whatnot
 they could do that and I and many others suggested it before. Would ofc require the inclusion of Siptah in the basegame. It would also involve a lot of work for very little profit and currently that’s not the type of work they seem to be focusing on
 soo probably won’t happen.

So all of that plus the above stuff others mentioned


Server transfers is actually a pretty insignificant feature to let dictate if you buy a game or not tbh. Buy the game for the game, not for the transfers. It doesn’t magically make it a completely different game by introducing them. It’s a good feature for players who want to run both maps on one character, but you don’t even own one map at this time, pal.

No offense but the game has survived just fine without your purchase thus far, and threatening to withhold it further isn’t as big of a threat as you think. The only one missing out is you, since you’re left not owning the game over a petty hill to die on.


Current x4 rates: You can max a character in an hour with a starmetal pickaxe hitting lotus and black ice actually. About 3 or so hours with a stone pick.

At x1 killing gorillas and skeletons would net you 60 in about those 3-4 hours. Of course there were other ways that people used that were exploitative.

Nevermind the boring aspect of something like this as is when the goal is not about enjoying the PVE content.

Aside from that.
My clan, friends, acquaintances et al, lament often about how the server transfer was a fantastic feature and we wish it back.

We server hop a lot and the biggest issue is time and recipes.


A friend asking for help on a server you’ve never been means you have to spend that hour not fighting, defending, raiding, building, getting key mats, etc.,
 Notwithstanding the risks of being ganked while you’re low level trying to “farm/level”. It sucks in that you have a perfectly usable 60 on a dead server elsewhere sitting there invisible to the world.


Trying to get very important recipes on Siptah is -to me and those like me- a boring grind. Considering I can run through most of the dungeons naked on Exiled and get what I need, like bestial memory potion or k’lael’s.

Then there’s the HUGE issue with yellow lotus atm. If you have to respec, as we often do, you risk losing that RNG’d recipe that gave you a leg up.

I’ve said boring twice of course. For someone like me I do enjoy the PVE content of the game and I take my time when I choose. So it’s not a matter of that. You want to get into the content of PVP as fast as possible.

Of course I am saying all this from a PVP perspective.

At this point we can speculate all we want on the reasons and possible outcome. At this time the company has communicated that they’re working on it. This is the information that we have - not that they’re not bringing it back. Reading some of these comments leads me to believe that these opinions hold little merit if they’re stating as such. But of course to people like me that do pay attention and know better we’ve noted those statements; otherwise it risks influencing others that don’t know and spreads misinformation.

If I am wrong then please provide the link where Funcom has stated they won’t be bringing transfers back.

Regardless, I also agree that we shouldn’t be able to move loot and tokens from one server to another. I’d even be fine with it naked.


Yes, but the problem could be solved if the character’s progress was assigned to the account, and not the game world, you know? For example, my character has never been to Siptah, but has learned a weapon recipe from there. I assembled it from three (?) recipe parts. In the end, I can’t craft him because there is no access to the eldarium in the Exiled Lands

If I drink the yellow lotus potion, then most likely this recipe will be lost forever. This is a crazy situation when a character is tied to the world in which he was created, and not to an account.

Regardless, I also agree that we shouldn’t be able to move loot and tokens from one server to another. I’d even be fine with it naked.

No, such an opportunity should be present, but there should be restrictions that will not allow abuse.
For example, as mentioned above - a cooldown for a few days after the transfer and/or a mandatory high-level building + resources to complete this transfer. Among other things, you can introduce “overload” restrictions for characters when transferring, so that it is not possible to move a large number of resources at a time for PVP.
Or those same “sea ships” with a team that would have to pay 10k gold to make a transfer. And for example, the more resources and co-clan members you are going to transport, the “more expensive” the services of pirates will be for PVE|PVE-C.
Among other things, in order not to “break” the lore of the game when using “buccaneers services”, you must go through the story and remove the slave bracelet.

With the old mechanics - for PVP servers, I would add a cooldown from 12 hours to a 1-2 days of “inactivity” before the transfer. For example, so that the people who raided could not quickly leave for another server.
I would add 1+1 clustered servers (as duos at the moment - Exiled Lands + Siptah). In this case, the cooldown before the re-reverse would not be required, because raiders will only go to a specific server.

At the same time, for PVE and PVE-K, I would leave the function of decaying buildings so that the “alpha clan” would have to confirm its dominance on both worlds, etc

Again, the character must belong to either the cluster or player account to be transferred, not the world in which it was created.

My reasoning is not without meaning, because I am not only a player and fan of Conan (who read a bunch of books as a child), but also a narrative designer

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Funcom has not announced that this is a possibility. They’ve acknowledged the issue with yellow lotus however.

This was a mistake as they’ve communicated and has since been corrected. You assembled 5 schematics fragments.

As I said, I would be fine with it being naked. I wasn’t suggesting that this is what they would do.

No matter what amount of restrictions would be in place, the only way to stop most if any exploits or inventive ways of increasing the amount is going to be by not allowing any transfer of loot. Restrictions were already in place but that didn’t stop people from figuring it out.

Are you suggesting people not play in order to transfer? O.o

They already said they won’t do this.