Server Wipes for Some Servers

Let’s talk about Blitz servers real quick.

First we have the community’s reaction to them:

Then their removal happened because they were underpopulated, an official word on it said here:

So what happened? Players played on blitz servers, then they wiped, and some played after the first wipe. Mostly left after the second. Servers were dead for a few months while players wanted more normal servers.

In 7 years there has been no attempt by those who want a wiping Funcom server to actually get together and show the viability of such. No blitz Funcom-like servers of the PVP nor PVE variant. Funcom has no intention of trying out a wiping server type. There’s not enough interest for it. Not enough interest for even a single server.

There’s also the added issue of there still being far too many servers being offered. We’re likely to see a condensing of servers and mergers again before any servers are added. And no, making wiping servers won’t make people come back. They didn’t stay when they had them.

There’s quite a few issues with server wipes as well. One of the best ways to kill a server’s population is to wipe. Wiping removes all physical attachments to a server a player has. Wiping a server can send your playerbase into an exodus to other servers.

This isn’t to say its impossible to keep a server population post wipe. Many do. They have communities that enjoy playing together more so than keeping just ‘their stuff’. But it also helps to have wipe day bonuses such as increased rates, auto-60, or even kits of building materials to give headstarts, as well as events prior to the wipe and events after.

One of the biggest issues with wipes are when they are scheduled. If you have a server that wipes say on a 6 month basis. Months 1-3 are the most active. Month 6 is dead. Why play in the last 3-4 weeks when you know all progress you are doing is gone, with very likely no one to show it to? You see this in seasonal play in the various ARPGs out there.

There’s quite a bit of an advantage a server has if they can maintain a no-wipe status. Its the largest draw of the servers in question.

Just not enough interest, and even those who claim to be interested will quickly lose interest once the newness wears off. I do find it fascinating that there are people in this thread claiming to want servers that wipe, who have never even played on one. Especially when they have more time spent playing on a single character than most have played entirely.

As someone who’s gone through over two dozen wipes, rerolls, and server changes over the last 7 years… a server wiping doesn’t bother me. I know its possible to not be fazed by it. But I also know that it can kill the game for others.

I mean if you’ve never done a wipe before. Hit recreate character on your current most progressed character and see how it feels. Some people find the experience to be awesome and nostalgic. Others… not so much.

Yep we have this thing called a Decay Timer. It works quite nicely.


Yep that would be me. I have refreshed the same base for 4 years straight now. I have other satellite bases that change based on content locations, but my main base I have refreshed for 4 years.


You have no idea of funcom’s intentions, hell I don’t think funcom knows funcom’s intentions.

I say yearly wipes on PVE and your comparison is monthly on PVP :roll_eyes:

In your opinion.

Do you remember the brewhaha the last time they did that?


Oh hell no.

Which would mean all the official servers were dead a long, long, long time ago.

Need I point out how many times I have restarted this game? A good part of the reason I’m not playing right now is stagnant, over built, poorly preforming, bargain basement server.

Ya know, I am aware that I often present an opinion as fact, are you?

But does it, I can foil it by logging in for 5 minuets every other week. Seems pretty fallible.

Well if you’re not part of the solution…

I like this idea


What exactly is wrong with this? It’s not breaking the ToS.

I refresh it because it’s the central hub for all of the main clans Teleport network.


If you don’t like decay and you don’t like other Official rules then don’t play on them. Pretty simple.


Yep. Just because you have 10,000 hours played on SP, doesn’t = squat.

Take your SP mindset and go back under your rock.


If you were on a private server I’d say kudos, but you’re not are you?
Seriously how long do you think it would take for some one to replace your maprooms?
On the public server I’m on there is no less then 5 open to the public maprooms with in sight of the sink hole obelisk. And I bet each one of those builders think they are an invaluable part of the server community.

Now just hold the flag. On testlive if I hit an obelisk with out a maproom, I built one open to all 3 of us. But if there was one there already why would I waste my time building another? I thank the person that built the first maproom, I question the third.

I love decay, wish you had to actually be active to fend it off. A few others have expressed similar opinions.

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While we are at it @DeaconElie why don’t we all be honest with ourselves and not forget to mention the Elephant sitting in the corner.

Falling Through The Floor BUG!!

I love how people in this thread are looking at the servers and wondering why they don’t have more players.

Cmon @DeaconElie I know we don’t see eye to eye, but you can’t ignore that bug.

Forget server performance, forget the bazaar, forget the Battle Pass, forget wipes, forget decay timers, forget it all.

Fix the falling through the floor Bug!!

You want to see players play Conan? Fix that crap.

Been an issue since April!!! April!!!

It impacts everyone. Official, Private, SP, everyone.

It’s a damn shame to. We all in here arguing about server wipes. Meanwhile you can’t build squat without falling through the floor.


I’m all for a more robust decay system and or activity system. I agree. You won’t get push back from me.


What if the fix requires a wipe and that is why they haven’t dropped it?
The fix would cause all previous builds to lose stability.

I play strictly on Siptah. Demon Leyshrine is the server Teleport Hub. Before we had teleports it was the main hub for all of the clans. When they released TP’s it just naturally became the TP hub.

And side note for me is I help Admin the server Discord for our Official Server. So for me personally, I don’t want to let down the community of players that we have established over the years.

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While it is commendable that you provide QoL on the server and help foster the community on it by being a discord admin they would survive without your generosity.

It’s a communal nicety. Further to this, not one of us as players have any right or claim over any server either.

Funcom will do what they want, wipes or no wipes.

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I’d be fine with the transparency. Be honest and give us all a notice.

I would treat it like a Transfer. Pack up my 200 inventory slots with my most valuable/important items. Do the same with my 2nd account.

I’d just rebuild my base.

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Yeah I totally understand you @Kikigirl

I do it for the community. I do it for the players. I like to help people.

Some people join, some don’t. It’s all good.

Yes they absolutely will. We have survived and endured many bugs and mishaps over the years. Yet we rebuild and move on.

I will say that if it wasn’t for Discord I would have stopped a long time ago.


But then that isn’t a wipe is it? Basically you are just body vaulting to a new server.

Losing Stability, Wiping and Merging are all completely different.

If every structure lost stability, I would pack up and rebuild.

If the servers were wiped, I would definitely quit.

If the servers were merged, I would do the same as buildings losing stability.

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If the game’s quality will be on the same trend, players will wipe themselves and move on. Just a little more time.

Great idea, this is how it’s done in other games, servers get recycled.
They have so many that even if they purge just 1 every month and restart it - it’s going to be good enough for the community and also YEARS of gameplay on each server.

Let’s be realistic, I am a new player and I want to join an official server.

  1. on PvP server I stand naked against players and clans who had 6 years time to build their strenght and resources - this is crazy.
  2. PvE server - graveyard full of monumental bases, every nice spot is taken, everything is spammed with builds, some bored cliques play there, the rest is only refreshing their builds, enters the game for 1 minute every week or so.

As I said above, the bigger picture. What you personally like is not good for the community.

Also the game must show some challenge to be fun (old purge etc).
Some people just don’t get it. I often feel on this forum like I’m pissing against the wind. I talk of obvious things and solutions, popular in other games, but everyone behaves like I was some alien creature speaking of some nonsense.

Funcom have said that they learned a lot while running Conan.
Now they have to learn to be brave and act for the greater good, servers should be wiped. One recycled, fresh server every month or two - amazing stuff.