Let’s talk about Blitz servers real quick.
First we have the community’s reaction to them:
Then their removal happened because they were underpopulated, an official word on it said here:
So what happened? Players played on blitz servers, then they wiped, and some played after the first wipe. Mostly left after the second. Servers were dead for a few months while players wanted more normal servers.
In 7 years there has been no attempt by those who want a wiping Funcom server to actually get together and show the viability of such. No blitz Funcom-like servers of the PVP nor PVE variant. Funcom has no intention of trying out a wiping server type. There’s not enough interest for it. Not enough interest for even a single server.
There’s also the added issue of there still being far too many servers being offered. We’re likely to see a condensing of servers and mergers again before any servers are added. And no, making wiping servers won’t make people come back. They didn’t stay when they had them.
There’s quite a few issues with server wipes as well. One of the best ways to kill a server’s population is to wipe. Wiping removes all physical attachments to a server a player has. Wiping a server can send your playerbase into an exodus to other servers.
This isn’t to say its impossible to keep a server population post wipe. Many do. They have communities that enjoy playing together more so than keeping just ‘their stuff’. But it also helps to have wipe day bonuses such as increased rates, auto-60, or even kits of building materials to give headstarts, as well as events prior to the wipe and events after.
One of the biggest issues with wipes are when they are scheduled. If you have a server that wipes say on a 6 month basis. Months 1-3 are the most active. Month 6 is dead. Why play in the last 3-4 weeks when you know all progress you are doing is gone, with very likely no one to show it to? You see this in seasonal play in the various ARPGs out there.
There’s quite a bit of an advantage a server has if they can maintain a no-wipe status. Its the largest draw of the servers in question.
Just not enough interest, and even those who claim to be interested will quickly lose interest once the newness wears off. I do find it fascinating that there are people in this thread claiming to want servers that wipe, who have never even played on one. Especially when they have more time spent playing on a single character than most have played entirely.
As someone who’s gone through over two dozen wipes, rerolls, and server changes over the last 7 years… a server wiping doesn’t bother me. I know its possible to not be fazed by it. But I also know that it can kill the game for others.
I mean if you’ve never done a wipe before. Hit recreate character on your current most progressed character and see how it feels. Some people find the experience to be awesome and nostalgic. Others… not so much.