Server Wipes for Some Servers

I vote no for regular server wipes. Merges win the day. :+1:

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If someone still has their build 6 years running. Do you really think you have a shot against that level of dedication and coordination? That’s 11,000 hours of consistent raid time.

You have a far better chance now while they are more or less board of monotony than if they get refreshed with specific goals at keeping newbies corpse camped south of the river.

Ding, ding, ding…

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:brazil: feedback Conan Exiles pc servers xbox ps4 @Community

:face_with_monocle: Não Wipe não será a solução… Acabei de fazer um teste sobre esse problema e descobri muita coisa que está acontecendo na conexão… :thinking: O ping e construções em breve vou fazer uma explicação sobre o assunto bem detalhado pois é um manual que evita LAG e ping alto. :sunglasses:

Solução para esse problema aqui:

Wipes of PvE servers are not needed, decay system work very good for this. i witnessed many great bases decayed and cleaned.

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Those are only part of the issues with public servers.

Yes the decay works great… on players that have quit, wont do anything about paved over PVE servers populated with serial refreshers hoarding 7 years of content.

Are you on the public servers to play or hoard content?
Serial refreshing so you don’t lose your hoard isn’t playing.

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Even server wipes not help, seen devs streams showing new content and they also have bugs.

I’d really love to see how you come to that conclusion and why you continue to present that as a fact, rather than you opinion.

maybe, because they are only “obvious facts” in your opinion?

seriously, can’t you see that you are stating your opinion and not a fact? You even realize that you are “pissing against the wind”, but stilll consider your opinion to be above everybody else’s, nay, you consider it even fact!

how full of yourself do you have to be, to not be able to distinguish between your opinion and objective reality?

and what makes you the arbiter of how I play Conan Exiles?

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Even more people wont login after events.

Why do the event if all your recipes you get will be wiped in a year?

If its tied to your account , you dont even need to login for the next event.

Its takes a capped character one week to get two bases setup with top tier crafters- armorsmith and weaponsmith on officials.

Siptah or Exiled Lands.

Ive done it. Pure knowledge of the game.

Wipe the servers- i dont care.

Leave the character alone.

Otherwise i might as well go play a shooter game instead.


About 5 k building pieces would be enough to start with for a solo player on officials

Want it larger? Enlarge your clan.

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This is why i group with someone i trust. Believe me i tried numerous times with public nobodies and it failed multiple times.

The last straw was me getting banned caught up in a group of clans around Sep and the devs were lazy instead of actually investigating.

Boom- 7 days for blocking resources. After the ban cleared- someone else in the exact same spot.

Thats how petty the community is on officials.

So i stay silent- and solo everything. If i need help i got people that will login to help.

Nuff said.


at least you understand that this is simply an opinion…I disagree, and if that is your actual train of thought, I think I do not even need to present a counter argument.

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Yep as have i. Many rise and fall. Im still there.

Re-implement a food system so your thralls starve to death if not fed. Youll need to login more than once a week to prevent their deaths.

I currently have 6 servers capped with thralls 60-100 each.

A food system will easily cut them down with less serial refreshers and more focused players for particular servers.

But what do i know- only been playing for 7 years.

Devs- play soulmask for a month and youll see how it works. I dont expect something as complex but the code here should be able to handle it.

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The only reality is that they don’t know how to manage these servers and they have turned into stinking, stagnant graveyards, where people have build for 6 years and new players instantly leave them (and the game).

That’s the only fact. But you can keep growing your PvE castle, I hope it’s going to blow up the server one day.

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sorry, also not a fact, this is your observation only…

how I play the game is really no concern of yours, as long as I stay within the given rules.
and serverwipes do not even solve the issue of giant castles…

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Let’s wipe servers because many players can’t behave and punish players that behave well, understand that they share the space with others. General punishment is imo an absolute ‘no go’.

Restrict a player to a certain amount of thralls, pets, building blocks, portals, altars and placeables is defendable imo.

On 1011 are 4 clans with more then 5 gigantic, horrific, bases each, easily surpassing 15-20k building blocks, bizar. FPS drops like a rock when you go near them. 2 clans where even banned for 10 days and lost all, now they are back, building even more.

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That happens near the fortress, too Because it is still kinda new, it should also be a test if you meet system requirements.

I get ZERO performance drop around large bases.

I have a NASA computer though- the average player does not.


:brazil: feedback Conan Exiles @Community
A maioria dos comentários que vejo aqui se refletem em “choro”

1 :sob: de ver jogadores que seguem as regras fortes no mesmo servidor.

2 :sob: por levar BAN e perder toda a base

3 :sob: por levar RAID e perdeu tudo que construiu

4 :sob: por ver muitos castelos lindos e não conseguir fabricar um parecido

5 :sob: por ver servidores privados com wipe e não gostar de jogar lá

6 :sob: por ser minoria de clã e tentar fazer um wipe contra todos contra você

7 :sob: por saber que alguém está com base em seu local favorito

8 :sob: por tentar entrar em um clã que não estão querendo sua presença

9 :sob: por não gostar de farmar e querer apenas jogar em servidor oficial

10 :sob: por ver algumas receitas exclusivas em um servidor onde não existe

Como eu sempre digo para meus filhos “Acorda pra vida menino” :thinking: @Funcom_Community

#1 Absolutely not True
#2 You have obviously never played on a PvE Official
#3 Your most likely a glorified single player who doesn’t have a clue about a community because you don’t play well with others.
#4 Lets here about your 10 million hours played in SP. Actually nobody cares.

Move along troll.

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