Shift modifier in keybind being ignored by Toggle Chat Window

Basic Info:
Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Other
Game Mode: Online Private
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: The 7 Legions TEST
Mods: 8804548368\Pippi.pak (Pippi), 3036057084\ModAdmin.pak (Tot ! Sudo), 2847709656\TotChat.pak (Tot ! Chat)

Bug Description:
In key bind settings, if I bind a hotkey to Toggle Chat Window, then bind the Shift+ hotkey to Global Chat, the Toggle Chat Window action will be triggered when pressing Shift+. This is incorrect; modifier keys like Shift should be required to trigger the associated action, meaning Toggle Chat Window should only trigger when I press Enter with no modifier keys.

Bug Reproduction:
Login. Open Settings. Navigate to the Controls section of Settings. Navigate to the Keybinds subsection, then navigate to the Communication keybinds subsection. In Communication keybinds, bind a key (any key) to Toggle Chat Window, then bind the key combination Shift+ (using the same key as you did for Toggle Chat Window) to Global Chat. Then exit settings. Press Shift+ and observe that the Toggle Chat Window action fires.

Greetings mixels!
Thank you for reaching out to us.

Due to the fact that your issue is related to a private server, we would advise you to join the Admins United Discord (also referred on: Admins United: Conan - Discord for Server Admins! ) as this discord includes other admins with the experience to better assist you mixels.

Continue conquering the lands!

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Sorry, this is a bug report, not a request for customer service.

These separate keybinds worked as expected before Age of Heroes launched. It is now behaving in the way I describe above, which is clearly not by design.

Thank you for your replu mixels!

Have you attempted to uninstall your mods completely and then run the game to see if the issue persists?

We’ll be waiting for your reply!

I’m not sure that’s possible. However I have spoken with the mod authors and they have both assured me that they only listen for events raised to the keybind’s event. The vanilla game manages the keybind framework, so I don’t see how this could possibly be the fault of any mod.

And I did test with only the above noted two mods installed.

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