Shows how much you care

Ok, I will post this in general discussion however I literally listed off a FEW glitches so it goes to show that your response is to close it because its not about bugs when my entire post was about bugs means you don’t care and nothing will change. Thank you for showing me that spending money on your game is a waste and I will no longer support funcom.

I love this game but I need to say this…

You guys are so quick to patch glitches that actually work in our favor. For example, the legendary chest glitch was patched in about a week but we still can’t the use Orb of Nergal table, thralls are still getting stuck and they are not teleporting, I keep falling when I get to the top of a wall or whatever I’m climbing, lag is absolutely outrageous, I keep dying when I sleep on my bed and log back in, I’m keep fighting invisible NPCs, the list goes on and on.

Something has to give here, every time an update goes out (that we already have to wait months for because PC always is taken care of first) it messes something else up and more updates come out with more glitches but old glitches are not being taken care of. At this point glitches are piling up and it’s getting harder to play this game. I don’t think the money you are asking for between the standard game and the DLCs are worth what you get in the game which is why I don’t have Siptah.

Please do something different here and take care of both maps and all platforms. I am just asking for stuff to work the way it’s suppose to. Couple of glitches is one thing but it’s gone too far at this point.


What you mention is not map specific and consoles have been patched as well. Bugs are prioritized, so if you know sleeping in your bed kills you right now, try sleeping on the floor.

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Not sure how many more times you are going to post this but the irony in your post is that you are complaining that a “good” bug was fixed when in fact it is still not fixed :blush:

Furthermore, spamming the same post over and over again in different forum sections is likely going to end up with your account being temporary muted giving you time to go over your narrative and find a better way to bring your point across.

Actually this is the second time I have posted because this is where they told me to post it therefore I posted it in the section that THEY SAID to post it, thanks

First of all I listed off a bunch of glitches and your comment is sleep on the floor? lol and that aside from the fact that DUH that’s what I’ve been doing but it doesn’t change the fact that the glitch still exist, that was my point is listing multiple glitches. Second, I never said anything was map specific so I don’t even know what that point was. Third I never said consoles never get patched. If you want to justify them that is your choice but I voiced my opinion and that is my choice.

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The reason things like the legendary chest bug are fixed faster comes down to the fact that they are easier to fix. Hypothetically at least, seeing as that bug isn’t actually completely fixed

I understand your frustration. It would be way better if things worked right and one fix didn’t break another. Just know there isn’t some malicious intent behind the bugs or the order they are fixed

You said this.

Asking for the game to work the way its suppose to is trying to cheat LOL

I know that I said, no where in there did I say anything was map specific

You are correct in that you are really just venting and have no actual criticisms or suggestions as to what should be done other than “fix everything or fix nothing”.

I get that some glitches are easier to deal with and it is what it is. My point is the glitches are out of control and it is getting harder to play. Like I said, love the game but I wanted to voice my opinion. Regardless if the chest glitch isn’t 100 percent fix, they fixed it enough so we can’t get the weapon out. Like another person pointed out when I posted this the first time, if they did a better job communicating about these glitches it would go a long way. What is most frustrating is that they read it and their reaction was to just close it rather then dealing with it. Again, communication goes a long way. A clan mate kept saying how they don’t care and I kept defending funcom but after this, it shows me that he may have had a point.

I can understand being frustrated with the game - I think most of us have experienced some of that at some point - the wrong bug or miscommunication at the wrong time feeling like the final straw (but we just can’t quit, lol). Regarding your original post - I think the reason it was closed unanswered is pretty much just what they said on it - it wasn’t really a bug report (though, you do list off several key bugs) and was therefore in ‘the wrong section’ - whether or not people agree with you, this is the right section. The bugs themselves have all been reported and (as far as I know) acknowledged by Funcom; that really is all you will get - know from that that they are working on fixing them and the fix will come. It seems to be general policy not to give more details than that - they’ve said they are aiming to have things fixed in 2.6 but no ETA as yet. And similarly, Funcom rarely comments again on a bug report after it has been acknowledged - in that sense they had nothing to respond to your original post with.

Could Funcom’s communication with the player base be improved - yes - many of us have said it many times. But, in the time I’ve used the forums, I’ve seen evidence of improvements in this area. It can be hard to be certain how much Funcom ‘cares’ about the game - but while they keep putting out updates and fixes, and continue to claim to care, I’ll take them at their word. I’ve seen devs on these forums talking about ideas they’re working on to continue improving the game (not giving details, of course, but clear plans and maybe a bit of excitement at wanting to tell us about the cool ideas :wink: ), so they certainly don’t appear to be giving up.

As for the chest bug being fixed (or half-fixed), if you take into account OctaviousWrex’s point about apparent ease of fixing (or even reproducing and identifying the cause), plus the simple fact that the chest bug was reported (loudly) the moment the update hit PC, while the console bugs weren’t discovered till later, so work wasn’t able to start on them as soon. it makes sense how that fix was ready sooner. Maybe it would have been better if they hadn’t released that hotfix to consoles until they also had fixes for the larger issues - but they get screamed at for delays any time they release something on PC and don’t get it to consoles as soon as possible, so maybe an understandable decision.

I understand your frustration, but my best advice is to not let it get to you - it’ll just make you feel more miserable about the game. If you can, play the game and just try to laugh at the bugs -they will be fixed - if not, maybe try playing something else that will occupy you for a bit (or something non-gaming related) and come back to Conan later. You’ve got time, the game’s unlikely to go away any time soon :slight_smile:

Dammit, another long post - hopefully there’s something of use in there…


I agree to the problems that comes and goes from times to times. It is frustrating… I agree.
The points I disagree are 2
One… The money :man_shrugging:.
I have burned this game, I cannot count the K hours I played. I don’t believe I have payed more than 100 euro or maybe more, but for these thousands of hours, years I play this game the amount is nothing, nothing. I don’t believe that Funcom over charge, I believe that they under charge the game, so I don’t think money is a correct point to complain.
20 euro for Siptah is money? Really? I don’t underestimate the financial position of people but I ain’t rich too m8, I am the only working person in the family of 4, so I know the value of money, quite well, yet 20 euro for Siptah is gift, we didn’t pay enough I believe we underpaid.
Two, attitude. I can understand frustration, but going against everyone in here is a bit rude don’t you think? You could explain kindly to the other members what exactly you mean, no reason to be aggressive, we are all players here playing the exact same game, every day, years now. So we all know the problems I guess don’t you think? If you know how to fight every day glitches it is cool, but if you don’t and you want help to improve your gaming experience, I believe decades of members can tip you here. Some players here are way over 50 years old, gentle men and ladies. Please use the proper formality and respect. Thank you and I beg you to take no offense.

LOL just like you came to vent about my opinion and don’t actually have any suggestions

just because you read it aggressive, doesn’t mean that’s how I wrote it but aside from that when the one person said to me that I’m just trying to cheat, that’s perfectly fine. So it’s okay for people to be “aggressive” to me but I’m not allowed to say anything back for voicing my opinion.

great that you feel like you got your monies worth but that doesn’t change my opinion. you say in once sentence that you understand financial troubles but then turn around and say 20 dollars is no big deal. again, not changing my opinion. you don’t want me to take offense but your entire post is about judging and criticizing my opinion, you didn’t have any point to add to this conversation. I don’t need people to agree with me, I’m open to anyone who is actually adding to the conversation but not anyone who is here to just criticize.

Ummmm yeeeaaah that’s a lot and I’m probably going to miss some points lol

Like I sd, fine, I posted in the wrong spot well now I have posted in the correct spot. so lets see what they say now if anything at all.

As far as funcom not repeating responses, that’s fine. I’m going by my experience. I can’t read every single response, just like they can’t respond to everything. the chest glitch was just one example of my overall point. but a clan mate just told me you can still get the weapon if you have a key, i wasn’t aware of that. either way, it was just an example.

to your point about giving the game a break, I am considering that bc it’s at a point where if I move to the other side of a room I have to wait for stuff to load in to just open a chest or go in a table. and maybe later down the line things will get better but like I sd I wanted to voice my opinion.

The irony of this statement is thick considering this is a flame thread about Funcom “not caring”.

To be completely fair I’m pretty sure it was supposed to be fixed and I thought was listed in the patch notes as fixed, so it’s a very easy mistake

I’m not going to disagree about the jankyness of this game. I love it, but I also have played and enjoyed even more broken games, and spent a lot of time breaking games with mods

The point is I have a very high threshold for how much jank is enough to turn me away.

I literally can not begin to count the number of save files from different games have been corrupted or lost. Sometimes it’s because I broke it with myself with mods, other times it’s just bug

But although I would wholehearted recommend this game to many people I would always have to preface it by explaining that it’s strait up broken in a lot of ways, it’s going to really annoy anyone at certain times

I believe this game will basically forever be like an early access game, even though it’s no longer considered to be so. Or at least until it is feature complete, but once that happens it will probably also end support

I mean maybe the higher ups will give the dev team and the QA team more money to hire more people and they can actually get ahead of the bug curve, or at least close the gap. I just don’t expect it, at least not in the short term but it’s a nice thought


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