Sigh .. Star metal meteorites that refuse to crack open


Tested 5 times in #1035(Since last “fix”)

Lots of fireorbs and oil, even with the blue cracks and with the orbs sticking nicely to the nodes, they will not crumble.

Not all, as some players report “normal” succes, but for me 5 out of 5 times it’s to no avail.

Note: no meteor showers seen in advance, some report them, i had no luck.

3 of 5 times tryed on a freshly restarted server, no difference there.

Hi Arizer, I’m playing on PVE official testlive EU1. I will do some tests there tomorrow.

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orbs do the most impact when they break right on the “head” of the meteor. If it’s somehow on the sides, or the meteor is clipped into other objects, it won’t work.

When a meteor is set a bit sideways, you need to aim at it’s “head tip” sideways too, kinda like aiming to give it a proper bl0wj0b. It’s all in the trajectory.

Im not sure if there is a specific place to throw 'm at.
Just in general “close”

Sometimes anywhere (close) will do, you see the flames always go “back:” to near the nodes.
They do crack & crumble too when done that way. (but no recent info on that from me)

My feeling was that it was nerfed in a circle “around” to make it more doable, with the orbs bouncing off etc.

but… not always… lol sometimes they seem to have to "stick"to the node to have effect.

Maybe devs should/could tell how thats arranged, so we know where to focus.

does an orb have to stick of is "close: enough?

Wich could be a spoiler, dunno, they decide.

My experience suggests that the first orb needs to stick to the top of the meteorite, and the other orbs only need to land somewhere close.

My routine was first throw fire orb. If the meteorite didn’t show signs of cracking straight away I gave up (maybe one third of meteorites). Otherwise I threw grease orbs at intervals of 20 seconds until it broke apart (5-6 usually enough).

I had better luck with explosives (only one failure out of ~10 meteorites). And now with a T4 alchemist they’re only 50 steelfire a pop.

It’s not about the working time, it’s about the efficency.

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Ok folks… Protip: Use gas orbs, instead of grease orbs, if you can spare them. Gas orbs seem to have a greater area of effect when they are ignited by a demon fire orb than do the grease orbs. Four or five gas orbs have worked well for me, even on stubborn meteorites. Gas orbs don’t seem to need the perfect placement that grease orbs do.

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