Siptah heart of a hero

Is there a reliable place on Siptah for these? I just got the bindings recipe and I’ve been killing 1 skull humans with no luck.

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Most of the ones I came across were actually in chests. A camp in the north west, and the cave with the Stygian invaders are the ones I recall. Apologies for being so vague.

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On the EL map, they show in relic hunter chests, so I would try anywhere on Siptah there are stygians.

Awesome, thanks.


Got it!

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Arnos camp north west, raid chests. This camp is an exile camp and it’s the easier of all!
Then again north east there’s an island, the very first stygian camp that has almost every time set arch priest too, again the chests may have heart of hero.
But my best suggestion holds to the camps that @Ragnaguard told you. The first camp holds 3 powerful secrets.
1 the maw of hyena
2 Bindings of the dead and Asuras armor pieces
3 Reinforced steel truncheon
In order to take the bindings of the dead you need the grave digger. The camp you are targeting needs climbing, it’s not easily visible, it’s above the first pirate camp. You will find a rumble of stones that needs you to use the grave digger.
It gives, bindings of the dead, Asuras armor pieces (delve one to gain the survivalist armor) and legendary weapons.
If you gain the bindings of the dead use legendary weapon repair kits to repair it.
In this challenge i managed to finish it with this camp.

Good luck exile, may rngGesus be with you :+1:t6:


We get Heart of a Hero out of the chests in New Khemi Docks.


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