You are free to accept or demand whatever you feel is appropriate.
I am simply attempting to relay to Funcom’s Community Support Team , and other players, in the clearest terms I am able, the state of the game as it exists currently for the platform PS4 console. Based on my personal experience.
Funcom Community Support have been good enough to interact with me for several months now, and I chose to place my response in this particular Bug Report as it seemed to most closely mirror the issues I have been experiencing.
I am not able to play as often or for as long as I have previously been able to play. But as I discover fixes and shortfalls I try to convey them clearly, and word them as best I am able to in the Forums so that others may add, agree, or disagree, in the hopes of moving forward.
I do not pretend to be anything other than a fan of the game. I am not advocating any behaviour for anyone else. I simply meant to be complete in my observations. And in my own assessment of the game currently I reached a conclusion that I was willing to move forward with. If you have observations or input please share them, I am happy to see the state of the game as it exists for other console players.
It is my opinion that the game had reached a point of unplayability for the solo player, just before Sorcery 2.0 Update was launched, and it is also my opinion that the game has currently regained a level of playability on the PS4 assuming the 2 caveats I have mentioned above.
Do I hope for more progress, in the future? Yes. Am I happy with the most recent progress, also yes. And hopefully the dialog will continue moving forward.
(I will clarify something from my above statements though, when I said limited build size, I am referring to a build that a player intends to keep and defend in a solo game. I have, and believe I still could still design a massive base in single player. I would only do that, If I had an intention to move that design to some online server for clan use. I simply would not try to play an extended game with a massive build in solo mode, as I recognize my PS4 would not handle the complexities that would present. )
A modest build is still substantial, and for myself, so far includes a four tower keep similar to the one seen above, with the removal of tower floors that previously extended above the level of the uppermost gates, certain other memory friendly modifications, including the physical separation of map-room from the base itself, and removal of additional anti-climb, as it is not needed in single player. As well as removal of many, but not all additional placeables that were nice, but seldom used.
You are correct, you should not accept simply starting over. I had achieved a level of stability in a previously unstable and frustrating game stat, and was happy to share my experience. I hope you are able to regain your game stability through your own conversations, and Bug Reports, deductions and conversations with the Devs, and Forum members. We all benefit from such conversations.
Good Luck, I wish you the best. @Lee100.