Small Chicken House & wild pheasants

Hello everyone,

the last time, i suggested small pet stables, and they have been included soon after. Thank you so much for that, Funcom Team!
My suggestion would be to add wild mountain /forest chicken specimen,
who can lay eggs, have feathers and meat.
If you build a small chickens house (similar to apiary or pet house)
you can then insert grain and plant fibre, and you get eggs, and dung/manure.
There could be a limit of max 6 or so chickens and a roaster;
and they could add a lot of ambient atmosphere, with sounds and nice colours.
The Farm aspect could especially work well with Nemidian castle types and farms. I say that as a builder, survivalist and roleplayer :slight_smile:
Also, spawns could be added to both maps.
They would behave similar to rabbits, animals that run and don’t fight.
The roaster could maybe be aggressive, similar to the Capricorn (mountain goat male).
To keep the stylistic vibes, they could be a special “CONAN” wild version of the beautiful Common pheasant.
I would totally love this. What about you?
Thank you for actively considering and discussing this,
your great fan

Male pheasant reference:

Female pheasant reference:

Source: taken from: Common pheasant - Wikipedia


I agree with any egg farming or easier gaining. Don’t forget that we already have ostriches in the game with the most delicious egg of all(like @LostBrythunian suggested and he is absolutely correct) .
They could just make the feeding item for eggs “difficult”. Deal!
But since the exploit for eggs is gone (pickaxe, lol) , some extra suggestions is the barkeeper could sell an egg for 5 gold, or a vendor in Sepermeru. This way Siptah would be implemented as well without huge issues.
All of the suggestions why not.
We need easier eggs.


This one is personally a huge fan of having player controlled chicken coops.
Having worked the farm many a year in this one’s youth, this is far from the most taxing of processes.
This one would say, compared to running an apiary, the chickens are often easier than the bees.

Yes, putting ostriches or shoebills ins pen should also be a source for them as well.
And while this one does find the idea of getting multiple eggs with a tool silly, this one also has gone on about the absurdity of baking bread in this game. Furthermore, different animals have different sized eggs.
At present, it seems we may have an easier time of getting giant insect eggs than bird eggs…

Of course, if we actually went in on making the birds a thing, we may actually see poultry meat. The game notes pig meat as it’s own thing, why not poultry?
We even have several poultry dishes in the game already.

Not to tempt the fates, but this one once hoped that there was going to be an Age of Civilization or Cities, wherein the cooking system (amongst other things) would get an overhaul.

Regardless, 100% support domestication of fowl.
If we can take sabrekittehs and giant flightless wasps, why not some mobile chicky tenders?


I mean they could, if they wanted, add birds and birds voices.
But chicken for economy and atmosphere would be the main aspect of the suggestion.

In case, the devs have a challenge with many sound sources at once,
being a Unreal dev myself, i would like to point out, this fixes the issue:

cheers and best of success!

Khitan clothes (think: chinese opera and ancient warrior figures)
could include pheasant feathers, profit from that a lot.

Do you know the lore and canon or anything about the Hyborian world?

let me quote the wiki:

The Khitan were a nomadic people from Northeast Asia who ( from the 4th century) inhabited an area corresponding to parts of modern Mongolia , Northeast China and the Russian Far East .

The history of the Khitans dates back to the 4th century. The Khitan people dominated much of Mongolia and modern Manchuria (Northeast China) by the 10th century, under the Liao dynasty, and eventually collapsed by 1125 (or 1211).

Originally from Xian Bei origins they were part of the Kumo Xi tribe until 388 when the Kumo Xi-Khitan tribal grouping was defeated by the newly established Northern Wei. This allowed the Khitan to organize and consolidate their own tribe and entity which led to the beginning of Khitan written history.

From the 5th to the 8th centuries the Khitan were dominated by the steppe powers to their West the Turks and then the Uyghurs. The Chinese also came from the south (Northern dynasties or Tang). In some cases they were under Korean domination (from the East, mainly Goguryeo) according to the balance of power at any given time. Under this triple domination the Khitan started to show growing power and independence. Their rise was slow compared to others because they were frequently crushed by neighbouring powers—each using the Khitan warriors when needed but ready to crush them when the Khitans became too powerful.

Enjoying the departure of the Uyghur people for the West and the collapse of the Tang dynasty in the early 10th century they established the Liao dynasty in 907. The Liao dynasty proved to be a significant power north of the Chinese plain as they were continuously moving south and West and gaining control over former Chinese and Turk-Uyghur’s territories. They eventually fell to the Jin dynasty of the Jurchen in 1125, who subordinated and absorbed the Khitans to their military benefit.

source: Khitan - Official Conan Exiles Wiki
So, their lore suggests clearly at some points (same as their furniture)
that they are chinese or/and strongly chinese influenced; and partly mixed
with Koreans and Mongols (see that source linked).

instead, darkpower, let me ask you, if you know the Asian lore of the Lingzi:

They are typically used on the helmets of warriors,[4] where a pair of pheasant feathers extensions are the indicators that the character is a warrior figure; the length of the feathers, on the other hand, is an indicator of the warrior’s rank.[1]

source: Lingzi - Wikipedia.

With that, they are a clear pendant to the Nordheimer Deer Horn helmets,
showing off their ranks.

Legacy of the Nordheimers - Official Conan Exiles Wiki

So, maybe you think “feathers are cute” but that is a misconception;
if you show the exotic cultures in Conan Exiles, then this is added value,
because it is the way how power is shown in these different cultures.

I think its only an additional opportunity for the concept art and art style,
but that isnt the core of this suggestion.

The core was the chickens.
Especially pheasants/wild chickens are interesting, wild exotic creatures and can be seemlessly integrated into daily life economy as well as blend into atmosphere.
I agree that “domesticated” (Nemedian/Turan?) chickens might be out of place in the wilderness of the Exiled Lands or Siptah…

anyway, a little chicken house would be really nice, as above.

I didn’t ask to contest your suggestion. Howard described the Khitai culture that he created clearly in his essay, “The Hyborian Age”. There is also an RPG sourcebook specifically about the Khitai culture. I’m not saying that there were no chickens in Hyboria or that the Khitai did not raise chickens. It is important to note that a creative derivative is not a copy. The Khitai culture is a creative derivative of the Chinese culture, not a copy, which means that not everything has a direct counterpart or a counterpart at all. A chicken house would be cool for you to have being that you desire it. I’m not implying any suggestion against it. I saw what you posted and I read your reply. I see what you are saying… you want pheasants, and that’s not a problem or a bad thing.

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Thank you for making it clear, and explaining.
Yes, i am new to the lore.
I would love to see more wildlife and domestic animals,
and this seemed to me to be the most impactful addition;
simply to add gameplay value /content :slight_smile:

The point is that the Khitai are not Chinese when they existed before China nor is the Khitai a copy of Chinese culture. So, to identify a culture (Chinese) that existed thousands of years after the Khitai as being the same as the Khitai is inaccurate. The Khitai are not Chinese by another name. The Khitai are a creative derivative by Howard, which means they were not real. So to use real Chinese culture in any way to describe or identify the Khitai is also inaccurate with the lore/cannon that Howard created.

That being said there is no doubt that there is an influence which Robert E. Howard used. But you are quite correct that they are not a 1:1 swap by any stretch. In fact, the Hyborian Age pre-dates the Ice Age so yeah, there should be considerable differences between the two cultures. Not that there cannot be, and would not be, some things that bare similarities but such similarities would be superficial and or coincidental.

Chinese culture is 5000 years old.
Thats like saying that Turan are pre-Egyptian.
Are you sure?
There is no predecessor culture known to chinese “before chinese in the same region”. I studied chinese history at university and lived there a while, just for context.

It pre-dates the ice age 10.000 years ago but people wear 15th century plate armour? Now i am a bit dissappointed in the lore worldbuilding and design…

Just to give a better background,
this lignzi originates in the Guan in Hanfu,
that is 4000 years ago.

Anyways. i really like the style of these pheasants feathered warrior helmets.
You also saw them in black myth wukong, I just remember.

What do you think about it from aesthetical standpoints?

I also have chickens and love the animals, because they are cute to watch and
add some live to the atmosphere, i think that would be cool in conan.
Maybe i should look around if i can mod them in, i have done a few mods before, i am just often lacking the time to work on it.
If you do, you want it to look professional and seamlessly integrate it with the design of the game, so of course, an official adaptation with new creatures would be the best! :slight_smile:


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It’s fantasy…
No history at all !!!
The fact that the writer of this series was using historical names in an audience that didn’t had Google :rofl:, doesn’t make the Conan series historical event, but novel!
However, you shouldn’t be surprised if people repeat history, it’s on our nature!


Personally, this one prefers the armour style of Lu Bu Fengxian to that of the Monkey King.

But that said, and yes, the Hyborian Age is prehistoric mytho-history with a wide net that makes what one might recognize as inspiration from the Golden Age of Piracy contemporary to Mycenaean Hellas and Early Kingdom Egypt.
It’s all very much a strange brew.
But look at it from a perspective of what is fun rather than what happened in our own documented history.
It also took names from both mythology and history. So don’t take them too literally.
For those who are more familiar with Chinese mytho-history, think of it like the era previous to the founding of the Xia dynasty wherein many martial arts originated.

It’s not just Khitai.
Picts, of the Hyborian Age, are also utterly different from the Picts of Antiquity.

That all said…
The art team has shown a willingness to grab inspiration from anywhere. That is a statement to their credit. Make no mistake, this one approves, even when this one scratches head at times…
In this regard, this one does think some Pheasant feather ornamented outfits, especially hats, would be nice. We already have a feather chemise of sorts.


I am glad that the appeal can be seen by you and others :slight_smile:

Regarding the (pheasant inspired) wild chickens,
perhaps another aspect why we don’t have many small animals might be performance.
A flock of chickens does not cover a large area, and yet it contains a group of npc characters.
I hope that if you limit the amount of chickens per chicken pen / house,
this does the trick. Technically, if people want to add 300 npc charcters or animals
in their dwelling, they can already do so.

I am still considering modding as plan B to have new creatures.
Does anyone know if i can directly make mods in Unreal or do i have to use a specific tool?

Best wishes and thanks

This one has no experience, but there is a devkit.
Is it up to date? This one knows not

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many of these things seem familiar, i will have to check if the most recet epic launcher still has the “Mods” button. but it looks very promising.

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