So is there gonna be flyin mounts in the new update

U know all this could be settled and be history if a Admin or Dev would just say on this topix yes flyin mounts or no. Lets see.

While stating the obvious, is a joke post not to be taken seriously.

That being said, in the Scarlet Citadel, Pelias transforms himself into a bat demon and flies Conan home. Definitely not outside the realm of possibility if they introduced something like that. But I do think youā€™re reading too far into it


Patch notes are never posted before an update, always after.

Are you sure youā€™re not trolling us? Because if you are, thatā€™s some really good work :smiley:

Anyway, Iā€™ll shut up about now.

As for the flying mounts, even though the idea is fun, I really hope they donā€™t add them. Not just for PVP balance reasons, but because it would completely wreck the performance.



Anyway, I donā€™t think weā€™ll see flying mounts. Just my guess tho.

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Yeah, I donā€™t want actual flying mounts, but I would be ok with a teleport mechanic that ostensibly is from a flying mount (details).


Ya that would be cool U know I played a game but canā€™t remember the name but U got on a big ship boat that flew thru the air and it took you to places on the map.

As a preference, if we got flying mounts I would spend weeks grumbling under my breath at how g@y this sh$t wasā€¦

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Having seen Andy in person I can confirm that his beard is in fact 5% larger than it used to be.

They come out simultaneously to the patch, neither before nor after. :wink:

I really have to say that the idea of them is NOT fun in the setting of the Hyborian Age, nor would it be in the G-Portal servers we have. shudders

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The only way I see flying ā€˜mountsā€™ is a temporary bat-demon mount that takes you to a new dungeon. Which actually sounds kind of awesome.

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Why flying mounts when you can have flying bases? :smiley:


Honestly, I hope no flying mounts. We will need air traffic control and restricted zones. Automatic defence railgun grounding anyone who attempts flying over my base.



Homing arrows?

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That sounds like sorcery :thinking:


guys thereā€™s already flying mounts in the game already^ you just havenā€™t discovered them yet^ they introduced them 3 years ago^

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Told you

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In the video that I havenā€™t seen (probably), they looked more like they were gliding. I guess we will see on the 21st.

But there was a shot of someone getting picked up by that bat demon. However I wouldnā€™t call it a mount. It looks like you are literally getting dragged in the air. They mention new fast travel. Iā€™m wondering if what we are seeing is here is the cinematics of a fast travel method. It picks you up, does a flight in the air scene while loading, and then a drop off at the location you selected

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Na there just giving us a taste of what`s to come.

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Lolā€¦ok. keeping the faith real. But as you so humbly pointed out.

You were right

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All I want to do is drop bombs. :grinning: